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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Oct 07:44
5oappy/feature/calculator v2 (#294)

## Describe your changes
big one: removed vehicles and its ties to shifts, that will be handled
separately via a flag in `shift_request` table.

added `shift_position` which acts as a replacement for vehicles and
essentially creates position slots for each shift of which volunteers
can be assigned to, not very resource efficient I'm aware but it seemed
the most object oriented way of doing it.

work flow cant be thought of as:

1) "scheduler-user" creates a `shift_request` entry
`shift_request` entry contains key information about the shift etc but
specifically the `vehicle_id` flag which ...
2) triggers a function that adds the specific assignment and amount of
`roles` required for the shift to the `shift_position` table linked back
to the shift. The amount of positions and their roles types depends on
the `vehicle_id` flag. (note this is not implemented in this pr but will
be created soon
[FIR-112]( )

3) Then, the scheduler (`optimiser`) is called and it obtains all the
info from the relevant tables: `shift_request, shift_position, roles`
and extrapolates data into values that mini zinc can use.

4) mini zinc returns a 2d array of best volunteers for each shift as
well as persisting them to the database table `shift_request_volunteer`.
( [FIR-111]( )

Other misc changes included:

- Adding unavailability parameter to `user` table. 
- Changing the link to roles be through role.code instead of Id as it
makes more canonical sense. BIG RISK as it might mess with mini zinc ,
`user_roles` and how we parse the roles types however it can simply be
reworked. added unique flag to the code to ensure only one of each role
type is ever created.
- Commenting out the deprecated code of the original calculator. Ideally
I should have set this up in a separate file (I still can, id just have
to copy all local changes into a new branch in a separate file) I just
happened to do it in the file as it was easiest to see which stuff
impacted which directly.

more details of the table linking logic at commit

note theres is a conflict in this pr in the domain/entity/
just of notification stuff will be handled when prompted by GitHub.
## Issue ticket number and link

note: its a tiny bit of a mess as I wasn't signed in and it wouldn't let
me pr but I didn't realise so I went through a whole mess of rebasing
origin/main into my branch before realising