This repo is for crawl data from some suumo pages, and save it into mongodb
for future use.
docker compose down --volumes && docker compose up --build -d
Before run this command below, please make sure the necessary is already built in local
# Build the image in local
docker build -f ./scraper/docker/Dockerfile -t suumo-scraper:latest ./scraper/. --no-cache
# Load image to minikube if you are using it
minikube image load suumo-scraper
# The deployment file is created from docker-compose.yaml by `kompose`
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
# Verify it has been deployed
kubectl -n realestate get all
# Check mongodb data
kubectl -n realestate port-forward deployments/mongodb 27017:27017
# Remove all build volumes and containers
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
# Remove all built images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
Access mongodb with mongodb://admin:password@localhost:27017/suumo?authSource=admin
For local, docker, k8s, we have to give MONGO_URI different string to get mongodb rui:
local: localhost
docker: host.docker.internal or mongodb (using the service name in docker compose)