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base repository: Tencent/Hippy
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 2.1.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: Tencent/Hippy
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 2.1.1
Choose a head ref
  • 7 commits
  • 39 files changed
  • 4 contributors

Commits on Oct 30, 2020

  1. chore(release): released 2.1.0

    zoomchan-cxj authored and ilikethese committed Oct 30, 2020


    This user has not yet uploaded their public signing key.
    Copy the full SHA
    60bed9d View commit details
  2. docs: change publish readme

    zoomchan-cxj authored and ilikethese committed Oct 30, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    2ccb807 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    b8a891a View commit details

Commits on Nov 3, 2020

  1. Copy the full SHA
    21d8b58 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    eb889bf View commit details

Commits on Nov 11, 2020

  1. Copy the full SHA
    ba8836d View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    83ce95b View commit details
Showing with 380 additions and 87 deletions.
  1. +120 −0
  2. +22 −9
  3. +1 −1 android/sdk/build.gradle
  4. BIN android/sdk/libs/x86_64/
  5. +1 −1 core/napi/jsc/
  6. +24 −26 core/napi/v8/
  7. +8 −8 docs/android/
  8. +2 −0 docs/hippy-vue/
  9. +1 −0 examples/android-demo/example/build.gradle
  10. +3 −3 examples/android-demo/res/
  11. +7 −7 examples/android-demo/res/
  12. +3 −3 examples/ios-demo/res/index.ios.js
  13. +7 −7 examples/ios-demo/res/vendor.ios.js
  14. +1 −1 hippy.podspec
  15. +1 −1 ios/sdk/base/
  16. +1 −1 lerna.json
  17. +15 −0 packages/hippy-debug-server/
  18. +1 −1 packages/hippy-debug-server/package.json
  19. +15 −0 packages/hippy-react-web/
  20. +1 −1 packages/hippy-react-web/package-lock.json
  21. +1 −1 packages/hippy-react-web/package.json
  22. +26 −0 packages/hippy-react/
  23. +1 −1 packages/hippy-react/package-lock.json
  24. +1 −1 packages/hippy-react/package.json
  25. +19 −0 packages/hippy-vue-css-loader/
  26. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue-css-loader/package-lock.json
  27. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue-css-loader/package.json
  28. +26 −0 packages/hippy-vue-native-components/
  29. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue-native-components/package.json
  30. +9 −3 packages/hippy-vue-native-components/src/animation.js
  31. +16 −0 packages/hippy-vue-router/
  32. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue-router/package-lock.json
  33. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue-router/package.json
  34. +32 −0 packages/hippy-vue/
  35. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue/package-lock.json
  36. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue/package.json
  37. +3 −0 packages/hippy-vue/src/elements/built-in.js
  38. +1 −1 packages/hippy-vue/src/util/__tests__/index.test.js
  39. +4 −3 packages/hippy-vue/src/util/index.js
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,126 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

## [2.1.1]( (2020-11-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **hippy-vue:** fixed focus event support for div ([#387]( ([21d8b58](
* **hippy-vue:** fixed tryConvertNumber bug & some compatible issue ([ba8836d](

