Releases: TW-Robotics/morobot-arduino_esp
Releases · TW-Robotics/morobot-arduino_esp
Updated version with axes-limits
Minor bugfixes and keywords-file added
- Updated the way libraries are included
- Minor bugfixes
- Added keywords.txt for syntax-highlighting in Arduino IDE
Updated kinematics for morobot-3d
After minor changes to the morobot-3d, the armlengths necessaryto calculate the kinematics have been updated.
Library for morobot-s, -p, -3d, -2d and endeffectors
This release supports the following morobot-types:
- morobot-s (rrr)
- morobot-s (rrp)
- morobot-p
- morobot-3d
- morobot-2d
This release enables to:
- Control the motors of the robots within their valid range
- Get all robot parameters and motor values
- Move the robots with angular movements (and calculate the TCP-pose) or in a koordinate-frame
- Attach and control the endeffectors parallel-gripper, angular-gripper and binary endeffectors such as elektro-magnets or suction cups
This release is tested on:
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino Mega
- ESP32
- ESP8266
- and should work with Arduino Nano, Mini, Micro, Leonardo, Yun