The qcacld-2.0 is Qualcomm WIFI module out-of-tree driver.
To make and make install module for QCA9377-3 and QCA6174-3:
$: KERNEL_SRC=<your kernel path> CONFIG_CLD_HL_SDIO_CORE=y TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=user make -j4
$: KERNEL_SRC=<your kernel path> INSTALL_MOD_PATH=<modules> make modules_install
(NOTE: The "modules" directory should be already installed kernel module inside)
If you want to enable P2P device interface you must add this parameter to make command line:
Prepare WIFI/BT firmware
Because of the license restriction, please contact TechNexion FAE or Sales to get licensed firmware files.
After getting the firmware binary:
Decompress the tarball and put all the firmware files into your target’s /lib/firmware
Support kernel: 5.10.x