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Control tools for the SAMYCore based on SAMYControlInterface.


The SAMYControlInterface helps to implement controllers that use the SAMY framework to connect to the hardware. Controllers that use the SAMYControlInterface will be enforced to use a basic pattern as shown in the diagram below.

graph TD;
A(receive SAMY system state on change of state)  --> G(convert to internal state representation) --> B(predict next actions) -->  C(actions in internal representation) --> F(convert actions to SAMY actions representation) --> H(send SAMY action)

Basic idea

By means of a middleware (SAMYControlInterface) the developer of a controller can focus on the logic of the controller (XXXXXbasedController), and ignore implementation details regarding the SAMYCore.

flowchart LR
A -- Standard System-Action --> B
B[SAMYControlInterface] -- Standard System State --> A(XXXXXbasedController)

SAMYControlInterface Implementation

The SAMYControlInterface, among other functionalities, connects to the SAMYCore, requests new actions every time the system state changes, inspects the SAMYCore information model, etc..
The API of the SAMYControlInterface is very simple. It just needs to be instantiated with three parameters:

  1. Address of the SAMYCore
  2. An array of nodes' names that represent the state of the system. These nodes must be child of the SystemStatus node of the SAMYCore.
  3. A standardControlCallback that allows to the SAMYControlInterface "accessing" the a control function (more on this later)

For example, for marking the nodes that will be tracked by the SAMYControlInterface (parameter 2. in previous lines), one pass an array such:

[ "Robot_RobotUR5_CRCLStatus", "Robot_RobotABB_CurrentState", "Robot_RobotABB_CurrentState", 
"Robot_KukaIiwa_Position", "InformationSource_Sensor10_0", "InformationSource_Alarm3_3" ]

All these are names of childs of the node SystemStatus created automatically in the SAMYCore based on the configuration. This way, we indicate to the SAMYControlInterface that the controller uses the values of these nodes for describing the system state. Every time the value of these nodes changes, the system state has changed and the SAMYControlInterface requests a new action to the controller.

Once created, startSystemControl can be called, that optionally can contain the refresh rate in ms.

Two examples are:

# Controller Creation and setup
dtDotFileParser = DTControlDotFileParser.DTControlDotFileParser('/home/jbg/Desktop/SAMY/SAMYControl/UseCase1/')
controller = DTbasedController.DTbasedController(dtDotFileParser.root, dtDotFileParser.x_metadata, dtDotFileParser.y_metadata )

# ControlInterface creation and start of controlling
controlInterface = SAMYControlInterface.SAMYControlInterface( 'opc.tcp://localhost:4840/', controller.controlStateVariables, controller.standardControlCallback)
# Controller Creation and setup
controller = PDDLbasedController.PDDLbasedController('opc.tcp://localhost:4840/', '/home/jbg/Desktop/SAMY/SAMYControl/UseCases_PDDL/res/domain-res-strips.pddl', '/home/jbg/Desktop/SAMY/SAMYControl/UseCases_PDDL/res/problem-res-strips-1.pddl', '/home/jbg/Desktop/SAMY/SAMYControl/UseCases_PDDL/res/plan-res-strips-1-manual-human-ur10.plan')
value = input("Generate configuration template\n")
value = input("Press enter to read the configuration file\n")
value = input("Press enter to set up the controller\n")

# ControlInterface creation and start of controlling
controlInterface = SAMYControlInterface.SAMYControlInterface( 'opc.tcp://localhost:4840/', controller.getSystemStatusControlVariablesNames(), controller.standardControlCallback)


All the controllers that use the SAMYControlInterface (from now on called XXXXXbasedControllers) should inherit from SAMYControllerBase. SAMYControllerBase is a very basic class that enforces a certain pattern to be used in the XXXXXbasedController controller implementation.


Briefly stated, controlling a system consists in receiving the current state of the system and then selecting the system actions to be performed in order to reach the goal state. In this context, we understand by system-action a set of individual actions, one for each agent in the system. System-Action:

flowchart LR
subgraph System-Action
	subgraph Action Agent 1
	subgraph Action Agent 2
	subgraph Action Agent 3

Control loop:

flowchart LR
A(Controller) -- System-Action --> B(System)
B -- System State --> A

The selection of actions should lead eventually to the desired goal state of the system, while satisfying certain constraints in the intermediate states. I will refer to the step performed by a controller for going from a system state to a system-action as a "prediction".

flowchart LR
  subgraph Controller
      subgraph Predict
            subgraph XXXXX
  A[System State] --> Predict
  Predict --> B[System-Action]

This prediction takes place in an internal representation of states and system-actions depending on the type of controller. For example, in its internal representation, DTControl uses an numpy array for the state and a tuple of strings for the system actions. PDDL uses an array of booleans (fluents) for representing the state, and a list of ad hoc created clases for representing the system-actions, which essentially are names of actions with names of parameters. In the case of BPMN it will used a ???dictionary??? for representing the state and ??? ad hoc created classes ??? for representing the system-actions.

