This gem
can be used with rake
, in order to provide
recurrent tasks related to Docker image development. The following tasks
are provided (as default):
rake build[cached] # Build image
rake exec[command] # Run a command in a running container
rake push # Push image
rake restart # Restart container
rake run[command] # Run a command in a new container
rake start # Start container as awseome_image
rake stop # Stop container
In your Rakefile
require 'kamaze/docker_image' do |config| = 'awseome_image'
config.version = '4.2.2'
config.path = 'image'
config.verbose = false
task default: [:build]
Optionally, ssh
task can be enabled: do |config|
config.ssh = {
enabled: true
Now, you can do:
rake build restart ssh[pstree]
rake ssh
SSH will wait (using a timeout) until your container is up and running.
In your gems.rb
source ''
git_source(:github) { |name| "{name}.git" }
gem 'kamaze-docker_image', \
github: 'SwagDevOps/kamaze-docker_image', branch: 'master'