This small module aims at providing a simple way to add a few features (seamlessly) to the doctrine CLI tool (ZF2) such as the ability to specify the entity manager we want to use optionally.
php public/index.php orm:validate-schema --em=orm_custom
Suggested installation method is through composer:
php composer.phar require swissengine/doctrine-module-extension:dev-master
If you use Zend Framework 2, you can now enable this module in your application by adding it to config/application.config.php
as SwissEngine\Tools\Doctrine\Extension
Just make sure, in order for this to work, you have your doctrine factories set in your config file.
'service_manager' => [
'factories' => [
'doctrine.entitymanager.orm_custom' => new \DoctrineORMModule\Service\EntityManagerFactory('orm_custom'),