Crucible is a continuation of Thermos as it has been discontinued.
Advantages over Thermos:
- It is now possible to build. :)
- Fixed several bugs.
- Performance Improvements.
- Updated some libraries.
- Works with luckperms out of the box. No need to replace files!
- TimingsV2 implemented.
- You can see more changes in the releases changelog.
- Java 8u141 JDK or higher
- Linux (apparently the project breaks on Windows).
defined on your OS
- Checkout project
- You can use IDE or clone from console:
git clone
- You can use IDE or clone from console:
- Creating the workspace
- To create the workspace just run the command:
./gradlew setupCrucible
- To create the patches with the changes made just run:
./gradlew genPatches
- To create the workspace just run the command:
- Building
- Before you can build you must first setup the workspace!
- To build just run the command:
./gradlew jar
- All builds will be in
- Updating sources
- Update sources:
git pull origin master
- Recreate the workspace:
./gradlew clean setupCrucible
- Update sources:
- Some coremods may crash with
java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame
, we still don't know what causes that, but adding -noverify to your JVM arguments seems to fix the problem.
- Spark "Spark is a performance profiling plugin based on sk89q's WarmRoast profiler."
- Grimoire "A core mod that Grimoire-Mixins Modules use to be loaded up."
- Discord "Our support Discord."
You can check our Roadmap on our wiki.