This is an example API for a chat application made during my third semester at RIT as course project. All code that has been provided for the course has been replaced with alternatives.
This requires Python 3.12.5 to run as well as pip
Python requirements are listed within requirements.txt
. Use pip install -r ./requirements.txt
to install all dependencies.
Arch Linux discourages the usage of pip
and urges the use of pacman
for installing python modules. The command to install all dependencies is
sudo pacman -S python-{aniso8601,atomicwrites,attrs,certifi,charset-normalizer,click,colorama,flask{-restful},idna,importlib-metadata,iniconfig,itsdangerous,jinja,markupsafe,more-itertools,packaging,pluggy,psycopg{-pool},py,pyparsing,pytest,pytz,pyyaml,requests,six,tomli,urllib3,wcwidth,werkzeug,zipp}
This API also requires a running instance of PostgreSQL (tested with v16.3) with a user and database owned by said user to be used by the server.
Configuration is handled in a single file located in ./config/db.yml
, which provides information on an existing PostgreSQL database to connect to.
In order to run the server execute python src/
with no arguments.
In order to run tests on the server you must have the server running first (using command above). When the server is running execute pytest
to run the tests.