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Starting computing the rate of decrease in incidence
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choisy committed May 16, 2024
1 parent 7df9289 commit efd7950
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1,178 changes: 626 additions & 552 deletions tpt_model2.html

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298 changes: 208 additions & 90 deletions tpt_model2.qmd
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Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ find_rate <- function(p = .1, b1 = .5 * p, b2 = 1.5 * p) {

## Prophylaxis model
## Prophylaxis

### The Hill equation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ lines2(ts, hill(ts, 20, 1, 5), col = 3)
legend2("topleft", legend = c("optimistic", "pessimistic"), col = 4:3)

### Full prophylaxis
### Full model

The proportion $\pi$ of recent infections that can be sterilized then reads:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,72 +546,6 @@ add_legend_sterilization()

A dashboard that gathers everything regarding prophylaxis:

dashboard <- function(
max_dur = 40,
tau = .99,
Xv = 15, Yv = 1, hv = 4, Zv = 1,
Xf = 200, Yf = .15, hf = 7,
Xmp = .875, Ym = 1, hm = 50,
Xe = 10, Ye = 1, he = 1,
le = 512, # nb of pts along the x axes
npop = 1000, # nb of pts along the distribution to draw from
nspl = 1000, # nb of pts to draw from the distribution (nspl >> npop is better)
probs = seq(.025, .975, le = 75),
ylim1 = 0:1, ylim3 = 0:1, ylim4 = 0:1,
col1 = 4, col2 = 4, col3 = 4, col4 = 4,
alpha = .1, smooth = TRUE, f1 = 2 / 3, f2 = .08, ...) {
ds <- seq(.1, max_dur, le = le)
# 1. treatment uptake
plot2(ds, uptake(ds, Xv, Yv, Zv, hv), ylim = ylim1, col = col1,
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)", ylab = "uptake probability")
# 2. actual durations of treatment
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, max_dur),
ylim = c(0, max_dur),
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "of treatment (days)")
mtext("actual duration", 2, 2.25)
eds <- mclapply2(ds,
draw_durations(x, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym, hm, le = npop, n = nspl))
quantplot(ds, eds, probs, col = col2, alpha, smooth, f = f1, ...)
abline(0, 1)
# 3. pharmaco-dynamics treatment efficacy
plot3(ds, hill(ds, Xe, Ye, he), ylim = ylim3, col = col3, ylab = "treatment efficacy")
# 4. intervention efficacy
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 45), ylim = ylim4,
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "infections sterilized")
mtext("proportion of new", 2, 2.25)
out <- mclapply2(ds,
function(x) pi_value(tau, x, Xv, Yv, hv, Zv, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym,
hm, Xe, Ye, he, le = npop, n = nspl))
quantplot(ds, out, probs, col = col4, alpha, smooth, f = f2, ...)
lines2(ds, 1 - map_dbl(out, ~ mean(1 - .x)), col = 2, lty = 3)
invisible(list(d = ds, pi = out))

Let's try it:

opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))
dashboard(probs = seq(.001, .999, le = 9), alpha = .2, npop = 1e4, nspl = 1e3,
col2 = 4, col4 = 4, ylim4 = c(0, .5))

dashboard_prt <- function(
max_dur = 40,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,6 +621,8 @@ dashboard_prt <- function(

Let's try it:

```{r fig.height = 3 * 5 / 2}
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2), cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))
dashboard_prt(probs = seq(.001, .999, le = 9), alpha = .2, npop = 1e4, nspl = 1e3,
Expand All @@ -695,7 +631,7 @@ par(opar)

## Epidemiological consequences
## Epidemiology

### A minimalist SID

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1186,8 +1122,6 @@ b[["df"]] / d

#### Prophylaxis

##### Manual exploration

pi2dis_inc <- function(
I0 = 2e4,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1262,17 +1196,6 @@ pi2dis_inc()

##### Dashboard

```{r fig.height = 3 * 5 / 2}
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2), cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))
pis <- dashboard(probs = seq(.001, .999, le = 9), alpha = .2, npop = 1e4, nspl = 1e3,
col2 = 4, col4 = 4, ylim4 = c(0, .5))
pi2dis_inc(lgnd = FALSE)

