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gif fixes (#157)

gif fixes (#157) #353

Workflow file for this run

name: Examples
- main
- 'src/**'
- 'examples/**'
- '.github/workflows/Example.yml'
- 'Project.toml'
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [windows-latest] # ubuntu-latest]
file-name: [simple_hybrid_CS, simple_hybrid_ME, juliacon_2023, modelica_conference_2021]
julia-version: ['1.10']
julia-arch: [x64]
experimental: [false]
- name: "Check out repository"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: "Set up Julia"
uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v2
version: ${{ matrix.julia-version }}
arch: ${{ matrix.julia-arch }}
- name: "Install dependencies"
run: julia --project=examples/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate()'
- name: "Install packages"
run: pip install jupyter nbconvert
- name: "Execute notebook"
FILE: examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb
run: jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name="julia-${{ matrix.julia-version }}" --to notebook --inplace --execute ${{ env.FILE }}
- name: "Fix SVGs" # on notebook (json) level: removes all cells, that have the tag "text/html" AND have "<?xml " within their content
run: julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("JSON"); using JSON; data = JSON.parsefile(joinpath("examples", "jupyter-src", "${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb"); use_mmap=false); function search_and_remove!(json, tag, content=""); if typeof(json) == Vector{Any}; for e in json; search_and_remove!(e, tag, content); end; elseif typeof(json) == Dict{String, Any}; for (t, c) in json; if contains(t, tag) && (content == "" || any([contains(line, content) for line in c])); pop!(json, t); else; search_and_remove!(c, tag, content); end; end; end; end; search_and_remove!(data, "text/html", "<?xml "); open(joinpath("examples", "jupyter-src", "tmp_${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb"),"w") do f; JSON.print(f, data, 1); end; mv(joinpath("examples", "jupyter-src", "tmp_${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb"), joinpath("examples", "jupyter-src", "${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb"); force=true);'
- name: "Export notebook to jl and md"
FILE: examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}.ipynb
run: |
jupyter nbconvert --to script ${{ env.FILE }}
jupyter nbconvert --to markdown ${{ env.FILE }}
- name: "Fix GIFs" # on md level, requires .gif to be exportet prior during execution and follow naming convention of gifs: gif_1.gif, gif_2.gif, ...
run: |
echo "starting gif fixing"
mv examples/jupyter-src/gif_*.gif examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}_files
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin"
awk '{if($0~/<img src="data:image\/gif;base64,[[:alpha:],[:digit:],\/,+,=]*" \/>/) {sub(/<img src="data:image\/gif;base64,[[:alpha:],[:digit:],\/,+,=]*" \/>/,"![gif](${{ matrix.file-name }}_files\/gif_"++i".gif)")}}1' examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}.md > examples/jupyter-src/tmp_${{ matrix.file-name }}.md
mv -Force examples/jupyter-src/tmp_${{ matrix.file-name }}.md examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}.md
echo "gifs should be fixed"
- name: "run generated jl script to determine success of example building"
run: julia --project=examples/ examples/jupyter-src/${{ matrix.file-name }}.jl
- name: "auto-commit (retry on merge)"
if: success() && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.ref_name == 'main'
uses: nick-fields/retry@v3
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE: jupyter-example-${{ matrix.file-name }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.julia-version }}-${{ matrix.julia-arch }}-${{ matrix.experimental }}[${{ github.ref_name }}]
CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR: github-actions[bot]
EXAMPLES_PATH: examples/jupyter-src
# Fetch all and clear the stash list. Include all files from the examples folder to the stash and switch the branch.
# Reset the branch and remove all current files in the examples folder.
# Checkout the last stash to restore the new notebooks and apply the stash index to restore all other new files in the folder.
timeout_minutes: 999
max_attempts: 10
warning_on_retry: false
shell: bash
command: |
git fetch --all
git stash clear
git stash --include-untracked -- ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}/${{ matrix.file-name }}*
git switch examples
git reset --hard origin/examples
rm -r ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}/${{ matrix.file-name }}*
git checkout stash -f -- ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}
git stash apply --index
git stash drop
git config --global "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR }}"
git config --global "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR }}"
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git pull
git reset
git add ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}/${{ matrix.file-name }}*
git commit -m "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE }}"
git push origin examples || (git reset --soft HEAD~1 && (exit 1))
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Check out repository"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: "Set up Julia"
uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v2
version: '1.10'
- run: julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("PlutoSliderServer");'
- run: julia -e 'using PlutoSliderServer; PlutoSliderServer.export_directory("examples/pluto-src")'
- name: "auto-commit (retry on merge)"
if: success() && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.ref_name == 'main'
uses: nick-fields/retry@v3
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE: pluto-examples[${{ github.ref_name }}]
CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR: github-actions[bot]
EXAMPLES_PATH: examples/pluto-src
# Fetch all and clear the stash list. Include all files from the examples folder to the stash and switch the branch.
# Reset the branch and remove all current files in the examples folder.
# Checkout the last stash to restore the new notebooks and apply the stash index to restore all other new files in the folder.
timeout_minutes: 999
max_attempts: 10
warning_on_retry: false
shell: bash
command: |
git fetch --all
git stash clear
git stash --include-untracked -- ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}
git switch examples
git reset --hard origin/examples
rm -r ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}/*
git checkout stash -f -- ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}
git stash apply --index
git stash drop
git config --global "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR }}"
git config --global "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR }}"
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git pull
git reset
git add ${{ env.EXAMPLES_PATH }}
git commit -m "${{ env.CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE }}"
git push origin examples || (git reset --soft HEAD~1 && (exit 1))
needs: [jupyter, pluto]
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.ref_name == 'main'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Trigger an repoisitory dispath event
- name: Repository Dispatch
uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v3
event-type: trigger-docu