VanityTXID-Plugin v1.3.4 for Electron Cash
- Windows 64 bit binary (with i7-AVX tuning) slightly faster on my CPU (1.5 MH/s instead of 1.4 MH/s). Back in v1.1.0 I downgraded to 32-bit, before I could check the MH/s. Just because EC is 32-bit, doesn't mean its plugins should always be! TBH I haven't tested a 32-bit VM yet. The plugin has now doubled in size. I haven't rebuilt the posix binaries.
- Message size limit increaed to 520 Bytes, instead of 512B. Technically for data a better scriptcode could involve 3 OP_NIPs (777777) at the end, since it takes a few to max out the scriptsig limit (1650B). 1650B may correspond to something like a 15-of-15 multisig input, or a few OP_NIPs. 3 OP_NIPs, instead of 2, may be a bit like signing with a middle name, as well as first and last names. 77777777 may be even better (2 middle names), due to an added nonce being separate, for a vanity TXID. 520B example:
- 1337 unchecked by default, now dict uses 'OlZEASGTBP'.
- Unchecking TTS now disables TTS controls, etc.
- Simpler Python script will fix update bug next time around. When updating to 1.3.4 there is still a bug from the previous version which means users have to restart their wallets, but it shouldn't happen again.