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Entities 🐾

TelepathicGrunt edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 51 revisions

New entities you may encounter! 🐾

Honey Slime
  • Donated to The Bumblezone from the folks who made Buzzier Bees! Their texture and code has been ported to this mod. Thank you Bagel!

  • Honey Slimes will spawn throughout The Bumblezone and sometimes from Honeycomb Brood Blocks.

  • They are passive mobs until they are hit. Then they will chase you for a bit! If killed, nearby Honey Slimes will now get aggressive towards you.

  • Using a Glass Bottle on Honey Slime will give you a Honey Bottle but make the Honey Slime angry! They will regain their honey state over time but can be sped up by having them move over Honey, Filled Porous Honeycomb, Sticky Honey Residue, Sticky Honey Redstone, or Honeycomb Brood blocks.

  • They can be lured with Sugar and fed it to breed with other Honey Slime mobs. Some mod's raw sugar items can also be used! See or edit the the_bumblezone:mob_luring/honey_slime item tag that controls what items the Honey Slime loves.

  • Using a Honey Block or Honey Bucket on vanilla's Slime mob that are small or medium sized will turn them into passive Honey Slimes! Making the Honey Slime available outside the Bumblezone dimension! You can control what items can create Honey Slime with the the_bumblezone:turn_slime_to_honey_slime tag.

  • If adult is killed, it will split into 2 to 4 baby Honey Slimes! If adult had honey already harvested, then it will split into 2 to 4 tiny normal Slimes when killed. Nearby Honey Slimes will still get mad at you for splitting up the adult Honey Slime

  • When covered in honey, they can fall from higher heights and take no or reduced damage! (In 1.20+, they are now fully immune to fall damage like Magma Cubes no matter their honey state)

  • WARNING: Keep away from Frogs! Frogs will eat this poor mob!

(1.20+) Rootmin
  • A hostile mob that disguises itself as a Grass Block with a flower on top that is often found in Floral Meadow biome or in certain structures.

  • If a player or spider is nearby, the Rootmin will come out of hiding and shoot Dirt Pellets at the play or spider. If the player has at least 1 bee armor equipped or 1 bee-themed trinket/curios equipped, the Rootmin will not attack and instead, might curiously walk up to the player inspect them! The Rootmin is bassically a passive mob to player wearing bee stuff unless the player attacks the mob.

  • Players can right-click this mob with another flower to swap the flower on its head or give it a name tag! Flowers that Rootmins naturally spawn with and what flower they can receive are controlled by these block tags:

  • Rootmins in Floral Meadow will spawn initially using these block tags for what flowers they spawn with:

  • Rootmins are fearful of Iron Golems, Blazes, Wither, and Warden to the point they will try to run away if too close to those mobs!

  • What mobs the Rootmin can shoot at can be controlled by these entity tags:

  • Rootmins can be "tamed" by using a Name Tag on them! Once named, they are owned by that player and will not shoot that specific owner player anymore. The tamed Rootmin will also now try to shoot at any monster that is not owned by the Rootmin's owner and is not tagged the_bumblezone:rootmin/forced_do_not_target.

(1.20+) Variant Bee
  • A mob that is exactly like the vanilla Bee in all of its behavior except for the fact that Variant bees have different skins! There are 16 skins currently.

  • When bred, the offspring with be the same variant as one of its parent.

  • Can be bred with vanilla Bees! The offspring will be randomly chosen to be either a normal Bee or Variant Bee.

  • Because this is a custom mob, the variant's types are exposed by a "variant" string tag in their nbt so pack makers can detect what variant a player interacts with.

  • You can add or remove variants to spawn by editing the variantBeeTypes config entry (Server config takes priority over client's). Be sure to add new bee textures to these files for the new bee variant you added to spawn with the textures it needs!





  • Donated to The Bumblezone from the folks who made Carrier Bees! Their texture and code has been ported to this mod. Thank you Aranaira, Alexthe666, and Nooby for allowing the new mob to have a home in The Bumblezone!

  • Beehemoth can be tamed with items such as Honey Buckets or Honey Bottles and other honey/sugar water stuff from the the_bumblezone:bee_feedable_items tag. Search $the_bumblezone:bee_feedable_items in JEI and REI to see all feedable items in-game! EMI search requires #the_bumblezone:bee_feedable_items

  • They will only follow you if you hold Honey Bucket items. (Any mod's honey bucket works as long as their honey bucket is also in c:buckets/honey or forge:buckets/honey item tag) If you feed them, you can eventually tame them, put on a saddle, and ride them! The luring items are controlled by these item tags:

  • If tamed, the Beehemoth will only follow their owner if their owner is holding a Honey Bucket as the two are now bonded! In fact, tamed Beehemoths will stop sitting and fly quickly to their owners holding Honey Buckets up to 200 blocks away even without a line of sight!

