Gameplay Mods Collection v1.9.0
If you like these mods and want to support me, feel free to share it with your friends. You can also buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi!
- fix issue with resetting needs due to the mechanic the Burrito Boom buff was distributed to the houses
- include Jakob's New World Citie Houses into the Burrito Boom buff
- add additional money gained for supplying burritos
- exchange old version of chared mods by Kurila with newer version (only Cherries are relevant for this mod)
- include auto-translated locas for those that are missing
- add chinese translations by hanthe2th
- add russian translations by Grusin99
- further rework of how my shared mod potash production is used in this mod collection
If you are updating from a lower version than 1.4.0 please read this spoiler on dealing with iMYA customization
How to deal with iMYA customization if you update from versions lower than 1.4.0
If you already used iMYA to tweak the mods, you have to remove the stored settings .json files for the respective mods form iMYA storage location: Go to .../Anno 1800/.imya/tweaks/... and remove the .json files for the mods in description: '[Gameplay] Coffee and Tobacco in Enbesa (Taludas).json', ... etc.' while iMYA is closed. Afterwards you have to reconfigure your Tweaks in iMYA! After the update of iMYA to v0.5 your stored settings might be bugged otherwise.Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
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