Technic Solder is an API that sits between a modpack repository and the launcher. It allows you to easily manage multiple modpacks in one single location. It's the same API we use to distribute our modpacks!
Using Solder also means your packs will download each mod individually. This means the launcher can check MD5's against each version of a mod and if it hasn't changed, use the cached version of the mod instead. What does this mean? Small incremental updates to your modpack doesn't mean redownloading the whole thing every time!
-- Technic is solder written in python with major features over technic's solder.
Easy install with docker
Efficient user experience is designed to allow a minimal button clicking as possible.
Selected build feature
This feature allows the user to select a modpack build that the user is working on. menu has a own pin for it, new uploaded modversion can be added/updated to selected build directly and more.
Pin your modpacks to menu
Clone builds from other modpacks
Mod uploading
- S3 bucket compatbility
API only mode
Host a public api with only read permission to database and have another instance with manegement in your local network
Shadow builds
An shadow build is a build that is generated automatically out of your created build, based on set factors.
Optional shadow build allows user to set a mod as an optional in a modpack build. enabling optional builds on a modpack, useful for modpack devs that want to provide a more demanding build with shaders.
Server shadow build allows user to set client/server side on mods, this shadow build only contain server compatible mods
Internal notation on mods
Generate changelog
MCInstance Loader Support (in dev)
Multi launcher support
Database compatbility with technic solder only adds extra tables and columns and can be dual run with technic solder
- Maven integration
- Modrinth integration
- MCInstance Loader support is compatible with the original database and only adds columns to tables for the extra features we have, you can even dual run with both and original solder. Users of need to use the migrating tool which isn't available at this stage.
You need to be familiar with hosting websites and linux. We will help anyone who needs help but google is a good friend.
- MySQL Server
- Docker
- Apache, NGINX or equivalent for reverse proxy
- Filehosting server or S3/R2 bucket.
NOTE: Hosting manually and not with the official docker image, support is limited.
go to mysql
Create a new user
CREATE USER 'solderpy'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordsecret';
Create a database and give the user access to it
GRANT ALL ON solderpy.* TO 'solderpy'@'localhost';
Get your database name and user information
For NGINX users when your reverse proxy is the only proxy in the chain, you use this in your location
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
However if your reverse proxy is behind another one, like cloudflare you need to use this forwarding instead
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $http_x_forwarded_for;
You can use the same nginx/apache server for both reverse proxy and filehosting.
You need to set the enviroment variables either through host or as a .env file, see the .env.example for further use needs to be run by an production wsgi, our docker image uses gunicorn
docker pull thorfusion/solderpy:latest
docker run --name solderpy --restart always -d -p 80:5000 thorfusion/solderpy:latest
-e DB_PORT=3306
-e DB_USER=user
-e DB_PASSWORD=password
-e DB_DATABASE=solderpy
This is the public facing URL for your repository. This is prefix url that technic launcher uses to download the mods. Include a trailing slash! You dont actually need to store the files in mods but own hosting folder is mods. S3 public links can be root for an example, same with repo url aswell.
This is the url uses to calculate md5 and filesize when rehashing or adding a mod manually. This is currently only url, so use localhost or local ip address if on the same network, else use same url as public repo url.
-e MD5_REPO_LOCATION= uploads the modfiles to a volume in the container regardless of S3 functionality. By setting the volume This folder can be accessed by apache/nginx so you can host its files. does not host the mod files as python isn't really suited for this.
If not specified, mods will not be persistant.
-v /your/path/here:/app/mods
Set the cache time to live, default 300 (seconds)
-e CACHE_TTL=300
Set the cache maximum size ie how much memory usage. Default is 100 (MB).
-e R2_ACCESS_KEY=123
-e R2_SECRET_KEY=123
Note that R2 Bucket functionality gets activated when R2_BUCKET is used
-e R2_REGION= only trusts one reverse proxy at a time. will work fine without these variables, but only one user can stay logged in at a time.
Enables the /setup page if the database already exists and you need to add a new user
-e NEW_USER=True
If new user is enabled, you can enable this migration tool for technic solder database, to migrate it to, mainly fixes mysql database bugs and adds columns and is reverse compatible with original technic solder
-e TECHNIC_MIGRATION=True will only run the api part of solder, allows it to run on read only permissions on a database, no login. good fit for public facing api only mode and another instance for local access only or similar for login and management
-e API_ONLY=True will run everything except api part of solder, quite rare usecase.
docker run -d \
--name solderpy \
-e DB_HOST= \
-e DB_PORT=3306 \
-e DB_USER=solderpyuser \
-e DB_PASSWORD=solderpypassword \
-e DB_DATABASE=solderpydb \
-e SOLDER_REPO_LOCATION=https://localhost/mods/ \
-p 80:5000 \
-v /solderpy/mods:/app/mods \
--restart unless-stopped \
NOTE: The docker image does not and will not support https, therefore it is required to run an reverse proxy
Remember to set NEW_USER and TECHNIC_MIGRATION if using existing technic database, if clean install leave both.
When you have installed the container with the required envirables and created an mysql database and user that has access to said database, next step is to go to ( where you will be redirected to login screen. by seeing this login screen, an successful connection to the database has been achieved. where you can find a table named sessions. go to (
user will be presented with a email and password box with a setup button in the bottom, this is the administrator account you are creating. when setup is done, you will be redirected to login screen
You will be redicted to log in screen, you can now login and be redirected to the index page, install is now complete. remember to disable NEW_USER and TECHNIC_MIGRATION as this allows the setup page to be up and random users to create accounts.
python -m pip install pipenv
python -m pipenv install
python -m pipenv run app
python -m pipenv lock