Terralego Backend for OPP module
- To handle pictures in templates, please install weasyprint requirement librairies https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install.html#linux
./manage.py create_observatory_layer -n observatory
Then get the given primary key, for example 10.
TROPP_OBSERVATORY_LAYER_PK=10 # replace by primary key given by command
TROPP_OBSERVATORY_ID = 20 # set the nationnal id of your observatory
'terra_opp': [
('original', 'url'),
('full', 'thumbnail__1500x1125'),
('list', 'thumbnail__300x225'),
('thumbnail', 'thumbnail__180x120'),
('thumbnail_vertical', 'thumbnail__120x180'),
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'terra_accounts.TerraUser'
If your project is not using the default django storage, then you must define and set a url fetcher in order to tell weasyprint where to find your media files.
An example of url fetcher using media files from S3 storage :
from django.conf import settings
from terra_opp.renderers import django_url_fetcher
def custom_url_fetcher(url, *args, **kwargs):
scheme = 'https' if settings.AWS_S3_SECURE_URLS else 'http'
url_prefix = f"{scheme}://{settings.AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}"
if url.startswith(url_prefix):
url = url.replace(
return django_url_fetcher(url, *args, **kwargs)
And then you must refer to this custom url fetcher in your settings. Example if your fetcher is define in custom/fetcher.py
TROPP_URL_FETCHER = 'custom.fetcher.custom_url_fetcher'
Define settings you wants in test_opp
django project.
docker-compose up
Then initialize the database:
docker-compose exec web /code/venv/bin/python3 /code/src/manage.py migrate
and create the base layer:
docker-compose exec web /code/venv/bin/python3 /code/src/manage.py create_observatory_layer -n observatory
You can now edit your code. A django runserver is launched internally so the this is an autoreload server.
You can access to the api on http://localhost:8000/api/
To run test suite, just launch:
docker-compose exec web /code/venv/bin/python3 /code/src/manage.py test
# on the master branch
# update the file CHANGES.md with your latest changes
git changelog
# Next update the version in the file terra-opp/VERSION.md
echo X.X.X > terra-opp/VERSION.md
# Next use git release to create the tag et push your branch & tag to origin
git releasse X.X.X
After this few steps, you can now go on the github repo to create a new release with the corresponding tag.