Compare face detectors - Dlib, OpenCV, Others..
Test image size : HD (720p)
We wanted to check processing time on same condition. but It couldn't becasue each method demand different input size. (ex. opencv dnn use 300x300 bgr image.)
So, Each code has a different image size.
ocv-dnn : 300x300
ocv-haar, dlib-hog, dlib-cnn, fr-hog, fr-cnn : VGA(640x360)
mtcnn : HD(1280x720)
s3fd : HD --> 1/8 scale. low resolution but awesome performance!
insightface(retianface_r50_v1) : VGA(640x360)
Test on Intel i7-6700K & GTX1080.
ocv-dnn | ocv-haar | dlib-hog | dlib-cnn | fr-hog | fr-cnn | mtcnn | S3FD | insightface |
17.79ms | 42.31ms | 108.61ms | 42.17ms | 108.50ms | 39.91ms | 334.38ms | 31.87ms | 21.49ms |
Test on Intel Xeon E5-1660 & NVIDIA GV100.
ocv-dnn | ocv-haar | dlib-hog | dlib-cnn | fr-hog | fr-cnn | mtcnn | S3FD | insightface |
16.76ms | 32.95ms | 124.35ms | 24.58ms | 121.73ms | 24.88ms | 292.45ms | 31.07ms | TBA |
Test on MacBook pro 2018 i5.
ocv-dnn | ocv-haar | dlib-hog | dlib-cnn | fr-hog | fr-cnn | mtcnn | S3FD | insightface |
46.53ms | 88.47ms | 174.81ms | 3276.62ms | 174.63ms | 3645.53ms | 928.75ms | 271.18ms | TBA |
- Python 3.7
- OpenCV 4.1.1 (option: build from src with highgui)
- Dlib 19.17.0
- face_recognition 1.2.3
- pytorch 1.2.0
- mxnet-cu100 1.5.1.post0
First, install libs
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install torch
pip install dlib
pip install face_recognition
pip install easydict
pip install mxnet-cu100
pip install insightface
Second, prepare weight file (s3fd)
download s3fd weight:
[ROOT DIR]/S3FD/weights/s3fd.pth
Last, check run-time for each algorithm.
Of course, You can execute each file. and watch the result image (need opencv high gui)
opencv haar cascade
opencv caffe based dnn (res-ssd)
dlib hog
dlib cnn
face-recognition (dlib-based)
- (code: editing pytorch 1.3 style)
- (original code)