LuaHTML is a template engine that allows the use of Lua code in your HTML websites.
It stays close to the Lua philosophy and is easy to use.
The code is public domain, you may use it however you like without any attribution or royalties.
Backports are appreciated, though!
Run the command luarocks install
Put the folder luahtml somewhere in your Lua module path.
On Linux/Mac this is usually something like /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/.
On Windows it’s C:\Program Files\Lua\5.1\.
[[ -- this marks the beginning of a Lua code block pageTitle = "My Awesome Site!" announcement = [[ <p>Lua is super awesome!</p> ]] -- and now we close the block: ]]<html> <head> <title>[[=pageTitle]]</title> <!-- This is valid syntax, "=" is shorthand for "return " --> </head> <body> <h1>Example!</h1> [[ for x=1,10 do print("<p>This is paragraph #"..x.."! I bet you didn't know that!</p>") end ]] [[=announcement]] </body> </html>
-- we assume that 's' is the variable containing the lhtml source require("luahtml") output = luahtml.format(s) -- super simple!!