Digital accessibility tests can be added to a continuous integration platform by launching Tanaguru Engine tests, using Tanaguru Jenkins. Tanaguru Jenkins is a Jenkins plugin allowing to pilot Tanaguru Engine via its REST API(using JSON format). It allows Jenkins to integrate Tanaguru Engine's digital accessibility tests in its tests workflow.
What tests are covered:
- all the "tag and attributes tests" like missing alt, table headers check, frame title...
- color contrast
- language specification
- downloadable files / office files (spreadsheet, wordprocessor...)
- switch of context
- ...
As of June 2016, this represents ~180 accessibility tests
- Tanaguru discussion space
- email to
support dot tanaguru AT oceaneconsulting dot com
(only English, French and klingon is spoken :) ) - Twitter @TanaguruApp
Features :
- Implementation of Rgaa3 rules (180 rules)
- KBAccess : database of good and bad examples of web accessibility
- Tanaguru Contrast-Finder : for a given wrong contrast, propose good color combination
- Accessibility observatory : have an overview of the accessibility of a large set of websites
All these projects are opensource and also under the umbrella of Tanaguru Github account
Have Fun
Tanaguru team