  • When riding a Beehemoth, hold Spacebar to fly upward and Caps Lock to fly downward! The keys for moving up or down can be changed in the Options -> Controls -> Key Binds menu.

  • The more you feed and ride them, the more friendship they get which makes them move faster. When friendship is finally maxed out, Beehemoth becomes a Queen Beehemoth and can fly at maximum speed! However, friendship will decrease if Beehemoth takes damage from any source and if they lose all friendship, they will become unhappy and refuse to let you ride it until you can bring up the friendship again. :(

  • Reaching Queen status requires 1000 friendship points. Feeding Honey Bucket or Bee Bread gives 5 points. Honey named items gives 3 points. And any other bee feeding item gives 1 point. Riding Beehemoth and moving for a minute gives about 10 points over that time. Every point of damage Beehemoth takes also lowers friendship by that amount. If the player damages Beehemoth directly, friendship decreases three times the damage received. (In 1.20+, you can set beehemothFriendlyFire config to false to prevent accidentally hurting your Beehemoth)

  • Feeding them Royal Jelly Bottle will give 250 friendship points and Royal Jelly Bucket is a full 1000 points! Both of these give a very strong and long living Beenergized effect to the Beehemoth with the bucket giving over an hour of time!

  • These cool giant bees can be found rarely in the Bumblezone from natural mob spawning but several structures in the dimension has Beehemoths that won't despawn.

  • Immune to Sweet Berry Bush thorn damaging/slowness just like regular Bees.

  • Note: Crouch right click to put the tamed Beehemoth into sitting mode (where it stays still in midair). Crouch right click a sitting Beehemoth with an empty hand to remove the saddle if it has one. Otherwise, crouch right clicking a sitting Beehemoth will make it be no longer sitting.

  • If you find a mod that has an item that is supposed to do a behavior on entities but does not work with Beehemoth, please let me know so I can add dedicated mod compat with that mod.

Bee Queen
  • Bee Queens can be found in Throne Pillar structure only. You can find Throne Pillars by getting a special Honey Compass from the Cell Maze, Battle Cubes, or Honitel structures. This kind of Honey Compass will say it is locked onto the closest Throne Pillar structure.

    • If you go to a Throne Pillar that does not have a Bee Queen, the compasses locating the structure will respawn the Bee Queen. (Note, the compasses will become marked in your inventory if you enter the structure it was locating regardless of if the Bee Queen is there or not. And once marked, that compass cannot respawn the Bee Queen. You'll need a new fresh compass) This is controlled by the beeQueenRespawning config option.
  • This is a massive passive Bee that wants to trade! Right click while holding items or drop items in front of the Queen Bee to trade (ground trading can be disabled with beeQueenGroundPickup config). Try trading various items to see what kind of items are possible to receive based what you give! Seriously, there's a lot of possible lists of items you can get but only when you trade certain items. You can add more trades by adding json file to this folder in a datapack: \data\the_bumblezone\bz_bee_queen_trades

    • NOTE, for 1.20.6 and below, the reward part of the JSON cannot support item NBT. Only in 1.21 and newer are components supported in itemstack rewards. (Components being the replacement for nbt) Please see here for the older format: \data\the_bumblezone\bz_bee_queen_trades
  • With JEI, REI, or EMI mods on, you can find Bee Queen trades for items! Left click on an item to see what trades gives that item. Right click on an item to see what trade will give you in exchange for the item. If you right click on the Bee Queen Spawn Egg, you can see all the Bee Queen trades!

  • The Bee Queen will also choose one item that's tradeable with it and tell any player very close by that the Queen wants that item over the next 20 minutes (This is a Trade Bonus system). If the player trades that item with the queen, they get 3 times the reward and xp! They can do this up to 24 times before the Queen is satisfied and the Bonus Trade is depleted until the 20 minutes runs out. Then the Queen picks a new item for Bonus Trading! (You can still trade other items with the queen for normal amount of rewards at any time even when the Queen is not asking for that item! The translucent desired item rendering can be turned off with renderBeeQueenSuperTradeItem clientside config entry)

  • On certain days of the year, the Bonus Trade system will turn off and the Bee Queen will ask for specific items to do special trades just for those days! You can still do normal trades with other items during this time. These special hidden trades do not show up in recipe viewers. (You can disable these special day trades by config if you wish)

  • Upon the first successful trade, you will be given The Queen's Desires advancement line which gives a Royal Jelly Bottle reward for each advancement completed. After completing the entire advancement line, you get the Essence of the Bees item! (See this item in Item section for more info about it)

    • After the advancement line is finished, visit the Bee Queen and right click to reset that advancement line to retry for the same rewards! It is like a replay-able quest!

    • If you need to see your progress towards certain Queen Desire Advancements, run these commands in the chat (replace the x with whatever shows up in autocomplete): /bumblezone_read_self_data queen_desire_xxxxxxxx
       For op players, you can use the /bumblezone_read_data commands to see the queen desire progress of other players if needed.

