- install docker in https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- build with docker
npm run docker-build
- update the default data in database
npm run updatedb-dev
- start mongodb in local machine using docker
npm run mongo-dev
- import the default data in database
npm run importdb-dev
- start firebase emulators
npm run emulators
- go to directory
cd docker-mongo
- run this command
docker-compose up -d
- make directory in mongodb container
docker exec -it mongodb mkdir /database/
- copying data from local machine to mongodb container directory
docker cp ./default-data mongodb:/database/default-data
- import data to mongodb
docker-compose exec mongodb mongorestore --drop /database/default-data
- exporting mongodb data to docker container directory
docker-compose exec mongodb mongodump --out=/database/default-data
- copying data from mongodb container directory to local machine
docker cp mongodb:/database/default-data ./default-data
- run development next app
npm run dev
- go to directory
cd docker-mongo
- run mongodb
docker-compose up -d
- make directory in mongodb container
docker exec -it mongodb mkdir /database/
- copying data from local machine to mongodb container directory
docker cp ./default-data mongodb:/database/default-data
- import data to mongodb
docker-compose exec mongodb mongorestore --drop /database/default-data
- go back to main directory
cd ..
- run development next app
npm run dev
The Thesis Abstract Management System for College of Engineering is a web-based platform designed to streamline the process of managing thesis abstracts for students, professors, and administrators in the College of Engineering.
- User-friendly interface for submitting, viewing, and editing thesis abstracts.
- Customizable approval workflows for thesis abstracts.
- Advanced search functionality for finding and sorting thesis abstracts by various criteria.
- Integration with the College of Engineering's existing student and faculty databases.
- Simplifies and speeds up the thesis abstract submission process for students and professors.
- Reduces the administrative workload for the College of Engineering's staff.
- Provides greater visibility and transparency for the approval process.
- Enables more effective tracking and reporting of thesis abstract submissions.
Overall, the Thesis Abstract Management System for College of Engineering represents a significant improvement over the manual processes previously used for managing thesis abstracts. Its user-friendly interface, customizable approval workflows, and advanced search functionality make it an invaluable tool for students, professors, and administrators alike.