This repository is used to start the showcase system and test it. It contains all the components as submodules. Those submodules are:
- scd-registry-frontend
- scd-registry-contract
- scd-registry-common
- scd-registry-http-storage
- scd-registry-external-search-provider
Thus, when cloning this repository users should run:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
Or after cloning, it users should run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
The resulting system consists of docker containers.
- docker
- docker-compose
- npm
- node
It is recommended to build all containers, before starting the system. To do this run the following.
npm i
npm run build
To start the system run the following:
npm start
This might take and while. After the process finished, the connection information can be fetched by running:
curl localhost:7777 | json_pp
The result should be something like this:
"externalSearchProvider": "http://localhost:3000",
"frontendUrl": "http://localhost:1633/bzz/fff8c8adfa7e57bd81a59d71f35ad3824424a07f32d2eb6c63b81e51683d3778/index.html",
"networkish": "http://localhost:8545",
"registryAddress": "0x222E34DA1926A9041ed5A87f71580D4D27f84fD3",
"swarmAPi": "http://localhost:1633",
"swarmDebug": "http://localhost:1635",
"webserverStorage": "http://localhost:49160"
This means in this case the frontend can be reached at: http://localhost:1633/bzz/fff8c8adfa7e57bd81a59d71f35ad3824424a07f32d2eb6c63b81e51683d3778/index.html
To test the system we require all the containers to be new. To make sure users can run:
docker container prune --force && docker volume prune --force
This deletes all stopped containers and volumes, the docker host manages. If this is undesired, users need to delete the respective containers and volumes.
To start the tests:
npm test