SAMYControllerBase Implementation

As previously stated, all the controllers that use the SAMYControlInterface (XXXXXbasedControllers) should inherit from SAMYControllerBase. SAMYControllerBase is a very basic class that enforces the pattern previously described being used in the XXXXXbasedController controller implementation. The SAMYControlInterface is the following:

class SAMYControllerBase:
    def standardStateToInternalState(self, standardState): # To be implemented in XXXXXbasedController
    def predict(self, internalState): # To be implemented in XXXXXbasedController
    def internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction(self, internalAction): # To be implemented in XXXXXbasedController
    def standardControlCallback(self, standardSystemState): # Already implemented, must NOT be implemented in XXXXXbasedController
        Returns the next system action (SAMYSystemAction) to be performed, given the standard system state.
        It is the method passed as control callback to the SAMYControlInterface
        internalState = self.standardStateToInternalState(standardSystemState) # 1
        internalSystemAction = self.predict(internalState) # 2
        return self.internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction( internalSystemAction ) #3

The pattern in the controllers enforced by this class is very simple:

flowchart LR
  subgraph SAMYControllerBase
	subgraph standardControlCallback
		subgraph standardStateToInternalState
		    subgraph 1
		subgraph Predict
		    subgraph 2   XXXXX
		subgraph internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction
		    subgraph 3
  A[Standard System State] --> standardControlCallback
  standardStateToInternalState -- internal state representation --> Predict
  Predict -- internal system-action representation --> internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction
  standardControlCallback --> B[Standard System-Action]


Three functions are required for going from a Standard State to a Standard System-Action, namely:

  1. standardStateToInternalState(standardState) -> returns a state in internal representation, given a state in standard representation
  2. predict(internalState) -> returns a system-action in internal representation, given a state in internal representation
  3. internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction(internalAction) -> returns a standard system-action, given a system-action in internal representation

SAMYControllerBase abstractly DECLARES these three functions (they cannot be pre-implemented, since they are XXXXX dependent), so XXXXXbasedController must implement them. What these three functions do is selfexplanatory.

Additionally, SAMYControllerBase IMPLEMENTS the so called "standardControlCallback" using these three functions. This "standardControlCallback(standardSystemState)" function is the function automatically called by the SAMYControlInterface every time the system state changes. This function takes as argument the system-state in its standard representation, and returns a system-action in standard representation. This standardControlCallback is provided to the SAMYControlInterface as a callback on instantiation of SAMYControlInterface class.

You do NOT have to do anything in the SAMYControllerBase!! Inherit from it to implement the XXXXXbasedController.


XXXXXbasedController inherits from SAMYControllerBase class and essentially implements the three functions required by the function "standardControlCallback(standardSystemState)" of SAMYControllerBase:

  1. standardStateToInternalState(standardState) -> returns a state in internal representation, given a state in standard representation
  2. predict(internalState) -> returns a system-action in internal representation, given a state in internal representation
  3. internalSystemActionToStandardSystemAction(internalAction) -> returns a standard system-action, given a system-action in internal representation

XXXXX represents the used approach to describe the desired behaviour of the system (so to say, XXXXX indicates the original controller description used as input by XXXXXbasedController). Examples of such controllers are:

  • DTbasedController (XXXXX = DTControl): the input used for describing the controller/desired behaviour is a ".dot" file with the format used by DTControl to represent a decision tree
  • PDDLbasedController (XXXXX = PDDL): the input used for describing the controller/desired behaviour are a PDDL domain, a PDDL problem, a PDDL plan (and an additional configuration file)
  • BPMNbasedController (XXXXX = BPMN): the input used for describing the controller/desired behaviour should be a SAMYBPMN file (and probbably an additional configuration file). Internally I guess it could be a Directed ?Acyclic? Graph with different types of nodes and relations representing the different types of elements existing in BPMN.

Standard System State Representation and Standard System-Action Representation

Standard System State Representation

The standard system state representation is a list of numerical and categorical (strings) values. The order of the elements in the list is given by the order specified when isntantiating the SAMYControlInterface. Example:

standardState = [ 123.3, 65.2, "Alarm 1", "True", "False", 154.23 ]

Standard System-Action Representation

The classes used for this, defined in SAMYControlInterface, are the following:

############# These classes are the objects required by the SAMYControlInterface to perform an action so refer to them as the standard representation of the actions.
# Hence, the "computed" actions by the SAMYControllers that are passed to the SAMYControlInterface must convert these actions first to these classes.

class SAMYActionParameter(): # A class containing describing a parameter of an action
    def __init__(self, skillParameterNumber_, valueType_ , value_):
        self.skillParameterNumber = skillParameterNumber_ # The command targeted by this parameter within a skill
        self.valueType = valueType_ # "DataBaseReference" or Other (the self.value will be string that will require be translated into a CRCLCommandParameterSet)
        self.value = value_ # The value of the parameter (can be a string than later on can be converted into a CRCLCommandParameterSet required by the
                            # skillParameterNumber using a CRCLCommandParameterSet that takes self.value as "metaparameter",
                            # or the self.value can be a reference to an element in the SAMYCore database (the name of the parameter stored there)

class SAMYAction: # A class describing a specific action to be performed by an agent
    def __init__(self, agentName_, skillName_, params_ = []):
        self.agentName = agentName_
        self.skillName = skillName_ # Name of the skill of the agent. In case nothing should be done with an agen, the name to use is "pass"
        self.params = params_ # An array of SAMYActionParameters

class SAMYSystemAction: # An action describing the action to be performed on the total system (an array of SAMYActions, one for each agent)
    def __init__(self, individualActionsArray):
        self.individualActions = individualActionsArray



Control tools for the SAMYCore






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