Hello, We are Team Prompt!
Our product will allow a user to simplify the process of checking on whether an item is in stock. By automating the process and programming it to run at specific intervals, it removes the redundancy of refreshing the page. Our product doesn't need to eat or use the restroom, it will continue to run as long as the user needs it to. Ok
Every person on your team is an asset. This is your chance to discover the hidden strengths and areas for growth for each team member.
Describe at least:
What are the key strengths of each person on the team?
Kevin: Calm under pressure, Overthinking everything, Growth mindset, Recognizing patterns. Problem solving. Keep one eye on the big picture, and Research.
Daniel: Team player, cool and calm, great at pitching ideas and solving problems
Garfield: good at solving problems, great team player, not the sharpest tool in shed nor the strongest avenger, patient, kind
Michael: Problem solving, patience, ability to adapt
How can you best utilize these strengths in the execution of your project?
- Communication is key. Pair-programming at key intervals and leaning into each others’ strengths.
In which professional competencies do you each want to develop greater strength?
Kevin: Technical competency, time management
Daniel: Handling Ambiguity, Listening, Analytical Thinking
Garfield: Technical competency, debugging, Speaking the code
Michael: Communication, ambiguity, time management, technical competency
Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand all aspects of the project, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day work?
- As adults.
- Be kind to ourselves and each other.
- Communication & Accountability and are key.
- This is a safe space.
- Ask for help when needed
Your team should agree on a process for handling disagreements, should they arise. It is better to have a plan in place ahead of time so you can all refer back to it when necessary.
Describe at least:
What will be your group’s process to resolve conflict, when it arises?
- Speak to each other with respect, including the group.
What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other members contribute?
- Utilize Trello board to break up tasks.
How will you approach each other and the challenges of the project knowing that it is impossible for all members to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?
- Refer back to stand ups/downs and code reviews.
- Use the docs and go over code line by line when working together.
- Be kind and graceful with each other.
How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing?
- Approach issues respectively and communicate.
How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful?
- If fail, escalate to the instructor.
Before beginning to tackle the project, determine how your group will communicate with each other. This is not an individual effort. Make sure everyone feels comfortable with the identified methods of speaking up. Describe at least: What hours will you be available to communicate? Pretty much anytime for a quick chat via Slack. During lab time. If there are critical times, we will commit to being more available.
What platforms will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)?
- Slack
- Remo
How often will you take breaks?
- As needed
What is your plan if you start to fall behind?
- Self loathing.
- Motivate each other.
- Take a breath.
- Ask for help.
- Use quick grounding sessions.
How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend?
- Slack channel
What is your strategy for ensuring everyone’s voice is heard?
- Listen/Communicate
- Respect
How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?
- Be kind
Explain your work plan to track whether everyone is contributing equally to all parts of the project, and that each person is working on “meaty” problems. This should prevent “lone wolf” efforts and “siloed” efforts.
Describe at least:
How will you identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general?
- Code reviews
- Standups
- Wrap sessions
- Go over code together and discuss each line and what’s happening.
What project management tool will be used?
- Trello
Plan out what your team’s Git workflow looks like for coding tasks. Describe at least:
What components of your project will live on GitHub?
- All repo
- Branches
How will you share the repository with your teammates?
- Each Member will have their own branch
- We will share a repo with added collaborators
- 2 people will be required to accept a merge request
**What is your Git flow?
- Dev branch from the Main
- Each person has a branch
- Each person will pull request from their branch to dev branch
- 2 people will be required to accept a merge request from personal branch to dev
- 3 people will be required to accept a merge request from DEV branch to MAIN
Will you be using a PR review workflow? If so, consider:
How many people must review a PR?
- 2
Who merges PRs?
- Daniel plue one.
How often will you merge?
- As needed - minimum every 1 - 2 days
How will you communicate that it’s time to merge?
- Predetermined times
- Group notifications of large milestones