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【官网】 文档支持国际化 (#896)
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* feat: 文档支持国际化

* feat: 生成英文文档
  • Loading branch information
honkinglin authored May 25, 2022
1 parent 637b8c4 commit 22bac24
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Showing 72 changed files with 4,161 additions and 559 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions examples/affix/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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## API

### Affix Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
container | String / Function | () => (() => window) | Typescript:`ScrollContainer` | N
offsetBottom | Number | 0 | \- | N
offsetTop | Number | 0 | \- | N
zIndex | Number | - | \- | N
onFixedChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(affixed: boolean, context: { top: number }) => void`<br/> | N

### Affix Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
fixed-change | `(affixed: boolean, context: { top: number })` | \-
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions examples/alert/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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## API

### Alert Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
close | String / Boolean / Slot / Function | false | Typescript:`string | boolean | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
icon | Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
maxLine | Number | 0 | \- | N
message | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
operation | Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
theme | String | info | options:success/info/warning/error | N
title | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
onClose | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onClosed | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: TransitionEvent }) => void`<br/> | N

### Alert Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
close | `(context: { e: MouseEvent })` | \-
closed | `(context: { e: TransitionEvent })` | \-
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions examples/anchor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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## API

### Anchor Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
affixProps | Object | - | Typescript:`AffixProps`[Affix API Documents](./affix?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
bounds | Number | 5 | \- | N
container | String / Function | () => (() => window) | Typescript:`ScrollContainer` | N
cursor | Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
size | String | medium | options:small/medium/large。Typescript:`SizeEnum`[see more ts definition]( | N
targetOffset | Number | 0 | \- | N
onChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(currentLink: string, prevLink: string) => void`<br/> | N
onClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(link: { href: string; title: string; e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N

### Anchor Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
change | `(currentLink: string, prevLink: string)` | \-
click | `(link: { href: string; title: string; e: MouseEvent })` | \-

### AnchorItem Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
href | String | - | required | Y
target | String | _self | options:_self/_blank/_parent/_top | N
title | String / Slot / Function | '' | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N

### AnchorTarget Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
id | String | - | required | Y
tag | String | div | \- | N
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions examples/avatar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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## API

### Avatar Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
alt | String | - | show it when url is not valid | N
hideOnLoadFailed | Boolean | false | hide image when loading image failed | N
icon | Slot / Function | - | use icon to fill。Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
image | String | - | images url | N
shape | String | circle | shape。options:circle/round。Typescript:`ShapeEnum ` `type ShapeEnum = 'circle' | 'round'`[see more ts definition]( | N
size | String | - | size | N
onError | Function | | TS 类型:`() => void`<br/>trigger on image load failed | N

### Avatar Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
error | \- | trigger on image load failed

### AvatarGroup Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
cascading | String | 'right-up' | multiple images cascading。options:left-up/right-up。Typescript:`CascadingValue` `type CascadingValue = 'left-up' | 'right-up'`[see more ts definition]( | N
collapseAvatar | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
max | Number | - | \- | N
placement | String | - | popup placement。options:left/top/bottom/right。Typescript:`MaxOverPlacement` `type MaxOverPlacement = 'left' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right'`[see more ts definition]( | N
popupProps | Object | - | Typescript:`PopupProps`[Popup API Documents](./popup?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
size | String | medium | size | N
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions examples/badge/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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## API

### Badge Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
color | String | - | \- | N
content | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
count | String / Number / Slot / Function | 0 | Typescript:`string | number | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
dot | Boolean | false | \- | N
maxCount | Number | 99 | \- | N
offset | Array | - | Typescript:`Array<string | number>` | N
shape | String | circle | options:circle/round | N
showZero | Boolean | false | \- | N
size | String | medium | options:small/medium | N
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions examples/breadcrumb/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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## API

### Breadcrumb Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
maxItemWidth | String | undefined | \- | N
options | Array | - | Typescript:`Array<TdBreadcrumbItemProps>` | N
separator | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
theme | String | light | options:light | N

