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arkadius committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent e989338 commit 3772542
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@@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.supertype

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.supertype.CommonSupertypeFinder.SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing._

* This class finding common supertype of two types. It basically based on fact that TypingResults are
* sets of possible supertypes with some additional restrictions (like TypedObjectTypingResult).
* This class, like CanBeSubclassDeterminer is in spirit of "Be type safety as much as possible, but also provide some helpful
* conversion for types not in the same jvm class hierarchy like boxed Integer to boxed Long and so on".
* WARNING: Evaluation of SpEL expressions fit into this spirit, for other language evaluation engines you need to provide such a compatibility.
class CommonSupertypeFinder private (classResolutionStrategy: SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy) {

// It returns None if none supertype found (it is possible only for SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection)
// see commonSuperTypeForClassesNotInSameInheritanceLine and fallback in singleCommonSupertype
def commonSupertypeOpt(left: TypingResult, right: TypingResult)(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
): Option[TypingResult] = {
def commonSupertypeOpt(left: TypingResult, right: TypingResult): Option[TypingResult] = {
(left, right) match {
case (Unknown, _) => Some(Unknown) // can't be sure intention of user - union is more secure than intersection
case (_, Unknown) => Some(Unknown)
Expand All @@ -42,33 +35,35 @@ class CommonSupertypeFinder private (classResolutionStrategy: SupertypeClassReso

// Below method is a heuristics. We don't know which types match with each another.
// It can generate a lot of combinations for unions, some of then will be reduced inside Typed.apply(nel)
// It can generate a lot of combinations for unions, some of them will be reduced inside Typed.apply(nel)
// TODO: Do this smarter - a little step towards this would be smarter folding of types inside Typed.apply(nel) - see comment there
// Another thing that we can consider is not computing supertype at all (use it only for equals) and always return Union
// This approach will generate long types e.g. for union of records and we treat Unions lax in typing - see CanBeSubclassDeterminer.canBeSubclassOf
// Another thing that we can consider is not computing supertype at all (use it only for equals) and always return Union for LooseWithFallbackToObjectType
// This approach will generate a long types e.g. for union of records and we treat Unions loose in typing - see CanBeSubclassDeterminer.canBeSubclassOf
// but maybe it is not so bad
private def commonSupertype(leftList: NonEmptyList[SingleTypingResult], rightList: NonEmptyList[SingleTypingResult])(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
private def commonSupertype(
leftList: NonEmptyList[SingleTypingResult],
rightList: NonEmptyList[SingleTypingResult]
): Option[NonEmptyList[TypingResult]] = {
// .sequence won't do the work because it returns None if any element of list returned None
val permutations = leftList.flatMap(l =>, _))).toList.flatten
val combinations = leftList.flatMap(l =>, _))).toList.flatten

private def singleCommonSupertype(left: SingleTypingResult, right: SingleTypingResult)(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
): Option[TypingResult] = {
private def singleCommonSupertype(left: SingleTypingResult, right: SingleTypingResult): Option[TypingResult] = {
def fallback = classResolutionStrategy match {
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.FallbackToObjectType => klassCommonSupertype(left.objType, right.objType)
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection => None
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.LooseWithFallbackToObjectType =>
classCommonSupertype(left.objType, right.objType)
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection => None
// We can't do if (left == right) left because spel promote byte and short classes to integer always so returned type for math operation will be different
(left, right) match {
case (f: TypedClass, s: TypedClass) => klassCommonSupertype(f, s)
case (l, r) if l == r => Some(l)
// TODO We can't do at the beginning if (l.canBeSubclassOf(r) => Some(l) and the same in opposite direction
// because canBeSubclassOf handles conversions and many more - see comment next to it
case (f: TypedClass, s: TypedClass) => classCommonSupertype(f, s)
case (l: TypedObjectTypingResult, r: TypedObjectTypingResult) =>
// In most cases we compare java.util.Map or GenericRecord, the only difference can be on generic params, but
// still we'll got a class here, so this getOrElse should occur in the rare situations
klassCommonSupertypeReturningTypedClass(l.objType, r.objType)
classCommonSupertypeReturningTypedClass(l.objType, r.objType)
.map { commonSupertype =>
val fields = prepareFields(l, r)
// We don't return TypeEmpty in case when fields are empty, because we can't be sure the intention of the user
Expand All @@ -88,29 +83,27 @@ class CommonSupertypeFinder private (classResolutionStrategy: SupertypeClassReso
case (_, _: TypedTaggedValue) => fallback
case (TypedObjectWithValue(leftType, leftValue), TypedObjectWithValue(rightType, rightValue))
if leftValue == rightValue =>
klassCommonSupertype(leftType, rightType).map {
classCommonSupertype(leftType, rightType).map {
case typedClass: TypedClass => TypedObjectWithValue(typedClass, leftValue)
case other => other
case (l: TypedObjectWithValue, r) => singleCommonSupertype(l.underlying, r)
case (l, r: TypedObjectWithValue) => singleCommonSupertype(l, r.underlying)
case (l: TypedDict, r: TypedDict) if l == r => Some(l)
case (_: TypedDict, _) => fallback
case (_, _: TypedDict) => fallback
case (l: TypedObjectWithValue, r) => singleCommonSupertype(l.underlying, r)
case (l, r: TypedObjectWithValue) => singleCommonSupertype(l, r.underlying)
case (_: TypedDict, _) => fallback
case (_, _: TypedDict) => fallback