# [2.1.0]( (2020-10-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **android:** avoid null pointer before bouncing RefreshWrapper ([43c2fb5](
* **android:** change hippy.jar storage path ([161cb38](
* **android:** change style of font size invalid ([a0b534f](
* **android:** checkUpdateDimension window height==width problem for QB ([1011371](
* **android:** compile problem ([631c9d3](
* **android:** context holder memory leak ([b810bc1](
* **android:** correct list view onEndReached to onLoadMore ([eaa7e5f](
* **android:** dispatchFunction with promise for textinput getValue ([f886e0b](
* **android:** fetchImage param should support different type ([497ba71](
* **android:** fix support-ui code style ([04c9959](
* **android:** get listView frame size function ([74e2769](
* **android:** imageview will flash when list loadmore ([#228]( ([366247a](
* **android:** list view flash when exceed 7 item in screen ([0109fe5](
* **android:** list view init position incorrect when contain pull header ([c6eb90d](
* **android:** list view item reuse tintcolor invalid problem ([7270141](
* **android:** make ListViewItem as same type props with iOS ([1ae5b54](
* **android:** memory leak suspect ([a9ef48d](
* **android:** modal view crash when activity destroyed ([e73b656](
* **android:** module load listener memory leak ([55a084f](
* **android:** optimize view hippmap tag impl ([f433ec4](
* **android:** pic not display when adapter call back file path ([7620d7a](
* **android:** revert build gradle publish config ([b2c67e3](
* **android:** revert fetch image optimize in support ui ([416a6e2](
* **android:** set engine context null may case crash ([10146f0](
* **android:** support ui fetch image and react bug fix ([d829ed4](
* **android:** temporary remove example third party adapter ([6d148ec](
* **android:** tkd list view loadMoreFinish incorrect ([6659a07](
* **android-viola:** modify maven configuration ([7558e6a](
* **android-viola:** modify maven configuration for 0.1.2 ([b7da1f0](
* **doc:** add a new attribute to listView ([8232db6](
* **hippy-react:** fix hippy-react animationSet destroy problem ([#382]( ([3c66ca6](
* **hippy-react:** removed unncessary Object.values() ([8a68d44](
* **hippy-react:** restore the ListView type props be number ([#367]( ([231ec5a](, closes [/](
* **hippy-vue:** fix hippy-vue transform multi-animation not working ([84bd58b](
* **ios:** cancel previous custom image loading when a new request come ([3aef246](
* **ios:** clear resources before Engine destroy ([fe6e080](
* **ios:** code format, add a break to match static analysis ([61a43db](
* **ios:** fix a potential crash ([6239592](
* **ios:** fix animated image refresh bug ([8d5e306](
* **ios:** fix animated images check ([eb85032](
* **ios:** fix border radius bug ([bbb971f](
* **ios:** fix box shadow propery ([e816c31](
* **ios:** fix bugs that onInterceptTouchEvent not work ([d615374](
* **ios:** fix dev window height on iphoneX ([7e5df6e](
* **ios:** fix footer pull method name ([bef9a19](
* **ios:** fix HippyTiming crash ([08fae32](
* **ios:** fix imageload failed message ([6dfe123](
* **ios:** fix list item view type and onEndReach event not trigger ([46bad5d](
* **ios:** fix measureInWindow bug ([fceb0e7](
* **ios:** fix measureInWindow method,add measureInAppWindow ([e66cab1](
* **ios:** fix touch handler bugs ([d706657](
* **ios:** fix UIFont constructor crash on iOS14 ([be1ce5d](
* **ios:** fix websocket bug ([f45a9bb](
* **ios:** fix websocket function ([987b08c](
* **ios:** fix websocket module function.remove debug code ([8bb3b37](
* **ios:** set default image need not update imageview ([53a1eb2](
* **ios:** support default font family name ([b97ca96](
* **ios:** update props without shadowview ([52f8295](
* **swiper:** fixed props passing ([3081d69](
* **vue:** fixed remove style issue ([#329]( ([33f2f7d](

### Features

* **android:** add cell exposure event support ([fd9c464](
* **android:** add exposure event enabled control ([c2f6307](
* **android:** add listView event support 1 ([1e85d9d](
* **android:** add listView event support 2 ([a3712b2](
* **android:** add listView horizontal support ([cf6e439](
* **android:** add page-slider and list view direction prop support ([14ae0a6](
* **android:** add page-slider and page support ([826369f](
* **android:** add pullHeader and pullFooter event support ([eeaac37](
* **android:** add pullHeader and pullFooter view support ([f6e432f](
* **android:** add tdk feature step 1 ([dbc60c4](
* **android:** add view hippymap tag support ([799305a](
* **android:** optimize list view item exposure impl ([5e09690](
* **android:** support box-shadow feature ([3dbbe85](
* **core:** catch hippy-base exception ([#353]( ([0601446](
* **core:** refactor core ([f996af3](
* **hippy-react:** add new method measureInAppWindow ([e25bb67](
* **hippy-react:** added PullHeader and PullFooter components support ([2fcdee9](
* **hippy-vue:** add new method measureInAppWindow ([e6348a2](
* **hippy-vue:** added pull-header and pull-footer components support ([3fbc862](
* **hippy-vue:** added the callback execution before $mount in $start ([1a1cc3f](
* **hippy-vue:** box-shadow style support ([0604461](
* **hippy-vue:** export parseColor api for HippyVue ([a354c94](
* **ios:** add custom viewcontroller transition animation ([9931ca4](
* **ios:** add image provider protocol ([#349]( ([d7ff14f](
* **ios:** add listitemview appear and disappear event ([dbdc70a](
* **ios:** add pull header and pull footer components ([ac79c90](
* **ios:** change hippyDeepCopyProtocol method name ([beb417e](
* **ios:** expose image method public ([18307b9](
* **ios:** expose some properties and methods for Modal component ([cd60af2](
* **ios:** fix viewpager error ([c0c7bcc](
* **ios:** no exception thrown in release mode in HippyFatal method ([049f57e](
* 适配core代码,新增EngineMapper文件 ([d4487e2](
* **ios:** hippyImageView not support all animated image ([c864c34](
* **ios:** implemention of refresh method ([d237501](
* **ios:** optimize animated image logic ([c71e09d](
* **ios:** remove macro of scroll delegate method ([1ad5d26](
* **ios:** support auto spacing feature ([dfffe2b](