### Serial SIID

![Flow diagram of a minimalist SID model.](SIID2.png){width=320 #fig-SIID}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1480,10 +1403,16 @@ p2dis_inc <- function(
legend = paste0(formatC(round(rates, 2), digits = 2, format = "f"), "%"))

Let's try it:



dashboard_epi <- function(
Expand All @@ -1503,25 +1432,214 @@ dashboard_epi <- function(
# 1. duration of "recent infections"
d1 <- x * di
p_val <- siid2_param_val(I0, D0, d1, di - d1, delta1, gamma1, gamma2, N)
lambda <- delta1 + p_val[["sigma"]] + gamma1
xs <- seq2(0, 5)
xmax <- ceiling(qexp(.99, lambda))
plotl(NA, xlim = c(0, xmax), ylim = 0:1,
xlab = "duration of recent infections (years)",
ylab = "cumulative probability")
xs <- seq2(0, xmax)
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, xmax), ylim = 0:1,
xlab = "leaving recent infections (years)",
ylab = "cumulative probability")
abline(v = pretty(0:xmax), col = "grey")
abline(h = seq(0, 1, .1), col = "grey")
lines2(xs, pexp(xs, lambda), col = 2)
# 2. decrease in disease incidence
ys <- pexp(xs, lambda)
polygon3(xs, ys * gamma1 / lambda, rep(0, length(xs)), col = adjustcolor(3, .1))
polygon3(xs, ys * (gamma1 + delta1) / lambda, ys, col = adjustcolor(4, .1))
polygon3(xs, ys * (gamma1 + delta1) / lambda, ys * gamma1 / lambda,
col = adjustcolor(2, .1))
lines2(xs, ys, col = 4)
lines2(xs, ys * (gamma1 + delta1) / lambda, col = 2)
lines2(xs, ys * gamma1 / lambda, col = 3)
# 2. R0 and proba to develop TB in the long run
alpha <- p_val[["alpha"]]
plot(NA, xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
text(.8, .53, paste("R0 =", round(N * p_val[["beta"]] / alpha, 2)), 1)
delta2 <- p_val[["delta2"]]
text(.8, .38, paste("Pr[dis old inf] =", round(delta2 / (delta2 + gamma2), 2)), 1)
# 3. duration of disease
xmax <- ceiling(qexp(.99, alpha))
xs <- seq2(0, xmax)
ys <- dexp(xs, alpha)
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, xmax), ylim = c(0, max(ys)),
xlab = "duration of disease (years)",
ylab = "density of probability")
abline(v = pretty(0:xmax), col = "grey")
abline(h = seq(0, 1, .1), col = "grey")
polygon3(xs, ys, rep(0, length(xs)), col = adjustcolor(4, .1))
lines2(xs, ys, col = 4)
abline(v = 1 / alpha, lwd = 2)
abline(v = log(2) / alpha, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
# 4. decrease in disease incidence
p2dis_inc(I0, D0, di, x, delta1, gamma1, gamma2, N, rates, by, times, eps,
lgnd = FALSE, grid = TRUE)

```{r fig.height = 5}
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex = 1, plt = c(.25, .95, .25, .9))

#### Alternative

p2dis_inc <- function(
I0 = 2e4,
D0 = 322,
di = 176,
x = .9,
delta1 = 1 / 2,
gamma1 = 1 / 60,
gamma2 = 1 / 60,
N = 1e5,
rates = c(.02, .1, .2),
by = .1,
times = 2025 + seq2(0, 30),
eps = 5, xl = 2048, yl = 175,
lgnd = TRUE,
show_rates = TRUE,
grid = FALSE) {
d1 <- x * di
p_val <- siid2_param_val(I0, D0, d1, di - d1, delta1, gamma1, gamma2, N)
alpha <- p_val[["alpha"]]
beta <- p_val[["beta"]]
sigma <- p_val[["sigma"]]
delta2 <- p_val[["delta2"]]
start_val <- siid2_equ(N, 1, beta, sigma, alpha, gamma1, gamma2, delta1, delta2)
p_effect <- function(p) {
siid2_dyn(N, start_val[["I1"]], start_val[["I2"]], start_val[["D"]],
p, beta, sigma, alpha, gamma1, gamma2, delta1, delta2, times) |>
mutate(d = delta1 * I1 + delta2 * I2)
p_vals <- seq(0, 1, .1)
maxt <- max(times)
mint <- min(times)
minx <- mint - eps
plot(NA, xlim = c(minx, maxt), ylim = c(0, di),
xlab = "year", ylab = "(/year/100,000)")
mtext("disease incidence", 2, 2.25)
if (grid) {
abline(v = pretty(minx:maxt), col = "grey")
abline(h = pretty(0:di), col = "grey")
cols <- spectral(length(p_vals))
p_vals |>
map(p_effect) |>
walk2(rev(cols), ~ with(.x, lines2(time, d, col = .y)))
segments(minx, di, mint, di, col = cols[1], lwd = 2)
if (show_rates) {
xs <- seq(mint, maxt, by)
walk2(rates, 2:4,
~ lines2(xs, di * exp(- find_rate(.x) * (xs - mint)), lty = .y))
if (lgnd) {
legend("bottomleft", col = cols, title = "1 - p", lwd = 2,
bty = ifelse(grid, "o", "n"),
legend = formatC(round(p_vals, 2), digits = 2, format = "f"))
legend(xl, yl, lty = 2:4, title = "annual decrease", lwd = 2,
bty = ifelse(grid, "o", "n"),
legend = paste0(formatC(round(rates, 2), digits = 2, format = "f"), "%"))
invisible(list(years = xs, map(p_vals, p_effect)))
a <- p2dis_inc()

## Full model