private def prepareFields(l: TypedObjectTypingResult, r: TypedObjectTypingResult)(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
): Map[String, TypingResult] =
private def prepareFields(l: TypedObjectTypingResult, r: TypedObjectTypingResult): Map[String, TypingResult] =
(l.fields.toList ++ r.fields.toList)
.map { case (key, value) => key -> }
.flatMap {
case (_, _ :: Nil) if classResolutionStrategy == SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection =>
case (fieldName, singleType :: Nil) =>
Some(fieldName -> singleType)
classResolutionStrategy match {
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection => None
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.LooseWithFallbackToObjectType => Some(fieldName -> singleType)
case (fieldName, leftType :: rightType :: Nil) =>
commonSupertypeOpt(leftType, rightType).map { common =>
fieldName -> common
Expand All @@ -122,49 +115,22 @@ class CommonSupertypeFinder private (classResolutionStrategy: SupertypeClassReso

// This implementation is because TypedObjectTypingResult has underlying TypedClass instead of TypingResult
private def klassCommonSupertypeReturningTypedClass(left: TypedClass, right: TypedClass)(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
): Option[TypedClass] = {
val boxedLeftClass = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(left.klass)
val boxedRightClass = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(right.klass)
if (List(boxedLeftClass, boxedRightClass).forall(classOf[Number].isAssignableFrom)) {
numberPromotionStrategy.promoteClasses(boxedLeftClass, boxedRightClass) match {
case tc: TypedClass => Some(tc)
case _ => Some(Typed.typedClass[Number])
} else {
commonSuperTypeForComplexTypes(boxedLeftClass, left.params, boxedRightClass, right.params).flatMap {
case tc: TypedClass => Some(tc)
case _ => None // empty, union and so on
private def classCommonSupertypeReturningTypedClass(left: TypedClass, right: TypedClass): Option[TypedClass] = {
classCommonSupertype(left, right).flatMap {
case tc: TypedClass => Some(tc)
case _ => None // empty, union and so on

private def klassCommonSupertype(left: TypedClass, right: TypedClass)(
implicit numberPromotionStrategy: NumberTypesPromotionStrategy
): Option[TypingResult] = {
val boxedLeftClass = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(left.klass)
val boxedRightClass = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(right.klass)
if (List(boxedLeftClass, boxedRightClass).forall(classOf[Number].isAssignableFrom)) {
Some(numberPromotionStrategy.promoteClasses(boxedLeftClass, boxedRightClass))
} else {
commonSuperTypeForComplexTypes(boxedLeftClass, left.params, boxedRightClass, right.params)

