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choisy committed May 8, 2024
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349 changes: 177 additions & 172 deletions tpt_model2.qmd
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ You can ask report errors or for additional analysis [here](

## Packages

Required: `deSolve`, `tibble`, `purrr`, `dplyr`, `magrittr`, `bbmle`, `RColorBrewer`
Required: `deSolve`, `tibble`, `purrr`, `dplyr`, `magrittr`, `bbmle`, `RColorBrewer`,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,151 +96,18 @@ polygon2 <- function(x, y, col = 4, alpha = .2, ...) {

## Epidemiological models

### A minimalist SID

![Flow diagram of a minimalist SID model.](SIDbis.png){width=460 #fig-tinySID}

#### Dynamics

\frac{dS}{dt} &= \sigma I + \alpha D - (1 - \pi) \beta DS \\
\frac{dI}{dt} &= (1 - \pi) \beta DS - (\delta + \sigma) I \\
\frac{dD}{dt} &= \delta I - \alpha D

R code:

sid_dyn <- function(N, I0 = 0, D0, beta, sigma, pi, delta, alpha, times) {
ode2(c(S = N - I0 - D0, I = I0, D = D0),
function(time, state, pars) {
with(as.list(c(state, pars)), {
infection <- (1 - pi) * beta * D * S
dS <- sigma * I + alpha * D - infection
dI <- infection - (delta + sigma) * I
dD <- delta * I - alpha * D
list(c(dS, dI, dD))
c(beta = beta, sigma = sigma, pi = pi, delta = delta, alpha = alpha))
polygon3 <- function(x, y1, y2, col = 4, ...) {
polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(y1, rev(y2)), col = col, border = NA, ...)

#### Equilibrium

S^* &= N - I^* - D^* \\
I^* &= \frac{\alpha}{\delta} D^* \\
D^* &= \frac{\delta}{\alpha + \delta} N -
\frac{\alpha}{\alpha + \delta} \frac{\delta + \sigma}{(1 - \pi)\beta}

R code:

sid_equ <- function(N, beta, sigma, pi, delta, alpha) {
Dstar <- delta * N / (alpha + delta) - alpha * (delta + sigma) /
((alpha + delta) * (1 - pi) * beta)
Istar <- alpha * Dstar / delta
c(S = N - Istar - Dstar, I = Istar, D = Dstar)
mclapply2 <- function(...) {
parallel::mclapply(..., mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1)

A function that plots the dynamics and equilibrium values of the infection prevalence
and the disease incidence and prevalence:

plot_dyn_equ <- function(
N = 1e5,
D0 = 350,
beta = .000001,
sigma = 0,
pi = 0,
delta = .0001,
alpha = 1 / 70,
times = seq2(0, 25000)) {
sims <- sid_dyn(N = N, I0 = 0, D0 = D0, beta = beta, sigma = sigma, pi = pi,
delta = delta, alpha = alpha, times = times)
equs <- sid_equ(N = N, beta = beta, sigma = sigma, pi = pi,
delta = delta, alpha = alpha)
plotl2 <- function(...) plotl(..., xlab = "time (year)")
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3), cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))
with(sims, {
plotl2(time, I, col = 2, ylab = "infection prevalence")
abline(h = equs["I"], col = 2)
plotl2(time, D, col = 3, ylab = "disease prevalence")
abline(h = equs["D"], col = 3)
plotl2(time, delta * I, col = 4, ylab = "yearly disease incidence")
abline(h = delta * equs["I"], col = 4)

Let's do some verification:

```{r fig.height = 2.7}

#### Calibration

In absence of TPT (i.e. $\pi = 0$), let's further assume that $\sigma = 0$. Let's call
$d$ the yearly disease incidence. Then,

\delta &= \frac{d^*}{I^*} \\
\alpha &= \frac{D^*}{d^*} \\
\beta &= \frac{N}{\alpha} - \frac{\alpha + \delta}{\alpha \delta} D^*

Corresponding R code:

param_val <- function(inf_prev, dis_prev, dis_incd, N = 1e5) {
delta <- dis_incd / inf_prev
alpha <- dis_incd / dis_prev
c(alpha = alpha,
beta = alpha * delta / (delta * N - (alpha + delta) * dis_prev),
delta = delta)

In Vietnam:

* prevalence of infection: somewhere between 10 and 30% of the population?
* prevalence of disease: 176 / 100,000
* yearly incidence of disease: 322 / 100,000

(p_val <- param_val(2e4, 176, 322))

Let's see:

```{r fig.height = 2.7}
plot_dyn_equ(D0 = 176,
beta = p_val[["beta"]],
delta = p_val[["delta"]],
alpha = p_val[["alpha"]],
times = seq2(0, 3000))

## Prophylaxis model

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,7 +399,7 @@ ts <- seq2(0, 30)
plot4(ts, hill(ts, 10, 1, 1), ylim = 0:1, ylab = "treatment efficacy")

## Full model
### Full prophylaxis

The $\pi$ proportion of the epidemiological model can now be expressed as:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -561,53 +429,190 @@ pi_value <- function(

Let's try it:

```{r include=FALSE, eval=FALSE}
pi_value(tau = .9, pd = 10, n = 1e4, le = 1e6) |>
density() |>
plot2(x, y, xlab = "proportion of new infections sterilized",
ylab = "density of probability", xlim = 0:1)
polygon2(x, y)}

pi_values <- pi_value()
tau_vals <- c(.2, .5, .75, .9, 1)
out1 <- tau_vals |>
map(~ pi_value(tau = .x, pd = 10, n = 1e4, le = 1e6)) |>
plot2(NA, xlim = 0:1, ylim = c(0, max(unlist(map(out1, extract2, "y")))),
xlab = "proportion of new infections sterilized", ylab = "density of probability")
walk2(out1, seq_along(tau_vals), ~ with(.x, {
polygon2(x, y, col = .y)
lines2(x, y, col = .y)
add_legend_sterilization <- function(...) {
legend2("topright", legend = paste0(rev(100 * tau_vals), "%"),
col = rev(seq_along(tau_vals)),
title = "percentage of recent infections identified")

Once we have the values of $\pi$
A function that plot a quantile distribution along the $y$-axis:

N <- 1e5
I0 <- 2e4
D0 <- 176
d0 <- 322
p_val <- param_val(I0, D0, d0, N)
dynamics_dfs <- map(pi_values, sid_dyn,
N = N, I0 = I0, D0 = D0,
beta = p_val[["beta"]],
sigma = 0,
delta = p_val[["delta"]],
alpha = p_val[["alpha"]], times = seq2(0, 50))
quantplot <- function(x, y, probs = c(.025, seq(.05, .95, .05), .975),
col = adjustcolor(4, .07)) {
y <- map_dfr(y, quantile, probs)
nbcol <- ncol(y)
nb <- (nbcol - (nbcol %% 2)) / 2 - 1
walk(0:nb, ~ polygon3(x, y[[1 + .x]], y[[nbcol - .x]], col = col))

Let's generate the distribution of the proportion of new infections sterilized for
various proposed durations of treatment (about 1'40"):

plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 50), ylim = c(0, 350))
walk(dynamics_dfs, ~ with(.x, lines(time, I * p_val[["delta"]], col = adjustcolor(4, .05))))
pd_vals <- seq(1, 40, le = 512)
out <- map(tau_vals,
~ mclapply2(pd_vals,
function(x) pi_value(pd = x, tau = .x, n = 1e4, le = 1e6)))

This gives:

simulations <- function(
tau = .95,
pd = 20,
times = seq2(0, 50),
N = 1e5, I0 = 2e4, D0 = 176, d0 = 322,
Xv = 15, hv = 4,
Xf = 200, Yf = .15, hf = 7,
Xmp = .875, Ym = 1, hm = 50,
Xe = 10, Ye = 1, he = 1,
by = pd / (le - 1), le = 512,
n = 1000) {
p_val <- param_val(I0, D0, d0, N)
pi_value(tau, pd, Xv, hv, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym, hm, Xe, Ye, he, by, le, n) |>
map(sid_dyn, N = N, I0 = I0, D0 = D0, beta = p_val[["beta"]], sigma = 0,
delta = p_val[["delta"]], alpha = p_val[["alpha"]], times = times)
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 45), ylim = 0:1,
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "proportion of new infections sterilized")
~ quantplot(pd_vals, .x, probs = seq(.025, .975, le = 75),
col = adjustcolor(.y, .03)))