## [2.0.3]( (2020-04-23)

31 changes: 22 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
# Hippy 发布文档


## 1. 更新版本号

前端使用 [lerna]( 进行版本管理和 CHANGELOG 生成,但因为需要更新终端包所以不能使用它的发布功能。

更新版本和 CHANGELOG 使用:

lerna version --conventional-commits --tag-version-prefix=''
lerna version [VERSION] --conventional-commits --tag-version-prefix='' --no-push

* `[VERSION]` - 要发布的版本号,如2.1.0。
* `--conventional-commits` - 生成基于 conventional 提交规范的 CHANGELOG。
* `--tag-version-prefix` - 改为空字符,这样生成的版本号 tag 前面就不会带上默认的 `v`
* `--no-push` - 不会将tag推动到远程。

## 2. 回退 commit 并删除自动生成的 tag

@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ lerna 生成版本号和 CHANGELOG 后,需要回退一下版本,所有发布
git rebase -i HEAD^

进入 vim 或者编辑器后选择最后一个版本的 commit,并选择 edit,如果是 vim 则输入 `:` 并输入 `wq` 保存退出 vim。
进入 vim 或者编辑器后选择最后一个版本的 commit,并将要修改的 `pick` 修改成 `edit`,如果是 vim 则输入 `:` 并输入 `wq` 保存退出 vim。

此时进入 rebase 状态。

@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ git rebase -i HEAD^
git commit --amend -S

输入符合 [Convention Commit]( 规范的 commit message,版本发布一般推荐使用:`chore[release]: released [VERSION]` 这样的 commit message。
输入符合 [Convention Commit]( 规范的 commit message,版本发布一般推荐使用:`chore(release): released [VERSION]` 这样的 commit message。

同时删除 tag,一会儿更新后需要重新生成 tag

@@ -109,17 +113,26 @@ git push --tags # 提交 tag
* 前端发布到

lerna exec "npm run publish"
lerna exec "npm publish"

> 如果开启了 npm 二次验证会一直问你一次性密码,正常输入即可。
* iOS 发布到

pod trunk push hippy.podspec

* Android 发布到 [bintray](
pod trunk register [EMAIL] [NAME]

在 Android Studio 中打开 `examples/android-demo` 项目,并且在旁边的 Gradle 面板中运行 `android-demo` > `android-sdk` > `publishing` > `:android-sdk:bintrayUpload`

pod trunk push hippy.podspec

> 如果发布时参数检查失败,可以在`pod`命令前面加上 `COCOAPODS_VALIDATOR_SKIP_XCODEBUILD=1` 参数

* Android 发布到 [bintray](
在 Android Studio 中打开 `examples/android-demo` 项目,在``添加`bintrayUser=[user]``bintrayKey=[key]`,其中`[user]``[key]` 分别对应用户在bintray的 `账号名``API key` ,添加完后字旁边的 Gradle 面板中运行 `android-demo` > `android-sdk` > `publishing` > `:android-sdk:bintrayUpload` 即可发布.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion android/sdk/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ publish {
repoName = 'Hippy'
groupId = 'com.tencent.hippy'
artifactId = 'hippy-release'
publishVersion = '2.0.3'
publishVersion = '2.1.1'
dryRun = false
desc = 'Hippy library for Android'
website = ''
Binary file modified android/sdk/libs/x86_64/
100644 → 100755
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/napi/jsc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* js2cpp is maintenance by Hippy Team <>
* Copyright © 2018-2020 Tencent. All rights reserved.
* Generated at Fri Aug 28 2020 16:05:14 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time).
* Generated at Wed Nov 11 2020 23:24:34 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time).
#include "core/napi/native-source-code.h"