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Added new guns (#125)
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Disabler Magnum
a 3 shot stun with less charge in the gun. Rewards careful aim for the
cunning captain

A mean Assault rifle similar to the lecter, Uses .20 Rifle with 6
firerate. Not a bad choice if you want more than a lecter.

Overclocked Railgun,
3 shots. its rounds go SO fast they look like lasers! and burn through
you!. VERY slow self recharges. With 35 Heat damage.

Ceremonial Rifle.
Similar to the Mosin with a smaller clip and a faster firerate. and made
of modern materials. This thing will do the trick nicely for your larp

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# Description

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Adds 4 brand spanking new firearms for your pleasure.
The Magnum Disabler: (Federal)
a 3 shot stunning machine with a 6 round battery. this thing will knock
the wind right out of your foes!

The Overclocked Railgun (Federal)
3 shots. make em count. self recharges but not very fast. its rounds go
so fast they actually vaporize in the air and burn the hell out of your
targets. Hits almost as bad as nanotrausens elites standard issue

The Antique bureaucratic rifle (Federal as well)
Much like a mosin this 5 shot wonder will sling .30 rifle death at those
you deem unworthy of your paperwork. Modernized with fancy metal
(plastic) and a fine paintjob (spraypaint) itll fit in perfectly with
your modern (props) arsenal. Just.. dont expect the world. just cause it
fires faster.

The Viperfang: (Fed- nah it was me. this time...)
Do you think .20 rifle is a underused caliber?
do you want somethin that sounds like a heavy assault rifle but is easy
to carry?
Do you want to blast 25 rounds of death at your enemies?
well boy howdy have i made the rifle for you.
firing JUST slightly faster than our competitors (6 is > 5) this rifle
is sure to tear your foes apart. for the practical murderer.

Thanks. and have fun killing everyone with these things.

there i did a maintainers. are you proud?



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![Screenshot 2025-01-04
![Screenshot 2025-01-04
![Screenshot 2025-01-04

![Screenshot 2025-01-04

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# Changelog
- add: added Viperfang
- add: Added Magnum Disabler
- add: Added the Ceremonial Rifle
- add: Added the railgun- you get the idea.
You can add an author after the `:cl:` to change the name that appears
in the changelog (ex: `:cl: Death`)
Leaving it blank will default to your GitHub display name
This includes all available types for the changelog

- add: Added fun :D
- tweak: Tweaked fun
- fix: Fixed fun!
- remove: Removed fun :(
  • Loading branch information
Erisfiregamer1 authored Jan 5, 2025
2 parents e5c035c + 48685eb commit 6167380
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 62 changed files with 434 additions and 3 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -939,3 +939,4 @@
autoRechargeRate: 24
autoRechargePause: true
autoRechargePauseTime: 10

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,6 +261,49 @@
collection: WeakHit
forceSound: true

- type: entity
name : magnum disabler bolt
id: BulletDisablerMagnum
parent: BaseBullet
categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- type: Reflective
- Energy
- type: FlyBySound
collection: EnergyMiss
volume: 5
- type: Sprite
sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles_tg.rsi
- state: omnilaser
shader: unshaded
- type: Physics
- type: Fixtures
bounds: "-0.15,-0.3,0.15,0.3"
hard: false
- Impassable
- BulletImpassable
fly-by: *flybyfixture
- type: Ammo
- type: StaminaDamageOnCollide
damage: 45
- type: Projectile
impactEffect: BulletImpactEffectDisabler
Heat: 8
collection: WeakHit
forceSound: true

- type: entity
name : disabler bolt practice
id: BulletDisablerPractice
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1046,7 +1089,7 @@
collection: MeatLaserImpact

- type: entity
name: laser bolt
name: laser bolt
id: BulletLaser
parent: BaseBullet
categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,7 +1138,7 @@
- type: ProjectileSpread
proto: BulletLaser
count: 5 #50 heat damage if you hit all your shots, but wide spread
spread: 30
spread: 30

- type: entity
name: narrow laser barrage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1139,4 +1182,4 @@
- type: ProjectileSpread
proto: BulletDisablerSmg
count: 3 #bit stronger than a disabler if you hit your shots you goober, still not a 2 hit stun though
spread: 9
spread: 9
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,3 +234,4 @@
- CartridgeRifle

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,3 +218,4 @@
wideAnimationRotation: 135
- type: DamageOtherOnHit
staminaCost: 5