### BreadcrumbItem Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
content | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
disabled | Boolean | - | \- | N
href | String | - | \- | N
maxWidth | String | undefined | \- | N
replace | Boolean | false | \- | N
router | Object | - | Typescript:`any` | N
target | String | _self | options:_blank/_self/_parent/_top | N
to | String / Object | - | Typescript:`Route` `interface Route { path?: string; name?: string; hash?: string; query?: RouteData; params?: RouteData }` `type RouteData = { [key: string]: string | string[] }`[see more ts definition]( | N
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ icon | Slot / Function | - | use it to set left icon in button。Typescript:`T
loading | Boolean | false | set button to be loading state | N
shape | String | rectangle | button shape。options:rectangle/square/round/circle | N
size | String | medium | a button has three size。options:small/medium/large。Typescript:`SizeEnum`[see more ts definition]( | N
theme | String | undefined | button theme。options:default/primary/danger/warning/success | N
theme | String | - | button theme。options:default/primary/danger/warning/success | N
type | String | button | type of button element in html。options:submit/reset/button | N
variant | String | base | variant of button。options:base/outline/dashed/text | N
onClick | Function | | `(e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {}` | N
onClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(e: MouseEvent) => void`<br/> | N

### Button Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
click | `(e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>)` | -
click | `(e: MouseEvent)` | \-
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions examples/calendar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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## API

### Calendar Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
cell | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode<CalendarCell>`[see more ts definition]( | N
cellAppend | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode<CalendarCell>`[see more ts definition]( | N
controllerConfig | Boolean / Object | - | Typescript:`boolean | CalendarController` | N
fillWithZero | Boolean | - | \- | N
firstDayOfWeek | Number | - | options:1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | N
format | String | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | \- | N
head | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode<ControllerOptions>`[see more ts definition]( | N
isShowWeekendDefault | Boolean | true | \- | N
mode | String | month | options:month/year | N
month | String / Number | - | \- | N
preventCellContextmenu | Boolean | false | \- | N
range | Array | - | Typescript:`Array<CalendarValue>` | N
theme | String | full | options:full/card | N
value | String / Date | - | Typescript:`CalendarValue` `type CalendarValue = string | Date`[see more ts definition]( | N
week | Array / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`Array<string> | TNode<CalendarWeek>` `interface CalendarWeek { day: WeekDay }` `type WeekDay = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7`[see more ts definition]([see more ts definition]( | N
year | String / Number | - | \- | N
onCellClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onCellDoubleClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onCellRightClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onControllerChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: ControllerOptions) => void`<br/>[see more ts definition](。<br/>`interface ControllerOptions { filterDate: Date; formattedFilterDate: string; mode: string; isShowWeekend: boolean }`<br/> | N
onMonthChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { month: string; year: string }) => void`<br/> | N

### Calendar Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
cell-click | `(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent })` | \-
cell-double-click | `(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent })` | \-
cell-right-click | `(options: { cell: CalendarCell; e: MouseEvent })` | \-
controller-change | `(options: ControllerOptions)` | [see more ts definition](。<br/>`interface ControllerOptions { filterDate: Date; formattedFilterDate: string; mode: string; isShowWeekend: boolean }`<br/>
month-change | `(options: { month: string; year: string })` | \-

### CalendarController

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
current | Object | - | Typescript:`{ visible?: boolean; currentDayButtonProps?: ButtonProps; currentMonthButtonProps?: ButtonProps }` | N
disabled | Boolean | false | \- | N
mode | Object | - | Typescript:`{ visible?: boolean; radioGroupProps?: RadioGroupProps }`[Radio API Documents](./radio?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
month | Object | - | Typescript:`{ visible?: boolean; selectProps?: SelectProps }` | N
weekend | Object | - | Typescript:`{ visible?: boolean; showWeekendButtonProps?: CheckTagProps; hideWeekendButtonProps?: CheckTagProps }`[Tag API Documents](./tag?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
year | Object | - | Typescript:`{ visible?: boolean; selectProps?: SelectProps }`[Select API Documents](./select?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N

### CalendarCell

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
belongTo | Number | - | \- | N
date | Object | - | Typescript:`Date` | N
day | Number | - | \- | N
formattedDate | String | - | \- | N
isCurrent | Boolean | - | \- | N
weekOrder | Number | - | \- | N
`ControllerOptions` | \- | - | \- | N
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions examples/card/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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## API

### Card Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
actions | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
avatar | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
bordered | Boolean | true | \- | N
content | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
cover | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
description | String / Slot / Function | - | card description。Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
footer | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
header | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
headerBordered | Boolean | false | \- | N
hoverShadow | Boolean | false | \- | N
loading | Boolean / Slot / Function | false | Typescript:`boolean | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
shadow | Boolean | false | \- | N
size | String | medium | options:medium/small | N
status | String | - | \- | N
subtitle | String / Slot / Function | - | card subtitle。Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
theme | String | normal | options:normal/poster1/poster2 | N
title | String / Slot / Function | - | card title。Typescript:`string | TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N

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