```{r include=FALSE, eval=FALSE}
dashboard_prt <- function(
max_dur = 40,
tau = .99,
Xv = 15, Yv = 1, hv = 4, Zv = 1,
Xf = 200, Yf = .15, hf = 7,
Xmp = .875, Ym = 1, hm = 50,
Xe = 10, Ye = 1, he = 1,
le = 512, # nb of pts along the x axes
npop = 1000, # nb of pts along the distribution to draw from
nspl = 1000, # nb of pts to draw from the distribution (nspl >> npop is better)
probs = seq(.025, .975, le = 75),
ylim1 = 0:1, ylim3 = 0:1, ylim4 = 0:1,
col1 = 4, col2 = 4, col3 = 4, col4 = 4, col5 = 4,
alpha = .1, smooth = TRUE, f1 = 2 / 3, f2 = .08, ...) {
min_dur <- .1
ds <- seq(min_dur, max_dur, le = le)
# 1. treatment uptake
plot2(ds, uptake(ds, Xv, Yv, Zv, hv), ylim = ylim1, col = col1,
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)", ylab = "uptake probability")
# 2. distribution of actual durations of treatment
proposed_durations <- seq(10, 40, 10) #pretty(2:max_dur)
eds <- map(proposed_durations,
~ effective_duration(.x, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym, hm, by = .1))
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, max_dur),
ylim = c(0, max(unlist(map(eds, ~ .x$y)))),
xlab = "actual duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "probability density")
walk(eds, ~ with(.x, {
lines2(.x$x, .x$y, col = col2)
polygon2(x, y)
abline2(v = proposed_durations, col = "grey")
# 3. durations of treatment vs proposed duration of treatment
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, max_dur),
ylim = c(0, max_dur),
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "of treatment (days)")
mtext("actual duration", 2, 2.25)
eds <- mclapply2(ds,
draw_durations(x, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym, hm, le = npop, n = nspl))
quantplot(ds, eds, probs, col = col3, alpha, smooth, f = f1, ...)
abline2(0, 1, col = "grey")
# 4. pharmaco-dynamics treatment efficacy
plot3(ds, hill(ds, Xe, Ye, he), ylim = ylim3, col = col4, ylab = "treatment efficacy")
# 5. intervention efficacy
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 45), ylim = ylim4,
xlab = "proposed duration of treatment (days)",
ylab = "infections sterilized")
mtext("proportion of new", 2, 2.25)
out <- mclapply2(ds,
function(x) pi_value(tau, x, Xv, Yv, hv, Zv, Xf, Yf, hf, Xmp, Ym,
hm, Xe, Ye, he, le = npop, n = nspl))
quantplot(ds, out, probs, col = col5, alpha, smooth, f = f2, ...)
lines2(ds, 1 - map_dbl(out, ~ mean(1 - .x)), col = 2, lty = 3)
invisible(list(d = ds, pi = out))

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