pip install requirements.txt
After requirements.txt has been installed you can run program by using some IDE or by CMD, you need to remember that you have to start server first.
This program is a client that connects to a server using a socket connection. The program prompts the user to enter their name and sends a "HELLO" message to the server. Then, the program enters a loop where the user is prompted to choose between calculating an integral or disconnecting from the server. If the user chooses to calculate an integral, the program prompts the user for the lower and upper bounds of the integration and the function to be integrated. The program sends the request to the server and receives the result or an error message in response. If the user chooses to disconnect, the program sends a "BYE" message to the server and exits the loop. If the server responds with a "BYE" message, the program closes the socket connection and terminates. The program uses helper functions to read data from the socket and handle errors.
Files are named in this scheme, my file is named "Aleks127.0.0.120230421_004658.log" :
"Aleks" is the username of the client who initiated the connection.
"" is the IP address of the client.
"2023-04-21" is the date when the log was created, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
"004057" is the time when the log was created, in the format HHMMSS (hours, minutes, seconds).
".log" is the file extension, indicating that the file contains log data.
import socket
from config import CONNECTION_STRING, error_handler, read_data, FORMAT
from _thread import start_new_thread
from integral import integral
import os
from datetime import datetime
LOGS_DIR = "logs/"
if not os.path.exists(LOGS_DIR):
def request_handler(client, request, log_file):
# If the request is an INTEGRAL request, extract the necessary parameters
if request.split("\r\n")[0] == "INTEGRAL":
a = request.split("\r\n")[1].split()[1]
b = request.split("\r\n")[2].split()[1]
f = request.split("\r\n")[3].split()[1]
# Compute the integral and send the result back to the client
result = integral(a, b, f)
if result != 'ERROR OCCURRED\r\n\r\n':
client.sendall(f"RESULT: {result}\r\n\r\n".encode(FORMAT))
log_file.write(f"INTEGRAL REQUEST: a={a}, b={b}, f={f}, RESULT: {result}\n")
return False
# If the request is a BYE request, send a response and return True to break the loop
elif request.split("\r\n")[0] == "BYE":
log_file.write("BYE REQUEST\n")
return True
# If the request is not recognized, send an error message and return True to break the loop
log_file.write("INVALID REQUEST\n")
return True
def connection_handler(client, addr):
# Receive the initial HELLO message from the client
data = read_data(client).decode(FORMAT)
if data.split("\r\n")[0] == "HELLO":
name = data.split("\r\n")[1]
response = f"HELLO {name}\r\n\r\n"
log_file_name = f"{name}{addr[0]}{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.log"
log_file_path = os.path.join(LOGS_DIR, log_file_name)
with open(log_file_path, "w") as log_file:
log_file.write(f"CONNECTION ESTABLISHED: username={name}, IP={addr[0]}\n")
# Handle subsequent requests from the client
while True:
request = read_data(client).decode(FORMAT)
if request_handler(client, request, log_file):
log_file.write("CONNECTION CLOSED\n")
# Close the connection with the client
# Set up the server socket and listen for incoming connections
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as serv:
while True:
client, addr = serv.accept()
print(f"Connected from {addr[0]}")
start_new_thread(connection_handler, (client, addr))
import socket
from config import CONNECTION_STRING, read_data, FORMAT
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as server:
name = input("What's your name:")
request = f'HELLO\r\n{name}\r\n\r\n'
response = read_data(server).decode(FORMAT)
if response.split()[0] == "HELLO":
while True:
operation = input('What function do you want to use (1-integral, 0-disconnect):')
if operation == "1":
a = input("Bottom Range:")
b = input("Top Range:")
f = input("Function:")
request = f"INTEGRAL\r\nBOTTOM-RANGE: {a}\r\nTOP-RANGE: {b}\r\nFUNCTION: {f}\r\n\r\n"
response = read_data(server).decode(FORMAT)
if response.split()[0] == 'RESULT:':
print(f"server returned: {response.split()[1]}")
print("error occurred")
elif operation == "0":
response = read_data(server).decode(FORMAT)
if response == "BYE\r\n\r\n":
print("no i się wyjebało")
print("ty jebany przygłupie, czytaj ze zrozumieniem, 1 albo 0")
print('no i się wyjebało')
HOST = "localhost" # host address of the server
PORT = 39236 # port number of the server
CONNECTION_STRING = (HOST, PORT) # tuple containing host and port
FORMAT = "utf-8" # encoding format used for communication with the server
def read_data(socket):
Helper function that reads data from the socket until it finds the
end-of-message delimiter '\r\n\r\n'.
data = b''
while b'\r\n\r\n' not in data:
data += socket.recv(1)
return data
def error_handler(socket):
Helper function that sends an error message to the client if an invalid
request is made.
error = b'unoperated request\r\n\r\n'
import numpy as np
def integral(a, b, f):
a, b = int(a), int(b)
dx = ((b - a) / 10000)
X = np.arange(a, b, dx).tolist()
Y = []
for element in X:
Y.append(eval(f, {}, {'x': element}))
s = dx * np.sum(Y)
return s
return 'ERROR OCCURRED\r\n\r\n'
Syntax of requests Each request ends with a double crlf character
Server greeting request:
Integral Calculation Request:
INTEGRAL\r\nBOTTOM-RANGE: {a}\r\nTOP-RANGE: {b}\r\nFUNCTION: {f}\r\n\r\n
Request to disconnect from the server: