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Releases: Taludas/RiverSlots

River Slots v2.0.3

29 Dec 13:42
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  • Additions:
    • new River Waterpump for use with Noblesse Oblige and Military Attention
    • missing locas have been autotranslated

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Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v2.0.2

21 Nov 07:36
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  • Additions:

    • include Korean translation thx to modpark817
  • Fixes:

    • fix an issue, where trying to tweak the files of [Shared] NW Riverslots (Taludas) in iMYA resulted in a CTD due to an invisible Space behind the folder name.

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Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v2.0.1

15 Nov 09:02
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  • Additions:

    • include polish translation thx to Domi812
  • Fixes:

    • fix an issue with the NW Clay Collector using the wrong workforce. Now it uses Obrera as the vanilla Clay Pit and in accordance to the displayed portrait.

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v2.0.0

22 Aug 13:00
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WARNING! If you use this update on an existing savegame, you might find yourself in a endless loading screen upon loading the savegame. If this is the case for you, revert back to the last version of this mod!

Only use this version of the mod with a new and fresh savegame!

  • New Feature:
    - Adjustments to Loader11 coming with GU18. Due to new features in the Modloader I could reduce the file size of the Shared Riverslots mods drastically. This allows for easier handling of the mod while installing an maintaining. Also resolves the Known Issue where Riverslots mod might be incompatible with certain map mods. Be warned though, if someone else uses the new island file replacement feature and that mod loads after mine, the river slots might not be generated on the islands in question.

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v1.0.4

26 Jul 16:54
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WARNING: if you download the mod for the first time, you HAVE to download the two files from release v1.0.0 containing the island files as well! Follow these links for direct download or look below:
"RiverSlots_NW_v1.0.0" and "RiverSlots_OW_v1.0.0"

  • Hotfix:
    • Due to Adjustments to the new features of iModYourAnno v0.5, the Clay Collector was unintentionally removed from the mod (wasn't buildable from the build menu, or locked if used with the production chain version). This Hotfix fixes the issue. To be 100% certain, that everything is working like normal after the update, make sure you have iMYA closed. Then delete the old mod files from /mods. Go to Anno 1800/.imya/tweaks and delete the two .json files named after these mods. Then install the new version and open iMYA. Load a save from before updating to yesterdays version! (Testers report that these steps aren't always necessary)

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v1.0.3

25 Jul 14:19
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WARNING: if you download the mod for the first time, you HAVE to download the two files from release v1.0.0 containing the island files as well! Follow these links for direct download:
"RiverSlots_NW_v1.0.0" and "RiverSlots_OW_v1.0.0"

  • Adjustments
    • Added banners for the Building Mods.
    • Adjustments for all mods to the new features of iModYourAnno v0.5 (new images, default options are toggled automatically in the tweaking tab). WARNING: Adjust your Tweaking options in iMYA before you continue playing, because those will be lost after update to v0.5!

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v1.0.2

26 May 10:28
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WARNING: if you download the mod for the first time, you HAVE to download the two files from release v1.0.0 containing the island files as well! Follow these links for direct download:
"RiverSlots_NW_v1.0.0" and "RiverSlots_OW_v1.0.0"

A Hotfix for some bugs that were reported to me over the last days. Also includes more info about incompatibility and adds compatibility for Jakobs Alternative Needs.

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v1.0.1

23 May 15:07
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WARNING: if you download the mod for the first time, you HAVE to download the two files from release v1.0.0 containing the island files as well! Follow these links for direct download:
"RiverSlots_NW_v1.0.0" and "RiverSlots_OW_v1.0.0"

A first Hotfix for some bugs that were reported to me over the last days. Also includes a separate build menu for all river buildings, which should be mod compatible with everything. So if you - for whatever reason - are missing the entries in the "normal" buildmenu and production chains, there are fallbacks now.

Das Readme ist ab sofort auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte dazu ganz oben im Readme dem Link folgen!

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!

River Slots v1.0.0

20 May 14:50
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Initial release of the River Slots mod, featuring four separate zip files. The two big ones contain the modified island data and are considered Shared Ressources which can be used by anyone. The two other files include fitting river slot buildings for both Old World and New World, producing vanilla goods at a slightly faster rate than their land-based counterparts.

Please refer to the changelog for a detailed overview!