private def commonSuperTypeForComplexTypes(
left: Class[_],
leftParams: List[TypingResult],
right: Class[_],
rightParams: List[TypingResult]
): Option[TypingResult] = {
if (left.isAssignableFrom(right)) {
Some(genericClassWithSuperTypeParams(left, leftParams, rightParams))
} else if (right.isAssignableFrom(left)) {
Some(genericClassWithSuperTypeParams(right, rightParams, leftParams))
private def classCommonSupertype(left: TypedClass, right: TypedClass): Option[TypingResult] = {
// TypedClass.klass are already boxed
if (left.klass.isAssignableFrom(right.klass)) {
Some(genericClassWithSuperTypeParams(left.klass, left.params, right.params))
} else if (right.klass.isAssignableFrom(left.klass)) {
Some(genericClassWithSuperTypeParams(right.klass, right.params, left.params))
} else {
// until here things are rather simple
commonSuperTypeForClassesNotInSameInheritanceLine(left, right)
commonSuperTypeForClassesNotInSameInheritanceLine(left.klass, right.klass)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,12 +158,12 @@ class CommonSupertypeFinder private (classResolutionStrategy: SupertypeClassReso
left: Class[_],
right: Class[_]
): Option[TypingResult] = {
// None is possible here
val foundTypes = ClassHierarchyCommonSupertypeFinder.findCommonSupertypes(left, right).map(Typed(_))
val result = NonEmptyList.fromList(foundTypes.toList).map(Typed(_))
// None is possible here
val result = NonEmptyList.fromList(foundTypes.toList).map(Typed(_))
classResolutionStrategy match {
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection => result
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.FallbackToObjectType => result.orElse(Some(Unknown))
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Intersection => result
case SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.LooseWithFallbackToObjectType => result.orElse(Some(Unknown))

Expand All @@ -209,11 +175,11 @@ object CommonSupertypeFinder {
// it returns Any (which currently is expressed as Unknown). It is useful in most cases when you want to determine
// the supertype of objects
object Default {
private val delegate = new CommonSupertypeFinder(SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.FallbackToObjectType)
private val delegate = new CommonSupertypeFinder(SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.LooseWithFallbackToObjectType)

def commonSupertype(left: TypingResult, right: TypingResult): TypingResult = {
.commonSupertypeOpt(left, right)(NumberTypesPromotionStrategy.ToSupertype)
.commonSupertypeOpt(left, right)
// We don't return Unknown as a sanity check, that our fallback strategy works correctly and supertypes for object types are used
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Common super type not found: for $left and $right")
Expand All @@ -230,7 +196,7 @@ object CommonSupertypeFinder {

private object SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy {

case object FallbackToObjectType extends SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy
case object LooseWithFallbackToObjectType extends SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy

case object Intersection extends SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy

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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing._

import scala.util.Try

* Extending classes are in spirit of "Be type safety as much as possible, but also provide some helpful
* conversion for types not in the same jvm class hierarchy like boxed Integer to boxed Long and so on".
* WARNING: Evaluation of SpEL expressions fit into this spirit, for other language evaluation engines you need to provide such a compatibility.
trait NumberTypesPromotionStrategy extends Serializable {

private val cachedPromotionResults: Map[(Class[_], Class[_]), ReturnedType] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,20 +173,6 @@ object NumberTypesPromotionStrategy {


object ToSupertype extends ReturningSingleClassPromotionStrategy {

override def promoteClassesInternal(left: Class[_], right: Class[_]): TypedClass = {
if (left.isAssignableFrom(right)) {
} else if (right.isAssignableFrom(left)) {
} else {


// See org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OperatorPower for details
object ForPowerOperation extends NumberTypesPromotionStrategy {

Expand All @@ -198,7 +189,9 @@ object NumberTypesPromotionStrategy {
} else if (left == classOf[java.lang.Long] || right == classOf[java.lang.Long]) {
} else {
Typed(Typed[java.lang.Integer], Typed[Long]) // it depends if there was overflow or not
// This is the only place where we return union. The runtime type depends on whether there was overflow or not.
// We should consider using just the Number here
Typed(Typed[java.lang.Integer], Typed[Long])

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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import{Invalid, Valid}
import cats.implicits.toTraverseOps
import io.circe.Encoder
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.supertype.{CommonSupertypeFinder, NumberTypesPromotionStrategy}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.supertype.CommonSupertypeFinder
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing.Typed.fromInstance
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.util.{NotNothing, ReflectUtils}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.util.Implicits.RichScalaMap
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@@ -1,20 +1,11 @@
package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing.{
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.TypingResultGen._
import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.typed.typing._

import java.util.Collections
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.MapHasAsJava
import TypingResultGen._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

class TypingResultGen private (features: EnabledTypedFeatures) {

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