The poker roguelike. Balatro is a hypnotically satisfying deckbuilder where you play illegal poker hands, discover game-changing jokers, and trigger adrenaline-pumping, outrageous combos.
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Collect all Balatro mods and tools, welcome to add!
- Awesome-Balatro
- Balatro Calculator - Calculate the best score for any Balatro hand. by @Edward
- balatro-save-loader - A simple save loader/modder for balatro. by @WilsontheWolf
- balatro-sprites-i18n - Internationalization toolchain to translate Balatro's sprites. by @Signez
- Balatro.antihypertensive - Save Manager for Balatro, macOS only. by @miku1958
- Balatrolator - Score calculator for Balatro. by @kleinfreund
- Immolate - An OpenCL seed searcher for Balatro. by @MathIsFun_
- Balamod - Mod loader, Injector and Decompiler that supports in-game code injection for Balatro. by @UwUDev
- Lovely - A runtime lua injector for games built with LÖVE. by @ethangreen-dev
- Steamodded - A Balatro ModLoader. by @Steamo
Mods (Require Steamodded)
- FederAPI - An API library mod that allows to register vouchers, blinds, tarots, sounds, etc. by @itayfeder
- 1 Hand? You're Joking? - Challenge with just 1 hand every round. by
@Prokop :D
- 5 legendary challenges - 5 more challenges, each featuring a legendary joker. by @Betmma
- Feed the Vampire - Adds a challenge that just gives you Pareidolia, Midas Mask, and Vampire. by @Morpline
- GoldenChallenge - Adds the challenge "Golden". by @Mysthaps
- Riff-Raffling - start with a negative eternal riffraff you have to get money and win with just common jokers. by @UppedHealer8521
- Stylish Sleeves Challenge - Adds the Stylish Sleeves Challenge to the game: The effects of all base game decks apply, X2 base blind score. by @Aure
- Last Stand - Adds the Last Stand Challenge to the game: Start with $250; after defeating each Boss Blind, earn $10; you cannot earn money through any other means (including selling cards). by @Tucaonormal
- arachnei's balatro mods - Collection of balatro mods. by @arachnei
- Myst's Balatro Mods - A collection of mods made by Myst for the game Balatro. by @Mysthaps
- Wiwiweb's Balatro mods - Various mods for Balatro. by @Wiwiweb
- Absolute Deck - Absolute Deck of PolyGlass! by @Steamo
- Ace in the Hole - Create a special deck that only contains one Ace of each suit! by
- Astronomer Deck - A deck perfect for an aspiring astronomer! by
- Borrowed deck - Build a big deck with tons of free mega standard packs. by
@Rose Happy
- Dealer's Discount Deck - Adds a Deck that starts with the Clearance Sale voucher. by
- Deck of 4 - Create a special deck that only contains 4s! by @Steamo
- Deck of 8 - Create a special deck that only contains 8s! by
- Dice Deck - A deck which doubles all probabilities, both bad and good! by
- Dynamic Deck - Increase rank of discarded cards by 1! by
- Easy Start Deck - A deck that starts with a coupon and polychromatic tag for a good start made for gloc. by
- Eccentric Deck - All Ranks and Suits in deck are randomized but heavily biased towards a specific type. Enhancements, editions and seals are also biasely added to some cards. by @Mojimoon
- Enchanted Deck - Start the game with some of your cards already be enhanced! by @Encarvlucas
- Expansion Deck - Grab more cards than you can hold! by
- Foiled Deck - All the cards are Foiled. by
- Foiled Wild Deck - All the cards are wild and foiled. by
- French Tarot Cavalier Card - Add the card rank Cavalier from the game of French Tarot. by @Desmero
- Gimmicky decks pack - A collection of mods I've made. Mostly exists so that I can assign multiple custom deck images to custom decks. by
- Joker Deck - Start with 2 random Eternal Jokers.
- Flood Deck - One joker fills all slots, Destroying one destroys all.
- Curse Deck - Discarded cards, get downranked by 1, watch where you click.
- Nihil Deck - All jokers are Negative. On joker pickup, lose a random resource.
- Gacha Deck - More booster packs in shop. Shop only seels booster packs and a voucher.
- High Card Deck and Jokers - Create a deck that references the HighCard Franchise! by @Kenny Stone
- Joker Only Deck - All Consumables and Vouchers are banned, together with related Jokers, Tags and Booster Packs. by @Mojimoon
- Legendary Deck - Adds 1 deck (Legendary Deck) and 1 legendary joker (Charon). by
- Mika's Mod Collection - A collection of 7 decks and 45 jokers. by @Mikadoe
- Even Steven's Deck - A deck that only contains even cards. Starts with the Even Steven joker.
- Odd Todd's Deck - A deck that only contains odd cards. Starts with the Odd Todd joker.
- Fibonacci Deck - A deck that only contains cards from the Fibonacci Sequence (Ace, 2, 3, 5, 8). Starts with the Fibonacci joker.
- Prime Deck - A deck that only contains prime cards (2, 3, 5, 7, Ace). Starts with the Prime joker.
- Midas's Deck - A deck that only contains Gold Face cards. Starts with the Midas Mask joker.
- "Jokers for Hire" Deck - All Jokers give +1 Joker slot, but the price of Jokers and Buffoon Packs increase exponentially.
- Perfect Precision Deck - +1 hands, discards and hand size. Start with a negative The Sniper Joker. Ante scales X1.5 as fast.
- Pact Deck - After defeating each Boss Blind, gain a Negative Tag. and -1 Joker Slot. by
- Randomizer Deck - The Randomizer Deck randomizes itself, jokers, vouchers, planets, costs etc. by @Hellyom
- Royal Deck - Adds 1 deck (Royal Deck): It contains only enhanced Aces, face cards, and 10s. by
- ScrapDeck - A deck where everything sells at full price! Might be overpowered but it's definitely fun! by
@Rose Happy
- Sylvie's Silliness - A few decks, jokers, etc. Have fun! by @NewtTheFish
- Lemon-Lime Deck - Start with a modified deck; -1 discard, -1 hand; The 2's in the deck have one of each (vanilla) seal.
- Sulfur Deck - Start with a Death card and Overstock; Jokers are appear less often (equal chance to Tarots and Planets)
- Aurora Deck - Start with an Aura card; Jokers and Playing cards always have editions; -1 joker slot, -1 hand.
- Hallowed Deck - Planets and Tarots no longer appear in the shop. Playing Cards now appear in the shop by deafult.
- Turquoise Deck - +1 hand size, -1 discard, At the end of the round, change suit and rank of the cards in hand. by
- Ultimate Random Deck - Ultimate Random Deck! by @Steamo
- Voucher Deck - Include a new deck which add 1 voucher to shop when entering and 20% off for vouchers in shop. by
- Wild Deck - Start with a Deck full of wild cards. by
- +1 Shop slot for High Stakes - Adds Overstock Voucher (+1 card slot in Shop) to all runs at Blue Stakes or higher. by @Encarvlucas
- Achievements Enabler - Mod to activate Achievements. by @Steamo
- Add +1 Shop to Every Run - Adds Overstock Voucher (+1 card slot in Shop) to all runs. by @Encarvlucas
- Always Show Seed - Shows the seed and makes you able to copy it at all time on the options eveon on non seeded run. by @infarctus
- BalatroQuickLoad - I made this module for quick file reads. Repeatedly switching to the main menu was too painful. by @TsunamiinFantasy
- Better Mouse And Gamepad - Make mouse and gamepad more efficient and easier to use. For example multiply select cards by holding and dragging right mouse button. by @Kooluve
- Better Stakes - Rework of orange and gold stakes, making them less challenging and reducing the need to reset for a good start. by @kjossul
- Choose First Shop Joker - This mod adds a way to choose the first joker that spawns. by @infarctus
- Collection Fix - Fixes the collection to work with amounts of cards that aren't the base game's. by @Golden Epsilon
- Custom hand size - Sets hand size to a number of your choice. Good for testing mods or just having fun. by @ScottMono
- Debug Menu - Enables Balatro's builtin debug menu. Press TAB to show keybinds. by @MathIsFun_
- DisableVerdantLeaf - Disable Verdant Leaf (All cards debuffed until 1 Joker Sold) on specific challenge runs. by @V-rtualized
- Faster Stakes Unlock - Winning a run with a stake unlocks the stake 2 levels below for all decks. by @Wiwiweb
- Flush Hotkeys - Adds hotkeys for selecting flushes, full houses and other hand types. by Agoraaa
- Free Reroll - Rerolls are free! It may ruin your game experience. by
- Increase Shop Size - Increase cards that are sold in the shop by 2. by
- IncreaseJokerCap - Increase Base Joker Capacity. by @Akita Attribute
- IncreaseSoulProbability - Increase Soul Spectral Card Probability To Spawn. by @Akita Attribute
- InfinteScore - A mod to increase the score cap from 1.7e308 to effectively infinite. by @JamestheJellyfish
- JoJo's Tarots - Listen to jojo stand name when playing tarots cards. by @infarctus
- Masquerade - Allows multiple card sprites to coexist and be randomly picked when displayed. by @Amavoleda
- Milck QOL - Add keyboard shortcuts to the game. by Milck
- Neow Blessings - Neow has transformed into a cute little card! Choose between 4 blessings at the start of your run, inspired from Slay the Spire. by @kjossul
- Quick Restart - Quickly reroll ante 1 tags by clicking f2. by @arachnei
- RandomSprite - Randomizes the sprites of all Jokers, Vouchers, Boosters and comsumables. This will also randomize all modded cards into vanilla sprites. by @Mysthaps
- ReplaceJokers - A mod to replace all jokers. Can be used to make runs that only have a select few jokers. by @Akita Attribute
- Rumble - Enables controller rumble support. by @WilsontheWolf
- Set Seed Achievements Bypass - Enables achievements with seeded run. by @infarctus
- Slower Scaling Ante - Slows the ante scaling to a linear pattern. by @infarctus
- Survival Mode - This mod adds two new game modes: Survival and Survival+. by @Aure
- Wheel of Fortune Tracker + Guarantee - Track your Nope! rate for The Wheel of Fortune, OR Guarantee the "1 in 4" success rate for The Wheel of Fortune. by @sabslikesobs
- BalatrOverlay - Helpful game overlay. by @cantlookback
- Colour Selector - Mod for selecting and changing the colours of the main menu background. by @EmperorGesar
- Custom Fonts - Allows setting the game font to a custom font. Must be named "font.ttf". by @MathIsFun_
- Deck Creator - GUI mod for creating, saving, loading, and sharing your own customizable decks! by @Nyoxide
- Deck Seer - Peer into the future of your deck (see upcoming draws). by @thevdude
- Divvy's Preview - Simulate and preview the score that your hand will get! @DivvyCr
- Escape Exit Button - Add an "Exit" button into the "Escape" menu. by @Steamo
- Fold Button - Quickly forfeit your runs with the 'Fold' button! by @happinyz
- Hitboxes - Enables Balatro's builtin hitboxes. Also shows some other debug information. by @MathIsFun_
- Hold For Final Hand Score - Pauses a moment for the final Chip X Mult count, and another moment for the final hand chip total. Especially noticeable on big hands that trigger flames. by @Wiwiweb
- JCursor - Allow customize the cursor. by @Jie65535
- Jimbo's Histories | Run Reviewer - Review run after it has ended. by @MilcK
- Main Menu Tweaks - Minor changes to the main menu screen. by
- More Speed - More Speed options! by @Steamo
- Speedrun Timer - A speedrun timer for Balatro. by @MathIsFun_
- Taikomochi - New zen game mode, loosing is not the end of the run, just restart the ante. by @Amvoled
- YippeeGameOver - Replaces Jimbo in the win screen with tbh. by @Mysthaps
- Bad Apple Joker - Adds the Bad Apple Joker to the game. by @JamestheJellyfish
- Betmma Jokers - 5 More Jokers! by @Betmma
- Bunco - Adds 7 more Jokers. by @Firch
- JankJonklers - A small pack of Jokers for the game. by @Lyman
- JellyMod - A pack of 17 Jokers and 22 new "reverse" tarot cards. by @JamestheJellyfish
- Joker Fusions - Adds fused Jokers to the game, encountered via owning two compatible Jokers. by
- LushMod - Pack with 9 jokers with some interesting effects. by @lusciousdev
- Mika's Mod Collection - A collection of 7 decks and 45 jokers. by @Mikadoe
- MoreFluff - Adds more jokers to the game, by @notmario
- MultiJokers - Adds a couple of custom jokers to the game. by @John Maged,
- MystJokers - Adds more Jokers to the game. Before you install, read below. by @Mysthaps
- Olympus - adding Greek mythology based Jokers. by @AbhinavR314
- PiJoker - A joker based on Pi. by @Beeks17
- ror2funnyitems - Adds the funny items from Risk of Rain 2. by @aou
- Themed Jokers - A bunch of themed Jokers. WIP. by @Blizzow
- AncientJokerFix - Fixes Ancient Joker to only pick suits in your deck. by @gabepesco
- Seven Sins - A pack of Jokers based on the Seven Deadly Sins including 3 new challenges. by @AlexDavies8
- Black Seal - Adds a Black Seal to the game. by @infarctus
- Green Seal - Add a green seal which will increase the hand size for a given round by 1 when discarded. A card with the green seal will also apply a X0.75 mult if the card is scored. by @AxBolduc
- Silver Seal - A mod for Baltro that adds in a silver seal which will apply a random edition to the card. Once the card is played a second time a new edition will be applied. The edition will only count after you have played the card atleast once. @mwithington,
- Hanafuda Hybrid - Turns the regular set of playing cards into hybrid hanafuda cards, and adjusts their base chip value accordingly. by @Shirou97
- InkAndColor - This mod is based on sixsuits(check them out), Adds two new suits: Ink & Color. by @RattlingSnow353
- Musical Suit - Adds a new suit (Notes ♪). with new jokers, tarot, and blind. by @itayfeder
- Six Suits - This mod adds two new suits to the game: Stars and Moons. by @Aure and
- Baba Decks - A texture mod, using art by Auburn Arcana on Tumblr. Makes the basic + Abandoned decks look like Baba! by
- Balatro Re;Shuffled - A full game reskin with every joker, consumable, and blind replaced. by @XenoCHeart and the Balatro Discord
