A worker queue that is evolving to a job queue
- PHP >= 5.5.18
- Composer
- Supervisord
- Postgres >= 9.3
- RabbitMQ
Install Hodor in your application via composer:
composer require lightster/hodor:^0.2.0
Create a database on your Postgres server to use with your instance of Hodor:
Copy the Hodor distribution config to wherever you keep your application configs:
cp vendor/lightster/hodor/config/dist/config.dist.php config/hodor.php
Update the Postgres and RabbitMQ credentials in your config file.
Write your job runner bootstrap in the job_runner
key of the config
file. The method defined here will be called with the job name and
job params any time a worker receives a job message. This method
should not be more than a few lines—anything more than that should
be offloaded into a bootstrap include script or class. An example
job runner may look like:
return [
'job_runner' => function($name, $params) {
$container = require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
$job_runner = $container['job_runner'];
$job_runner->runJob($name, $params);
Run the database migrations after your database credentials are setup in your config:
bin/hodor.php database:migrate config/hodor.php
Then setup supervisord to manage your job queue processes:
sudo php bin/hodor.php daemon:generate-config config/hodor.php
sudo service supervisord reload
use Hodor\JobQueue\JobQueue;
$job_queue = new JobQueue();
$job_queue->setConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/../../../config/hodor.php');
'Vendor\Project\SomeJob', // job_name
['number' => 123, 'name' => 'Bob'], // job_params
['queue_name' => 'default'] // job_options