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

- type: entity
name: overclocked railgun
parent: [BaseWeaponBattery, BaseGunWieldable]
id: WeaponRailgun
description: A railgun that fires projectiles at such high speeds that they become lasers!
- type: Sprite
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/railgun_fbi.rsi
- state: base
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
- state: mag-unshaded-4
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.MagUnshaded"]
shader: unshaded
- type: Clothing
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/railgun_fbi.rsi
- type: Gun
selectedMode: SemiAuto
fireRate: 3
- SemiAuto
- FullAuto
path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Gunshots/laser_cannon.ogg
- type: HitscanBatteryAmmoProvider
proto: Pulse
fireCost: 1000
- type: Battery
maxCharge: 3000
startingCharge: 3000
- type: BatterySelfRecharger
autoRecharge: true
autoRechargeRate: 50
autoRechargePause: true
autoRechargePauseTime: 10

- type: entity
name: magnum disabler
parent: BaseWeaponBatterySmall
id: WeaponDisablerMagnum
description: For any self-respecting captain when Security won't get off their asses.
- type: Tag
- Taser
- Sidearm
- type: Sprite
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/disabler_magnum_fbi.rsi
- state: base
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
- state: mag-unshaded-0
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.MagUnshaded"]
shader: unshaded
- type: Clothing
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/disabler_magnum_fbi.rsi
quickEquip: false
- suitStorage
- Belt
- type: Gun
fireRate: 1.5
path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Gunshots/taser2.ogg
- type: ProjectileBatteryAmmoProvider
proto: BulletDisablerMagnum
fireCost: 100
- type: MagazineVisuals
magState: mag
steps: 5
zeroVisible: true
- type: Appearance
- type: Battery
maxCharge: 600
startingCharge: 600
- type: GuideHelp
- Security
- type: MeleeWeapon
Blunt: 5.0
bluntStaminaDamageFactor: 2.5
wideAnimationRotation: 135
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@

- type: entity
name: Viperfang
parent: BaseWeaponRifle
id: WeaponRifleFang
description: An reliable assault rifle. That uses .30 rifle ammo.
- type: Sprite
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/viperfang.rsi
- state: base
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
- state: mag-0
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Mag"]
- type: Gun
fireRate: 6
path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Gunshots/rifle2.ogg
fireOnDropChance: 0.5
- type: ChamberMagazineAmmoProvider
path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Cock/ltrifle_cock.ogg
- type: ItemSlots
name: Magazine
startingItem: MagazineRifle
insertSound: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagIn/ltrifle_magin.ogg
ejectSound: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagOut/ltrifle_magout.ogg
priority: 2
- MagazineRifle
name: Chamber
startingItem: CartridgeRifle
priority: 1
- CartridgeRifle
- type: ContainerContainer
gun_magazine: !type:ContainerSlot
gun_chamber: !type:ContainerSlot
- type: MagazineVisuals
magState: mag
steps: 1
zeroVisible: true
- type: Appearance
- type: Clothing
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/viperfang.rsi
quickEquip: false
- Back
- suitStorage
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- type: entity
name: antique bureaucratic rifle
parent: WeaponSniperMosin
id: constituion
description: A ceremonial rifle given to the best of the best paperpushers. Uses .30 rifle ammo.
- type: Sprite
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Snipers/bolt_gun_hd_fbi.rsi
- type: Gun
fireRate: 1
selectedMode: SemiAuto
- SemiAuto
path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Gunshots/sniper.ogg
- type: BallisticAmmoProvider
capacity: 5
proto: CartridgeLightRifle
- CartridgeLightRifle
- type: Clothing
sprite: /Textures/_Arc/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Snipers/bolt_gun_hd_fbi.rsi
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"copyright": "taken from tg station at commit, slightly edited by FBI to be revolver",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
"states": [
"name": "base"
"name": "mag-unshaded-4"
"name": "mag-unshaded-3"
"name": "mag-unshaded-2"
"name": "mag-unshaded-1"
"name": "mag-unshaded-0",
"delays": [
"name": "inhand-left",
"directions": 4
"name": "inhand-left-0"
"name": "inhand-left-1"
"name": "inhand-left-2"
"name": "inhand-left-3"
"name": "inhand-left-4"
"name": "inhand-right",
"directions": 4
"name": "inhand-right-0"
"name": "inhand-right-1"
"name": "inhand-right-2"
"name": "inhand-right-3"
"name": "inhand-right-4"
"name": "equipped-BELT",
"directions": 4
"name": "equipped-SUITSTORAGE",
"directions": 4
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"copyright": "Made by FBI",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
"states": [
"name": "icon"
"name": "base"
"name": "mag-unshaded-1"
"name": "mag-unshaded-2"
"name": "mag-unshaded-3"
"name": "mag-unshaded-4"
"name": "inhand-left",
"directions": 4
"name": "inhand-right",
"directions": 4
"name": "wielded-inhand-left",
"directions": 4
"name": "wielded-inhand-right",
"directions": 4
"name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
"directions": 4
"name": "equipped-SUITSTORAGE",
"directions": 4

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