- Balatro-Texture-Packs - I just wanted an easier way to share my (or others) texture packs. by @Alexse13
- Colorblind Friendly Card Colors Pack - This mod changes the standard card colors to be friendly to the three main colorblind types. by
- Game of Thrones Tarot - Replaces Tarot cards with Game of Thrones Tarot (HBO). by
- Gradient Suit Colors - Adds a color gradient to the suits. by
- High Contrast Clubs - Replaces default clubs with high contrast clubs, while removing the gradient from them, 2x only. by
- Improved four colors of suits - Makes the colors for a four-color deck better. by
- Luna's Enhanced Enhancements - Modified enhancement textures to fit the pattern of changing the material of the cards. by
- Ogtextures - the original textures from balatro 0.8.8. by @UppedHealer8521
- Persona Tarot - Replaces Tarot cards with their respective versions from the Persona video game series. by
- Texture Pack - Keranik's 4-Color Poker Player's Deck. by
- Texture Pack - Red, Green, Blue, Purple Standard Cards. by
- Better French - A humble community-made version of the French localization of Balatro. by
The Balatro FR Loc Mod Community
- ProperKorean - Fixes Korean Translation. by
- Card Back Injection - systematically loads all the card back files into the system. by @Kenny Stone
- Sound Util - Utility mod to facilitate adding sound. by @infarctus
Mods (Require Balamod)
- Center Hook - An api/hook to add center cards (joker, voucher, booster pack, consumable cards) to the game. by @arachnei
- JS_Center - adding new card centers to the game. by @JopStro
- JS_Sprite - adding custom sprite atlases and expanding the Enhancers atlas. by @JopStro
- Seal API - Easier to add Seal. by @jacobr1227
- Myst's Boss Blinds - A pack of Blinds. by @Mysthaps
- Coupon Book - A booster pack that allows you to redeem 1 of 2 vouchers. by @arachnei
- GoldenChallenge - Adds the challenge "Golden". by @Mysthaps
- arachnei's balatro mods - Collection of balatro mods. by @arachnei
- Balatro-CommunityPack - see
- Buffon Deck - Deck that gives you a Jumbo Buffoon Pack at the start of the run. by @JopStro
- Better black-stake - Makes it so Eternal Jokers can always appear in shops. Makes blackstake increse the odds of Eternal Jokers from 30% to 50%. by @Tessy of Root
- Hand of Six - Allows you to select 6 cards to play. by
- Quick Restart - Quickly reroll ante 1 tags by clicking f2. by @arachnei
- Jokers - An example joker card that gives all played cards +2 mult. by @arachnei
- Parrot Joker - Adds, the Joker, Parrot to the game. by @JopStro
- ShamPack - Adds a couple of custom jokers and mechanics to the game. by @Golden Epsilon and
- Slutty Joker - Adds the 'Slutty Joker' that gives a 2x multiplier if you play a 6 and a 9. by @HeyImKyu, @UwuDev
- sols - A joker card that gives you X4 mult if you play at least 4 cards that contain any sequence in DISASTERMODE (5776578588). by @arachnei
- The Jonkler - A simple joker card that gives X1.8 mult. by @arachnei
- Double Seals - Adds new Double versions of the 4 base game seals as well as all my other seal mods. by @jacobr1227
- Orange Seals - Adds new Orange seal When discarded, enhances a random card. by @jacobr1227
- Silver Seals - Adds new Silver seal When held in hand at end of round, creates 1 spectral card. by @jacobr1227
- Better French - A humble community-made version of the French localization of Balatro. by
The Balatro FR Loc Mod Community
- Coupon Book - A voucher card that allows you to refresh purchased booster packs. by @arachnei
Mods (Require Lovely)
- Buffoon Deck - Simple custom deck that gives you a Jumbo Buffoon Pack at the start of a run. by @JoStro
- Parrot Joker - A custom joker that copies the abilities of other jokers at random. by @JoStro
- ProperRussian - Russian localization for Balatro. by @Nitablade
- json - Exposes json.lua as a module using lovely. by @JoStro
- JSUtils - Lets mods add item prototypes, descriptions and custom sprites with simple json configuration files. by @JoStro
- Four-color deck - This mod change the default deck to match the standard colors used in four color decks in poker. by
, @owennerd123 - Mekai's Card Back Collection - A collection of card back textures intended for Balatro mods. by
- Remove Gradient from High Contrast Cards - When you turn on the game option for high contrast suit colors, there's a gradient applied to the faces of all the cards -- the pips are lighter at the top of the card and darker at the bottom. Here's a simple graphical mod to remove this gradient so the colors are flat. by