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[NU-1403] Components config removal from REST API (#5368) #16099

[NU-1403] Components config removal from REST API (#5368)

[NU-1403] Components config removal from REST API (#5368) #16099

This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion. Learn more about checks retention
GitHub Actions / REPORT-CypressTests succeeded Jan 16, 2024 in 1s

REPORT-CypressTests ✅

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
3dcb38a76f38ae361472890cfc73f5ea.xml 3✅ 14s
4cc66febada62bb3199da49d280c1fdd.xml 13✅ 71s
4fbe87bf25502864e7184ff2a55938ea.xml 2✅ 14s
5ccd29117562b3c81592b3b474e7f8ef.xml 16✅ 81s
7a22365729d89587d2e06700aa941b55.xml 1✅ 18s
89f0cac02601f36bdd3ff2b763dcbb28.xml 1✅ 10s
8db6df4f762897f84eeb514f669b2763.xml 1✅ 7s
8e896dcaa4ad63cc3f6aa3f746ef76c8.xml 7✅ 49s
901e1a084578a7faeb316087ad9e13d3.xml 3✅ 7s
95883fed270df5088cbb087e0ef7086d.xml 11✅ 59s
9a615b59d464e2476fc1ded5dc86fc85.xml 2✅ 20s
aef55bc8082bf6e16ad54c3e0694fd6f.xml 2✅ 22s
b47e1b3f3b0949e51d55f2879870151c.xml 1✅ 7s
c0eca66e3f78a1e8fcb3ad47b2ea9ba0.xml 4✅ 20s
df68bec85115ff29f61b93453d2c75c3.xml 1✅ 10s
e0cf242aa016775c8faa0bdf540fad14.xml 1✅ 5s
f245dc856b4205c95475e911d296dd2a.xml 4✅ 94s

✅ 3dcb38a76f38ae361472890cfc73f5ea.xml

3 tests were completed in 14s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Expression suggester 3✅ 14s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Expression suggester

should display colorfull and sorted completions
  ✅ Expression suggester should display colorfull and sorted completions
should display javadocs
  ✅ Expression suggester should display javadocs
should display completions for second line (bugfix)
  ✅ Expression suggester should display completions for second line (bugfix)

✅ 4cc66febada62bb3199da49d280c1fdd.xml

13 tests were completed in 71s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Components list 13✅ 70s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Components list

should display component
  ✅ Components list should display component
should have dynamic page size
  ✅ Components list should have dynamic page size
should allow filtering by name
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by name
should allow filtering by name with multiple words
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by name with multiple words
should allow filtering by group
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by group
should allow filtering by usage
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by usage
should display component usage with working scenario link
  ✅ Components list should display component usage with working scenario link
should apply filters from query
  ✅ Components list should apply filters from query
should apply category filters by cell click
  ✅ Components list should apply category filters by cell click
should apply group filter by cell click
  ✅ Components list should apply group filter by cell click
should display usages
  ✅ Components list should display usages
should filter usages
  ✅ Components list should filter usages
should filter usage types
  ✅ Components list should filter usage types

✅ 4fbe87bf25502864e7184ff2a55938ea.xml

2 tests were completed in 14s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node window 2✅ 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with query params 228ms

✅ Node window

should display periodic source
  ✅ Node window should display periodic source
should not open twice on deploy
  ✅ Node window should not open twice on deploy

✅ 5ccd29117562b3c81592b3b474e7f8ef.xml

16 tests were completed in 81s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
initially clean 5✅ 16s
Process 4✅ 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with data 7✅ 37s

✅ initially clean

should allow rename
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow rename
should allow rename with other changes
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow rename with other changes
should allow archive with redirect to list
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow archive with redirect to list
should open properites from tips panel
  ✅ Process initially clean should open properites from tips panel
should import JSON and save
  ✅ Process initially clean should import JSON and save

✅ Process

should preserve condition on link move (switch)
  ✅ Process should preserve condition on link move (switch)
should preserve condition on link move (filter)
  ✅ Process should preserve condition on link move (filter)
should validate process on nodes paste
  ✅ Process should validate process on nodes paste
should zoom/restore node window with test data
  ✅ Process should zoom/restore node window with test data

✅ with data

should allow drag node
  ✅ Process with data should allow drag node
should allow drag component and drop on edge
  ✅ Process with data should allow drag component and drop on edge
should return 400 status code and show info about required comment
  ✅ Process with data should return 400 status code and show info about required comment
should make a deploy of the new version
  ✅ Process with data should make a deploy of the new version
should display question mark when renaming a node and updating the count
  ✅ Process with data should display question mark when renaming a node and updating the count
should have counts button and modal
  ✅ Process with data should have counts button and modal
should display some node details in modal
  ✅ Process with data should display some node details in modal

✅ 7a22365729d89587d2e06700aa941b55.xml

1 tests were completed in 18s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Compare versions 1✅ 18s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Compare versions

should render compare a version with fragment input parameters change marked
  ✅ Compare versions should render compare a version with fragment input parameters change marked

✅ 89f0cac02601f36bdd3ff2b763dcbb28.xml

1 tests were completed in 10s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with data 1✅ 9s

✅ with data

should allow editing choice edge expression
  ✅ Process with data should allow editing choice edge expression

✅ 8db6df4f762897f84eeb514f669b2763.xml

1 tests were completed in 7s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
JSON editor 1✅ 7s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ JSON editor

should display colorfull json
  ✅ JSON editor should display colorfull json

✅ 8e896dcaa4ad63cc3f6aa3f746ef76c8.xml

7 tests were completed in 49s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Undo/Redo 7✅ 49s

✅ Undo/Redo

should work for add and move to edge
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for add and move to edge
should work for drop on edge
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for drop on edge
should work for move
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for move
should work for copy/paste
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for copy/paste
should work with 'last deployed' tag
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work with 'last deployed' tag
should work with counts
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work with counts
should work with validation
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work with validation

✅ 901e1a084578a7faeb316087ad9e13d3.xml

3 tests were completed in 7s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Processes list 3✅ 7s
Processes list (new table) 78ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Processes list

should have no process matching filter
  ✅ Processes list should have no process matching filter
should allow creating new process
  ✅ Processes list should allow creating new process
should have test process on list
  ✅ Processes list should have test process on list

✅ 95883fed270df5088cbb087e0ef7086d.xml

11 tests were completed in 59s with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Auto Screenshot Change Docs - 11✅ 59s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs -

basic components - variable
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - variable
basic components - mapmariable
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - mapmariable
basic components - filter
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - filter
basic components - choice
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - choice
basic components - split
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - split
basic components - foreach
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - foreach
basic components - union
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - union
aggregates - Single Side Join
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - aggregates - Single Side Join
aggregates - Full Outer Join
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - aggregates - Full Outer Join
fragments - Inputs
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - fragments - Inputs
fragments - Outputs
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - fragments - Outputs

✅ 9a615b59d464e2476fc1ded5dc86fc85.xml

2 tests were completed in 20s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Connection error 2✅ 20s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Connection error

should display connection errors
  ✅ Connection error should display connection errors
should cancel request when connection error
  ✅ Connection error should cancel request when connection error

✅ aef55bc8082bf6e16ad54c3e0694fd6f.xml

2 tests were completed in 22s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Sql editor 2✅ 22s

✅ Sql editor

should display colorfull sql code
  ✅ Sql editor should display colorfull sql code
should display advanced colors
  ✅ Sql editor should display advanced colors

✅ b47e1b3f3b0949e51d55f2879870151c.xml

1 tests were completed in 7s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Dropdown 1✅ 7s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Dropdown

should display menu portal
  ✅ Dropdown should display menu portal

✅ c0eca66e3f78a1e8fcb3ad47b2ea9ba0.xml

4 tests were completed in 20s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process mouse drag 4✅ 20s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Process mouse drag

should allow pan view
  ✅ Process mouse drag should allow pan view
should select only fully covered (to right)
  ✅ Process mouse drag should select only fully covered (to right)
should select partially covered (to left)
  ✅ Process mouse drag should select partially covered (to left)
should switch modes, append and inverse select with shift
  ✅ Process mouse drag should switch modes, append and inverse select with shift

✅ df68bec85115ff29f61b93453d2c75c3.xml

1 tests were completed in 10s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Compare 1✅ 10s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Compare

should fill window
  ✅ Compare should fill window

✅ e0cf242aa016775c8faa0bdf540fad14.xml

1 tests were completed in 5s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Creator toolbar 1✅ 5s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Creator toolbar

should allow filtering
  ✅ Creator toolbar should allow filtering

✅ f245dc856b4205c95475e911d296dd2a.xml

4 tests were completed in 94s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Fragment 4✅ 94s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Fragment

should allow adding input parameters and display used fragment graph in modal
  ✅ Fragment should allow adding input parameters and display used fragment graph in modal
should open properties
  ✅ Fragment should open properties
should add documentation url in fragment properties and show it in modal within scenario
  ✅ Fragment should add documentation url in fragment properties and show it in modal within scenario
should display dead-ended fragment correct
  ✅ Fragment should display dead-ended fragment correct