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Beginner Friendly
Beginner Friendly
Issues that are unambiguous in scope and intention and which explain how to achieve what is desired.
Bug: Needs Replicating
Bug: Needs Replicating
This bug needs reproducing, as only one person has reported it.
Bug: Replicated
Bug: Replicated
This issue has been successfully replicated by at least two people.
Changes: Audio
Changes: Audio
Changes: C#
Changes: C#
Changes: Localization
Changes: Localization
Changes: Map
Changes: Map
Can be reviewed or fixed by people who are knowledgeable with mapping.
Changes: Sprite
Changes: Sprite
Changes: Sprites
Changes: Sprites
Should be reviewed or fixed by people who are knowledgeable with spriting or visual design.
Changes: UI
Changes: UI
Can be reviewed or fixed by people who are knowledgeable with UI design
Changes: YML
Changes: YML
Difficulty: 1-Easy
Difficulty: 1-Easy
Not impossible to figure out for newer coders, and simple for experienced ones.
Difficulty: 2-Medium
Difficulty: 2-Medium
A good amount of codebase knowledge required.
Difficulty: 3-Hard
Difficulty: 3-Hard
Extensive codebase knowledge required.
Holy Shit
Holy Shit
This is real important!!
Issue: Accessibility
Issue: Accessibility
Issue: Art
Issue: Art
In need of an artistic touch.
Issue: Balance
Issue: Balance
Just needs some values tweaked
Issue: Bug
Issue: Bug
Something is not working correctly.
Issue: Feature Request
Issue: Feature Request
This issue is a feature request.
Issue: Heisentest
Issue: Heisentest
An issue that sometimes causes CI tests to fail, seemingly at random
Issue: Map
Issue: Map
The problem is with the maps
Issue: Needs Cleanup
Issue: Needs Cleanup
Just cleaning up some stuff.
Issue: Needs Refactor
Issue: Needs Refactor
This issue needs a refactor to be fixed.
Issue: Performance
Issue: Performance
This issue relates to performance.
Issue: Test coverage
Issue: Test coverage
This issue relates to a need for more integration testing.
Issue: UI
Issue: UI