2021-09-10, Version 2.9.0(LTS)
Notable Changes
Add waterfall components HippyReact | HippyVue.
Add Live-Reload ability for debug.
Android add Elements Inspect for debug.
Add animation cubic-bezier timingFunction.
iOS supports visibility css style.
Bug Fixes
- android: add HippyDrawable get gif width and height (d4c10ff)
- android: add useAndroidX to sdk gradle properties (4c88717)
- android: correct recycler list pull header height (f07e485)
- android: element refresh bug (955b01b)
- hippy-react: add callUIFunction default options (24c3d9c)
- ios: fix an animation group error (67104f0)
- ios: fix combined animation error (#941) (a090d32)
- ios: fix degree rotation bug (76fab1d)
- ios: properties define in uiview's designated initializer (63d0841)
- ios: set right zPosition for listview cell (#928) (c9a0b0e)
- ios: update visibility available now (988106c)
- android: import junit + powermock + robolectric (18dcaff)
- animation: animation cubic-bezier timingFunction (#785) (044e8b2)
- debug-server: change chrome dev protocal for Elements tab (da50de2)
- ios: add visibility property for view (4652fe9)
- ios: enable swipe to delete in UITableView (#935) (ebcf138)
- react,vue,android: add live reload (22582f4)
- react,vue,ios,android: add waterfall component for hippy (#933) (909cf79), closes #1