2020-10-30, Version 2.1.0(LTS)
Bug Fixes
android: avoid null pointer before bouncing RefreshWrapper (43c2fb5 )
android: change hippy.jar storage path (161cb38 )
android: change style of font size invalid (a0b534f )
android: checkUpdateDimension window height==width problem for QB (1011371 )
android: compile problem (631c9d3 )
android: context holder memory leak (b810bc1 )
android: correct list view onEndReached to onLoadMore (eaa7e5f )
android: dispatchFunction with promise for textinput getValue (f886e0b )
android: fetchImage param should support different type (497ba71 )
android: fix support-ui code style (04c9959 )
android: get listView frame size function (74e2769 )
android: imageview will flash when list loadmore (#228 ) (366247a )
android: list view flash when exceed 7 item in screen (0109fe5 )
android: list view init position incorrect when contain pull header (c6eb90d )
android: list view item reuse tintcolor invalid problem (7270141 )
android: make ListViewItem as same type props with iOS (1ae5b54 )
android: memory leak suspect (a9ef48d )
android: modal view crash when activity destroyed (e73b656 )
android: module load listener memory leak (55a084f )
android: optimize view hippmap tag impl (f433ec4 )
android: pic not display when adapter call back file path (7620d7a )
android: revert build gradle publish config (b2c67e3 )
android: revert fetch image optimize in support ui (416a6e2 )
android: set engine context null may case crash (10146f0 )
android: support ui fetch image and react bug fix (d829ed4 )
android: temporary remove example third party adapter (6d148ec )
android: tkd list view loadMoreFinish incorrect (6659a07 )
android-viola: modify maven configuration (7558e6a )
android-viola: modify maven configuration for 0.1.2 (b7da1f0 )
doc: add a new attribute to listView (8232db6 )
hippy-react: fix hippy-react animationSet destroy problem (#382 ) (3c66ca6 )
hippy-react: removed unncessary Object.values() (8a68d44 )
hippy-react: restore the ListView type props be number (#367 ) (231ec5a ), closes /
hippy-vue: fix hippy-vue transform multi-animation not working (84bd58b )
ios: cancel previous custom image loading when a new request come (3aef246 )
ios: clear resources before Engine destroy (fe6e080 )
ios: code format, add a break to match static analysis (61a43db )
ios: fix a potential crash (6239592 )
ios: fix animated image refresh bug (8d5e306 )
ios: fix animated images check (eb85032 )
ios: fix border radius bug (bbb971f )
ios: fix box shadow propery (e816c31 )
ios: fix bugs that onInterceptTouchEvent not work (d615374 )
ios: fix dev window height on iphoneX (7e5df6e )
ios: fix footer pull method name (bef9a19 )
ios: fix HippyTiming crash (08fae32 )
ios: fix imageload failed message (6dfe123 )
ios: fix list item view type and onEndReach event not trigger (46bad5d )
ios: fix measureInWindow bug (fceb0e7 )
ios: fix measureInWindow method,add measureInAppWindow (e66cab1 )
ios: fix touch handler bugs (d706657 )
ios: fix UIFont constructor crash on iOS14 (be1ce5d )
ios: fix websocket bug (f45a9bb )
ios: fix websocket function (987b08c )
ios: fix websocket module function.remove debug code (8bb3b37 )
ios: set default image need not update imageview (53a1eb2 )
ios: support default font family name (b97ca96 )
ios: update props without shadowview (52f8295 )
swiper: fixed props passing (3081d69 )
vue: fixed remove style issue (#329 ) (33f2f7d )
android: add cell exposure event support (fd9c464 )
android: add exposure event enabled control (c2f6307 )
android: add listView event support 1 (1e85d9d )
android: add listView event support 2 (a3712b2 )
android: add listView horizontal support (cf6e439 )
android: add page-slider and list view direction prop support (14ae0a6 )
android: add page-slider and page support (826369f )
android: add pullHeader and pullFooter event support (eeaac37 )
android: add pullHeader and pullFooter view support (f6e432f )
android: add tdk feature step 1 (dbc60c4 )
android: add view hippymap tag support (799305a )
android: optimize list view item exposure impl (5e09690 )
android: support box-shadow feature (3dbbe85 )
core: catch hippy-base exception (#353 ) (0601446 )
core: refactor core (f996af3 )
hippy-react: add new method measureInAppWindow (e25bb67 )
hippy-react: added PullHeader and PullFooter components support (2fcdee9 )
hippy-vue: add new method measureInAppWindow (e6348a2 )
hippy-vue: added pull-header and pull-footer components support (3fbc862 )
hippy-vue: added the callback execution before $mount in $start (1a1cc3f )
hippy-vue: box-shadow style support (0604461 )
hippy-vue: export parseColor api for HippyVue (a354c94 )
ios: add custom viewcontroller transition animation (9931ca4 )
ios: add image provider protocol (#349 ) (d7ff14f )
ios: add listitemview appear and disappear event (dbdc70a )
ios: add pull header and pull footer components (ac79c90 )
ios: change hippyDeepCopyProtocol method name (beb417e )
ios: expose image method public (18307b9 )
ios: expose some properties and methods for Modal component (cd60af2 )
ios: fix viewpager error (c0c7bcc )
ios: no exception thrown in release mode in HippyFatal method (049f57e )
适配core代码,新增EngineMapper文件 (d4487e2 )
ios: hippyImageView not support all animated image (c864c34 )
ios: implemention of refresh method (d237501 )
ios: optimize animated image logic (c71e09d )
ios: remove macro of scroll delegate method (1ad5d26 )
ios: support auto spacing feature (dfffe2b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.