2021-03-17, Version 2.5.4(LTS)
Notable Changes
Adaptation for v89 Chrome dev tools.
Add onInterceptPullUpEvent property for iOS.
Fix Hippy-Vue children of animation set not destroy bug.
Bug Fixes
- android: add d8 setting for qq (e001cdf)
- android: as inspect code (357aac2)
- android: demo add onResume and onStop (8435397)
- android: run fetch image on main thread (bd3479e)
- core: add explicit (22d3601)
- core: fix codecc (f8212e4)
- core: fix codecc warning (#608) (1077a79)
- core: fix scope nullptr bug (3df0e8c)
- hippy-vue: add child animation destroy logic (e0404fa)