## Epidemiological consequences

### A minimalist SID

![Flow diagram of a minimalist SID model.](SIsIfD.png){width=320 #fig-tinySID}

#### Dynamics

\frac{dS}{dt} &= \gamma_s I_s + \gamma_f I_f + \alpha D - (1 - p\pi)\beta D S\\
\frac{dI_s}{dt} &= (1 - p) \beta D S - (\gamma_s + \delta_s) I_s \\
\frac{dI_f}{dt} &= (1-\pi) p \beta D S - (\gamma_f + \delta_f) I_f \\
\frac{dD}{dt} &= \delta_s I_s + \delta_f I_f - \alpha D

with $N = S + I_s + I_f + D$. R code:

sid_dyn <- function(N = 1e5, Is0 = 0, If0 = 0, D0,
pi, p, beta, gammas, gammaf, deltas, deltaf, alpha, times) {
ode2(c(S = N - Is0 - If0 - D0, Is = Is0, If = If0, D = D0),
function(time, state, pars) {
with(as.list(c(state, pars)), {
infection <- beta * D * S
dS <- gammas * Is + gammaf * If + alpha * D - (1 - p * pi) * infection
dIs <- (1 - p) * infection - (gammas + deltas) * Is
dIf <- (1 - pi) * p * infection - (gammaf + deltaf) * If
dD <- deltas * Is + deltaf * If - alpha * D
list(c(dS, dIs, dIf, dD))
c(pi = pi, p = p, beta = beta, gammas = gammas, gammaf = gammaf,
deltas = deltas, deltaf = deltaf, alpha = alpha))

#### Equilibrium

S^* &= \frac{(\gamma_f + \delta_f)(\gamma_s + \delta_s)}
{(1 - p) \gamma_f \delta_s +
(1 - \pi) p \gamma_s \delta_f +
(1 - p \pi) \delta_f \delta_s} \frac{\alpha}{\beta} \\
I_s^* &= \frac{(1 - p) \beta}{\gamma_s + \delta_s} D^* S^* \\
I_f^* &= \frac{(1 - \pi) p \beta}{\gamma_f + \delta_f} D^* S^* \\
D^* &= \frac{N - S^*}
{1 + (1 - p \beta S^*) / (\gamma_s + \delta_s) +
([1 - \pi] p \beta S^*) / (\gamma_f + \delta_f)}

R code:

out <- map(c(3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40), ~ simulations(pd = .x))
sid_equ <- function(N = 1e5, pi, p, beta, gammas, gammaf, deltas, deltaf, alpha) {
S <- (gammaf + deltaf) * (gammas + deltas) * alpha /
(((1 - p) * gammaf * deltas +
(1 - pi) * p * gammas * deltaf +
(1 - p * pi) * deltaf * deltas) * beta)
D <- (N - S) /
(1 + (1 - p * beta * S) / (gammas + deltas) +
((1 - pi) * p * beta * S) / (gammaf + deltaf))
betaDS <- beta * D * S
c(S = S,
Is = (1 - p) * betaDS / (gammas + detlas),
If = (1 - pi) * p * betaDS / (gammaf + deltaf),
D = D)

A function that plots the dynamics and equilibrium values of the infection prevalence
and the disease incidence and prevalence:

plot_dyn_equ <- function(
N = 1e5,
Is0 = 0,
If0 = 0,
D0 = 350,
pi = 0,
p = .9,
beta = 1e-6,
gammas = 0,
gammaf = 0,
deltas = 0,
deltaf = 1e-4,
alpha = 1 / 70,
times = seq2(0, 25000)) {
sims <- sid_dyn(N, Is0, If0, D0,
pi, p, beta, gammas, gammaf, deltas, deltaf, alpha, times)
equs <- sid_equ(N, pi, p, beta, gammas, gammaf, deltas, deltaf, alpha)
plotl2 <- function(...) plotl(..., xlab = "time (year)")
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 4)) #, cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))
with(sims, {
plotl2(time, Is, col = 2, ylab = "infection prevalence")
abline(h = equs["Is"], col = 2)
plotl2(time, If, col = 3, ylab = "infection prevalence")
abline(h = equs["If"], col = 3)
plotl2(time, D, col = 3, ylab = "disease prevalence")
abline(h = equs["D"], col = 3)
plotl2(time, deltas * Is + deltaf * If, col = 4, ylab = "yearly disease incidence")
abline(h = deltas * equs["Is"] + deltaf * equs["If"], col = 4)

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