  • Cannot be pushed by entities and is calm until hit. When angered, it spawns bees over time to attack and has a very short melee attack. Trading is also disabled when angry. After a few minutes of not being attacked, the Bee Queen will calm down and stop being angry.

  • Note: the first time a Bee Queen is pushed out of Bumblezone to teleport out, it will be put at 0,0 center of the Overworld at top solid block. This is where all mobs that initially spawned in Bumblezone will teleport to when exiting Bumblezone. After that, they get the normal teleporting location mechanics.

  • Immune to Sweet Berry Bush thorn damaging just like regular Bees.

(1.20+) Sentry Watcher
  • A large undamageable, unkillable magical statue made of Ancient Wax that are often guarding Sempiternal Sanctums. (And will self-destruct if taking out of their sanctums or killed)

  • If any non-bee mob crosses this statue's view, the statue will accelerate forward, smashing through any weak blocks in its path to obliterate the transgresser! The faster the statue is when it hit the mob, the greater the damage!

  • Wearing Bee Armor or Bee Curios/Trinkets will reduce some of the Sentry Watcher's damage as well.

  • Some tags to configure its behavior are:

the_bumblezone:sentry_watcher/always_destroy (block tag)

the_bumblezone:sentry_watcher/forced_never_destroy (block tag)

the_bumblezone:sentry_watcher/activates_when_seen (entity tag)

the_bumblezone:sentry_watcher/forced_never_activates_when_seen (entity tag)

the_bumblezone:sentry_watcher/cannot_damage (entity tag)

  • If a player crafts a Sentry Watcher Spawn Egg and spawns a Sentry Watcher, this statue will not self-destruct and will not charge at its owner and cannot destroy blocks. Owner can double right click the statue to turn it back into a Spawn Egg. Recipe to craft item is Ancient Wax blocks (a) and any lit Luminescent Wax Block (l) in this shape:

  • If a Dispenser spawns a Sentry Watcher with a Sentry Watcher Spawn Egg, anyone can double right click to remove this statue even though this statue will charge at everyone. (Still cannot destroy blocks)

  • Spawn Egg cannot be used on a Mob Spawner for balance reasons.

  • If you set "quarterTurns" in the entity's nbt to true or 1b, the entity will now make quarter turns instead of half turns after it finished ramming at a mob.

  • Technical Note: This entity extends Entity. It is not a Living Entity nor Mob. And its Spawn Egg is not a true Spawn Egg either.

(1.20+) Cosmic Crystal Entity
  • A boss of powerful magical energy that is found in the White Sempiternal Sanctum structure's event! 6 will spawn around the Essence block and fight you! Read below if you want hints on how they work and how to beat them!

    Spoilers ahead!

  • Each crystal has 60 health by default but can be changed with the cosmicCrystalHealth config option.

  • Damage to this boss is capped to 1 usually. If the damage would've been more than 29 or is direct (physical melee) and greater than 10, then the damage is capped at 2. So all damaging to this boss is either reduced to 1 or 2 damage points per hit. Status effects that deal damage like Poison or Wither are shortened in time as well so they only deal 1 or 2 hits of damage to the crystals. This makes this a very difficult fight when there are 6 crystals to take down!

  • If you are stuck trying to default this boss, the secret is to use a high fire-rate/hit-rate weapon that can deal damaging status effects. Bonus if you can hit multiple crystals at once! This means Flame Bow with Poison Arrows is a great weapon of choice. Quick Charge Multishot Crossbow with Poison Arrows is even better!

  • Beware of the crystals attacks as the damaging will bypass armor, shield, effects, enchantments, and resistance! Laser attacks will take off 1/4th of a player's Max Health or Current Health (Whichever is greater). Physical attacks from the crystal will take off 1/6th of a player's health.

  • There's 6 attacks that the crystals can do and will randomly pick which one to use throughout the fight!

    • Tracking Smashing Attack - The crystals rises up and then launch themselves at the player, causing a large explosion at impact site. Keep running around edge of arena to avoid being exploded!

    • Tracking Spinning Attack - Each crystal will take turns spinning like a top and trying to ram into the player. Due to the lag in their ability to follow the player, running in a small circle around the crystals will making avoiding them easy! Takes practice to perfect running around the crystals.

    • Vertical Laser - The crystals shoot a laser downward and begin moving in a spiral around the arena. Take note of areas where the lasers cannot reach!

    • Horizontal Laser - The crystals turn on their side to shoot a laser outward from center of room. Flying won't help much as the crystal will rise and fall to try and match your height. Take notice of a safe area you can stand in to avoid these lasers!

    • Sweep Laser - Spinning and shooting lasers at same time, the crystal do full sweeps of the room. This is the trickiest laser attack to avoid but keep watch on the laser and dodge them when you can!

    • Tracking Laser - Taking aim at you, the crystals will shoot a laser at your feet! There is a lag to their tracking abilities so keep running around the edge of the room to avoid this laser attack!