A simple text accordion block for Gutenberg, allowing you to create a block of text with a header that can be opened or closd.
When installed from this repo, you must build the JavaScript files.
nvm install
nvm use
npm install
npm run build
The block is designed to work seamleslsy out of the box; all the CSS and JS you need is included and enqueued.
To dequeue the built-in CSS and/or JavaScript, you can use the built-in filters:
// Don't enqueue the front-end CSS
add_filter('Tomodomo\Gutenberg\Block\TextAccordion\enqueueFrontEndCss', '__return_false');
// Don't enqueue the front-end JS
add_filter('Tomodomo\Gutenberg\Block\TextAccordion\enqueueFrontEndJs', '__return_false');
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. We ask that all contributors adhere to the standards and guidelines in that document.
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