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APRIL 2019

TDT 4310


This report documents the project work for the course Intelligent Tekst- analyse og Språkforståelse (TDT4310) at the Norwegian University of Sci- ence and Technology. The project is conducted by Helle van den Broek and Truls Andreas Berglund, both studying for Bachelor in Informatics (BIT). The goal for this project was to choose an assignment relevant to the course, implement a solution and perform a presentation for the course pro- fessors and other students at the end of the project. The chosen project is the generating of poems, based on tweets from Twit- ter accounts. Part of the goal was to use technologies and methods taught in this course to return randomly generated poems based on different twitter accounts. This was achieved using Tweepy for fetching tweets from the Twit- ter API creating a corpus for a Twitter account and using the NLTK library for python to create chunks of text which later can be put together resulting in poems. This report documents the goals, implementation and results of this project. The end product is a program that can create corpora from different Twit- ter accounts, removing unnecessary tokens and words, and saving it to a file. The program then lets the user create poems, generated from chunks created using the nltk.RegexParser on a certain grammar. It also lets the user select whether they want a happy or sad poem using the python library TextBlob. The poems may be saved to a poetry collection belonging to the relevant Twit- ter account. The end product meets the goals, and produces valid results, as well as providing an intuitive user interface. The poems created are 4-lined po- ems where the lines are all grammatically correct, written randomly and are based on tweets from accounts on Twitter. Even though generating poems by this approach proves for grammatically correct lines resulting in proper looking quatrains, these results are unable to deliver the meaning and depth often found in human written poetry. Pro- gramming this might be more difficult, as computers lack the same emotions and thoughts as human do (as of yet).


1 Introduction
    1.1 Motivation
    1.2 Goal
2 Methods
    2.1 Chunking
    2.2 Sentiment Analysis
3 Data
    3.1 Creating a corpus
    3.2 Example
4 Implementation
    4.1 User Interface (UI)
    4.2 Corpus Creation
        4.2.1 Tweepy
        4.2.2 Fetching tweets
        4.2.3 Processing tweets
        4.2.4 Corpus creation
    4.3 Poetry Generation
        4.3.1 Fetching corpus
        4.3.2 Making chunks
        4.3.3 Using TextBlob to check semantics on chunks
        4.3.4 Putting chunks together
        4.3.5 Saving poems
5 Results
    5.1 Donald Trump
    5.2 PETA
    5.3 Maisie Williams
    5.4 Elon Musk
    5.5 Adele
6 Evaluation / Discussion
7 Conclusion
8 Sources
9 Libraries

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

The motivation for this project was to generate poems using corpora with data from Twitter accounts, while also implementing parts of the course syllabus into the creation of the poetry. And so we had to ask ourselves: What is a poem? The English Oxford Dictionaries defines a poem as following:

"A piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given inten- sity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery."

And where better to find someones feelings and expression than scraping their twitter account? 1.2 Goal

The goal is to fetch tweets from different accounts and process them, such that unnecessary words and tokens are removed, and the tweets are formatted in a way they are usable as a corpus. After processing the corpus should be saved to file, such that it can be fetched later for poetry generation. Ideally it should be able to save the poems to files, such that we end up with collections of poems from a chosen Twitter account. The sentences should be completely based on the tweets from certain Twitter accounts, and it should be possible to generate both sad and happy poems. Hopefully the poems will in some way be related to the twitter accounts, and reflect some of the typical topics for the given account.

2 Methods

To reach this goal, two main methods have been used: chunking and sentiment analysis. 2.1 Chunking

To create the lines in the poems, tweets needed to be taken apart to put them back together again. To do this, chunking was used. Chunking is splitting the text into several pieces and applying POS tagging on all the separate parts. The modern language follow rules in order to create understandable sentences, for in- stance, the sentence "I like pancakes" follows an order of [personal pronoun, verb, noun(plural)]. When dealing with Natural Language Processing (NLP) there are several types of grammars, one of them is Context-Free Grammar (CFG). This one is straightforward as consist of sets of rules for combining components of words into sensical sentences. NLTKs chunking method follows this procedure. as can be seen in Figure 1, The strings are segmented and get assigned POS tags at different levels. For this project a grammar was created, defining 4 different

Figure 1: Segmentation at chunk levels

types of chunks we wanted to find in the tweets. Later those 4 types of chunks can be processed, mixed around, and in the end, put together to form grammatically correct lines in a poem. 2.2 Sentiment Analysis

To create "happy" and "sad" poems, one needs to analyze lines of text and decide whether they represent something negative or something positive. This is solved using the machine learning based python library TextBlob. Tweets are separated into chunks, and some of those chunks are checked for semantics to separate the positive chunks from the negative ones. Sentiment Analysis is the process of ‘computationally’ determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. Checking sentiments on only the smaller chunks of tweets, often containing just a few words is much more accurate than it would be to analyze entire tweets. The bigger the data set is, the more course the classification is, and will result in a less accurate result.

3 Data

3.1 Creating a corpus

The data used in this project is fetched Twitter data from different Twitter ac- counts. The tweets are fetched and processed to remove unnecessary tokens and words. After the processing is done, the data gets saved to a .txt file. This is the corpus, the data the poem generation is based on. The file name is always the same as the username of the corresponding Twitter account. Each line in the file represents one tweet. 3.2 Example

To give an example of what this might look like we can look at a excerpt from the file elonmusk.txt, a corpus created based of the Twitter account @elonmusk:

C++ syntax sucks Instagram comments are coding in emojis Anyone who bought FSD will get it Even connectivity at my house in Silicon Valley sucks!

4 Implementation

4.1 User Interface (UI)

In order to make the development and observation processes more fluent, an easy-to-use UI was developed. This would benefit both the end user of the prod- uct and the developers while working on and testing the program. All the func- tionality for the UI is implemented in the file. When the file is run it provides the user with the following options: "add account" which creates new corpora; "generate poem" which gives the possibility to generate poems; "show stored accounts" which gives the user a list of stored corpora; "update corpus" which will update an existing corpus with new tweets the Twitter user might has tweeted since it was created and "exit application". The user also gets pre- sented with additional options after choosing the ones mentioned, like choosing whether they want happy or sad poem or deciding which account they want to generate a corpus from. 4.2 Corpus Creation

Functionality for this can be found in the CreateCorpus class. 4.2.1 Tweepy

For fetching the desired tweets, Tweepy was used. Tweepy is an easy to use Python library for accessing the twitter API, and returns back a Tweepy model class instance containing various information. 4.2.2 Fetching tweets

Fetch the tweets from the Tweepy model class using:

api.user_timeline(screen_name=self.username, tweet_mode=self.tweet_mode, count=self.count)

The count variable decides how many tweets we try to fetch from the API, and can be easily changed by changing the variable value in the constructor. The more data in our corpus, the better the poetry generator works. 4.2.3 Processing tweets

After all the tweets are fetched, we need to do some cleanup and process the found tweets. Links and usernames are removed, as well as the “RT” that appears in front of tweets that are retweets. Line breaks are also removed, and each tweet is now one line only. There are a lot more things we could have chosen to do during processing, for example removing retweets and emojis but we purposely chose to leave them in, because the retweets gave us more data, and the emojis actually turned out to lead to fun and interesting results. 4.2.4 Corpus creation

Like mentioned before, we want as much data in our corpus as possible, which means we only want to accept Twitter accounts with more than a certain amount of tweets on their timeline. If a user tries to add an account that does not have sufficient data, they will be notified that it is not possible to add that account. This variable is named minimum_tweets and is also defined in the constructor and easy to change if one would like to increase or decrease this amount of abso- lute minimum tweets the account must contain. After the tweets are processed the corpus is saved to a .txt file, as long as there are a sufficient amount of tweets in the corpus. The .txt file contains one tweet for each line. 4.3 Poetry Generation

Code for this implementation can be found in the class BasePoetryGenerator. 4.3.1 Fetching corpus

The corpus is fetched from an existing .txt file containing tweets, and is saved to a variable declared in the instructor. 4.3.2 Making chunks

The general generation of poetry is based on creating chunks of grammar based on the tweets from the corpus. There are many different ways to do this, but we decided to create a grammar ourselves, that would return different chunks of tweets, that we could later put together to make somehow meaningful, grammat- ical correct sentences to form poems.

grammar = r""" NP: { } NOUNP: { ?<JJ.><NN*>+} CLAUSE: {} WRB: {} """ cp = nltk.RegexParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(sent)

Using the nltk.RegexParser on the grammar and later parsing every sentence in the corpus to find chunks that satisfy the grammar defined, we end up with a list of all the different chunks above. It is absolutely possible to play around with the grammar, and changing it up as one likes. It is possible to make the chunks less strict (e.g. making some of the parts in the chunks optional), or making it more strict (e.g. making parts required). There are endless possibilities and combinations of grammar, one could make the chunks longer, shorter or just create totally new chunks. 4.3.3 Using TextBlob to check semantics on chunks

This poetry generator also lets the user choose whether they want negative or positive poems. To implement this, the semantics of chunks are checked using TextBlob, and based on the polarity score it gets determined to be either positive, negative or neutral.

sentiment = TextBlob(sent).sentiment.polarity

4.3.4 Putting chunks together

After the semantics are added, chunks are put together to form poems.

first_line =[random.randint(0, lenNP)] second_line = self.clause[random.randint(0, lenClause)] third_line = self.wrb[random.randint(0, lenWrb)]

  •[random.randint(0, lenNP)] fourth_line =[random.randint(0, lenNP)]

Each line in the poem consists of chunks randomly selected from a list of a certain type of chunks, e.g the first line, which consists of a random "np" chunk. Right now we put four lines together from different chunks, but this is easily changeable if one would like to experiment with different combinations. 4.3.5 Saving poems

Finally the user gets the option to save tweets if they like what is generated. In that case, another .txt file gets created and the saved tweets are appended to this file.

5 Results

Each poem presented here consists of four lines. This is also known as a quatrain. The results have been categorized into happy and sad poems, as was part of the poetry generation task. 5.1 Donald Trump

Twitter account:realDonaldTrump Negative poems:

the phony collusion as last hope than no underlying crime a bad thing

Positive poems:

a major win in the best shape on a great job the GREAT STATE

the first time additional large scale in The good news the first time

5.2 PETA

Twitter account:peta Negative poems:

the animal overpopulation on day for the misguided belief a diverse group

an urgent matter into small dirt at a reputable sanctuary the animal overpopulation

Positive poems:

the new movie for the love for a great way a reputable sanctuary

a wild animal with the right of an amazing decision the good news

5.3 Maisie Williams

Twitter account:maisie_williams Negative poems

a virtual world like i at the final season a career-focused platform

the final piece nuuuuumber oooooone ’ while a little ’ a performant app

Positive poems:

a major spoiler in good time If a wonderful afternoon a major spoiler

a fast track of creative collaboration of a fast track the first run...

5.4 Elon Musk

Twitter account:elonmusk Negative poems:

a particulate filter of the cosmos for a big deal a winsome eyre

Positive poems:

a real question for full refund for an absolute unit a good reason

5.5 Adele

Twitter account:adele Negative poems:

A short blog on the grind with the other side a Chinese watching

Positive poems:

a wonderful beyday without clean drinking water in a wonderful time a wonderful night

6 Evaluation / Discussion

Several types of accounts were used to get results. These types include actors, artists, politicians and organizations. This was done in order to get a wide scope of content, resulting in a range of different topics and a visible variation in the topics of the lines in the quatrains related to the different accounts. On some of the poems we generated, the sentimentality is often subtle. The first gloomy poem generated by Maisie Williams does not seem like a sad poem. The words for these lines were chosen, using the aforementioned TextBlob li- brary, and returned as the composition of words from the corpus with the correct sentimental value (positive or negative). There are several possible reasons for this: Maisie Williams might be posting positive tweets rather than depressing and tragic tweets, making it less probable to find tweets with negative connota- tions. Another reason might be her tweets containing a certain high amount of sarcasm, which makes it harder for the library to determine the sentimentality.

An example where the positive tweets are more distinct from the negative, is with Donald Trump. The first positive tweet includes key words such as "win", "best", "great", among other words. The negative poem contains key words such as "phony", "last", "crime" and the obvious "bad". These poems may help de- termine an account’s idiolect when it comes to positivity and negativity. Don- ald Trump seems to write tweets using easy-to-understand phrases such as "bad thing", instead of writing something like "terrible occurrence". Donald Trumps phrasing might provide a more abstract image, and might therefore be better suited for poetry.

The use of chunks to segment the different tweets, and assigning POS tagging at different levels, makes the individual lines of the poems grammatically correct. The poems as a whole, on the other hand, are not guaranteed to be grammati- cally correct. The first line in Donald Trumps negative poem reads "the phony collusion", which is a grammatically correct part of a sentence. One understands that the topic is of a specific collusion that is phony. However, reading the rest of the poem, the grammar as a whole seem to have some holes. The composition "as last hope" makes grammatically sense on its own, but combined with the line above, it seems to be missing an "a". "The phony collusion as a last hope" reads easier and do not have the same error as in the poem. Expanded work could have been made to tune the poems with a bigger grammatically correct scope, but was chosen to be out of scope for this particular project.

Given more time and resources, other features from poetry would be implemented. These are features such as rhyme, alliteration, assonance and so on. Making rhymes with the generator would be to look for chunks with end words that corre- late with end words in other chunks, for instance "if only my sorrow" and "would be gone tomorrow". The most popular one, from a programming perspective, would be the words ending with "-ing", as these would be the easiest to use when

combining lines in poems. Adele’s positive tweet consists of several w’s on each line, and seems to make use of alliteration. This is random chance, but a program could be created to favour certain characters when deciding the phrases to use as well as imple- menting the features mentioned above. This will not be done in this project, but is an interesting discussion for potential future works, as the opportunities are nearly endless since the "structure" of poetry is very fluent and exist in countless forms.

7 Conclusion

It is fair to conclude that this project has been a success in the sense that the project goals have been met. The outcome of the tweets fetching combined with the generating of tweets has resulted in collections of tweets that in some cases could resemble the writing of a human. Even though not all the poems make sense, one could argue that poems not always do, as they are abstract pieces of writing, often having more meaning than just their literal interpretation. Rel- evant topics for different Twitter accounts are often mentioned in the poems, which makes it possible to relate many poems to the accounts they are based from.

So even though these poems, based on randomly put together lines, might lack the purpose and deeper meaning a human-written poem might contain, they def- initely resemble poems written by humans in the past. And even though the computer generated lines are put together randomly, without taking context to each other into account, in many cases they actually make sense.

8 Sources, Figure 1

9 Libraries



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