./main.sh --port <PORT>
The default port is 7092.
docker build . -t filter_results_top_n
docker run --name filter_results_top_n --rm -p <PORT>:7092 -it filter_results_top_n
PORT=<PORT> docker-compose up --build
The "docker-compose" option requires either a) an environment variable called PORT
, or b) a .env
file containing a definition for PORT
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) # point session to minikube's docker daemon
docker build . -t filter_results_top_n # build image
kubectl create -f k8s-deployment.yml # references local image
kubectl port-forward service/filter-results-top-n <PORT>:7092 # forward to port of your choice
Access Swagger UI at http://localhost:<PORT>/docs
python -m pytest tests/ --cov app --cov-report term-missing