Add this to entities and they will display in the world. This rendered version's location becomes a child of the owning entity (like the containing inventory).
When the entity gets an RenderItemComponent added, it will use this mesh and material instead of the default block or item.
"CustomRenderedItemMesh" : {
"mesh" : "UriOfYourMesh",
"material" : "UriOfYourMaterial"
When the entity gets a AnimateRotationComponent added, it will rotate continuously.
"AnimateRotation" : {
"yawSpeed|pitchSpeed|rollSpeed" : <float value in rotations per second>
"AnimateRotation" : {
"yawSpeed" : "0",
"pitchSpeed" : "0",
"rollSpeed" : "0",
"isSynchronized" : "false"
When the entity gets a AnimateBounceComponent added, it will bounce continuously.
"AnimateBounce": {
"maxHeight" : 10.0,
"period" : 10.0
A combination of AnimateBounceComponent and AnimateRotationComponent can be watched on YouTube.