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pop4959 edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Entity locking is currently being redeveloped and is not supported.

Entity locking information (legacy support):

Entity locking is the same as block locking.

Players can lock Armor Stands, Item frames, Paintings, Hopper and Chest minecarts, etc.

Players can't steal items from Armor Stands or Item frames , unless they have permission to. (Same perm as the one that allows Mods or whoever to open chests, etc.)

Projectiles can't break protected entities.

Armor stands are still affected by gravity, So put something like Obsidian below it so other players can't move it down.

You can unlock Armor Stands, but you need to break it and re-lock it.

Lock your favorite squid! (It does work.)

Mob locking. (ANY entity can be locked.)

Auto locking of item frames and paintings. USE ENTITYTYPE NAME IN ALL CAPS.

Locking horses won't prevent people from riding them (So be careful!)


Add ENTITYTYPE (in caps, unlike other blocks, which are in lower case) to core.yml under blocks.


Permissions used for entity locking:

