A Tutorial for Developing Customizable Systems for Conducting Operant Experiments Online with Amazon Mechanical Turk
"A Customizable Online System for Conducting Operant Experiments" (under review)
The "Front end" folder includes source codes written in JavaScript and CSS in the HTML format whereas the "Back end" folder includes source codes written in PHP. You should upload the former source codes to your WordPress dashboard and the latter ones to your server. For details, check "Instructions for GitHub users.txt" in each of the folders.
You have to replace URLs in each source code with those that match your server and domain name. Look for 5-consecutive asterisks (i.e., *****) in each source code where you need to change URLs.
2021-8-29: I revised the "session" file to make it easier for readers/uders to change URLs. They are located in the same place instead of being scattered all over the place. I also revised the file for a more accurate timer.
2022-4-2: I revised several JavaScript files for preventing potential bugs
2023-12-16: Added Optional-Make_payment_with_AWS_SDK (Originally in a different repo)
2023-12-16: Added Optional-PasswordFiles