2021-02-25, Version 2.5.0(LTS)
Notable Changes
Add Android gaussian blur property to image; Added Android night mode support.
Add Android register multi module name support.
Fix image, backgroundImage,crash issues; Fixed style issue for hippy-react-web.
Bug Fixes
- ios: fix viewpager bug (54b0e06)
- android: add usesCleartextTraffic=true (6c21253)
- android: merge some bug fix from QB branch (5ad10ae)
- android: merge some bug fix from QQ branch (a9b9460)
- android: onCreateSuspendViewHolderWithPos should return null (7efa9c9)
- android: support only include armeabi (3e60c4d)
- android: update v8 77 so (a05fdaf)
- android: webview set allow content access to false (b12e5cf)
- core: avoid iOS map crash (7657ab5)
- core: fix debug crash (748c6de)
- core: fix js exception report bug (1b27277)
- feat: change build-core script (38b99dd)
- hippy-core: remove getOwnPropertyDescriptors (58f5ff7)
- hippy-react-web: correct margin and padding style values (#543) (0754a68)
- hippy-react,hippy-vue: add examples webpack sourcetype (839da97)
- hippy-vue: fix vue webpack dll problem (bbdc95c)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: added example babel plugins (cd54ce9)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: change webpack vendor script (4ac88cb)
- ios: add @autoreleasepool in hippy custom js thread callback block (b0518a2)
- ios: fix apng image delay time error (f8eb557)
- ios: fix backgroundSize property of View component (e16cedf)
- ios: fix device orientation change event bug (d80c6a3)
- ios: fix image down sample error (b967ceb)
- ios: fix image insets error (9651d84)
- ios: fix potential crash because of a nil context pointer (e8c1820)
- ios: fix protential crash when AppDelegate.window called (5048b0b)
- ios: fix text input placeholder error (83b6f48)
- ios: fix view creation missing if view is created lazily (b8747ac)
- ios: fix viewpager component bug (#564) (56c481b)
- android: add gaussian blur property to image (6c7290e)
- android: add local aar dependencies in demo (227302c)
- android: change gaussian blur property type (2733d1a)
- android: night mode support (31ca5d1)
- android: support abi and v8 gradle setting (8961799)
- android: support assemble by product flavors (d0ecb6a)
- android: support register multi module name (3060283)