Hi there! If you're here, it's because you...well, OK, I don't really know why you're here. But here are the rules:
All right, that's actually the only rule. If you're not familiar with Advent of Code, it's a yearly challenge that runs from December 1st to December 25th, in which a new challenge is posted every night at midnight (EST, which is where I am).
Some of the problems allow brute force; others require cleverness in design. Either way, though, the nature of it encourages speed (and it's my nature to aim for speed). That means the code you see here is representative of what I cobble together at midnight to try to solve a specific problem quickly, and not what I write when I'm carefully testing and refactoring and so forth.
The point is, I'm putting this up so that I can discuss it with other friends doing the challenge, and not to show the world "Hi! This is how I code! You should hire me because I code like this!".
On the other hand, if you think it's amazingly clever: hire me!
(If you thought "Isn't this the same README from 2023?": first, yes, it is, because nothing has changed. Second, how much time are you spending with my repositories that you would recognize a copied README?)