This is the open-source code of paper "LogGrep: Fast and Cheap Cloud Log Storage by Exploiting both Static and Runtime Patterns" (Eurosys'2023), we use zstd as the packing method in this version.
Junyu Wei, Guangyan Zhang, Junchao Chen, Yang Wang, Weimin Zheng, Tingtao Sun, Jiesheng Wu, Jiangwei Jiang. LogGrep: Fast and Cheap Cloud Log Storage by Exploiting both Static and Runtime Patterns. in Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys’23), Roma, Italy, May 2023.
Query code to search on compressed logs. The entry is in CmdLineTool. Main logics are in LogStore_API.cpp and SearchAlgorithm.cpp
Compression code to compress original log files into zip files. Core logic are in main.cpp.
A minimal working example for quick test. Each folder corresponds to a kind of log, inside which log files are cut into block (64MB for each).
Empty by default. Compressed results during quick test can be found here.
Empty by default. Compressed results during large test can be found here.
Empty by default.
zstd used by facebook to serve as the basic compression tool for LogGrep
CPU: 2× Intel Xeon E5-2682 2.50GHz CPUs (with 16 cores) RAM: 188GB
Red Hat 4.8.5 with Linux kernel 3.10.0
Ubuntu 11.3.0 with Linux kernel 5.15.0
Above are platforms we have tested suceffully, if you have trouble with other kernal version, please contact [email protected]
gcc version 4.8.5 20150623
Python version >= 3.6.8, use pip3 install --upgrade requests
to install non-listed requirement
use yum groupinstall 'Development Tools
to install other requirements.
mkdir ./output
mkdir ./example_zip
cd ./zstd-dev/lib
cd ../../compression
cd ../
cd ./query
cd ./compression
Then you can find compressed files in ./example_zip/.
cd ./cmdline_loggrep
./thulr_cmdline [Compressed Folder] [QUERY]
[QUERY] is the query statement
[Compressed Folder] is one of the folder under ./example_zip/
All testing query for quick test can be found at ./query4quicktest.txt. For example, to run query on Apache logs, you can use command as follow:
./thulr_cmdline ../example_zip/Apache "error and Invalid URI in request"
Download large dataset from to ../LogHub_Seg/
First compress these log blocks.
cd ./compression
python3 ../LogHub_Seg/
Then you can find compressed files in ./LogHub_Seg_zip/
You can also find a compression summary under ./compression such as ./compression/Log_2022-09-21, which records whether there is an error and the compression speed.
Then query compressed logs.
cd ./cmdline_loggrep
./thulr_cmdline [Compressed Folder] [QUERY]
[QUERY] is the query statement
[Compressed Folder] is one of the folder under ./LogHub_Seg_zip/
All testing query for large test can be found at ./query4largetest.txt. For example, to run query on Hadoop logs, you can use command as follow:
./thulr_cmdline ../LogHub_Seg_zip/Hadoop "ERROR and RECEIVED SIGNAL 15: SIGTERM and 2015-09-23"