Even if your account is frozen by this program, TomoyaFujita2016 assumes no responsibility.
- python3
- tweepy
- tqdm
- (opencv3) If you'd like to use face detection when you use sc mode, you must install opencv3.
$ git clone https://github.com/TomoyaFujita2016/Easitter.git
$ cd Easitter
$ pip3 install tweepy tqdm
$ python3 easitter.py
==== (´・ω・・`) Welcome to Easitter ! (・Д・`) ====
==== ***Please choose a mode !***
==== 'python3 easitter.py --run [option]'
==== fv: favorite, fl: flatter, sc: scraping,uf: unfollow, fo: follow, fb: followBack
$ python3 easitter.py --help
usage: easitter.py [-h] [--run RUN] [--tag TAG] [--url URL] [-face]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--run RUN Please choose a mode. (fv: favorite, fl: flatter, sc: scraping,
uf: unfollow, fo: follow, fb: followBack)
--tag TAG When you use '--run sc', you can choose search tag. example: '--
tag cat,dog,mouse' (default: クラフトビール)
--url URL Search from hint of image url.
-face Detect face
As you can see, you can choose MODE and some options. The following examples are ways to use Easitter !
If you'd like to ...
- get more followers,
$ python3 easitter.py --run fv
- favorite tweets on your timeline,
$ python3 easitter.py --run fl
- collect images on twitter,(This example will collect Apple images. you can change after "--tag")
$ python3 easitter.py --run sc --tag Apple
- unfollow some bad user in your followers,
$ python3 easitter.py --run uf
- follow the users who tweet about what you are interested in,(This example will follow the users who tweet about PC)
$ python3 easitter.py --run fo --tag PC
- follow Back some good user,
$ python3 easitter.py --run fb