First individual project on the Ironhack web-dev summer bootcamp, in which we have to create a game from scratch. I decided to go with Tetris. We had one week to do that.
- Analysis: 23-25th of June.
- Development: 26-30th of June. The version of 30th of June 2017 is the one uploaded in Github pages.
For playing, you just have to go to
- All different tetrominos (tetris pieces).
- Tetromino rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.
- Tetrominos moving down, left and right.
- Tetrominos not colliding or going out of the board.
- Erasure of full lines.
- Next 3 tetrominos display.
- Pause functionality.
- Reset game: starts a new game.
- Level updating the speed of the game gradually.
- Score
- Give the game a theme and make it visually appealing.
- If you move one tetromino to the right or left before it appears on the screen and it goes out of limits and a game over is triggered when the automatic moveDown function is executed.
- Find a way to disable browser arrow response so it does not get crazy on small displays.
- Arrows should be disabled after pause!!
- Disable down arrow once the tetromino is touching the bottom, so you don't get extra points holding down.
- The displayed level was always one level short of what it should be. Fixed.
- The points for erasing full lines were not being properly added to the score. Now it sums correctly, 100 points per line plus a modifyer depending on number of lines erased and a special bonus for 4 lines.
Features I would like to implement:
- Automatic dropdown with the space bar.
- Start modal that allows to select different starting difficulties and start the game.
- Reset button really reseting to a clean state, not starting a new game.
- Game over modal with a start new game button.
- Implement different styles for the tetrominos depending on the level range.
- Implement security checks to avoid player updating level through browser console.
- SASS and maybe Skeleton so it is easier to make a responsive layout.
- Reduce image sizes to improve load time.
- Change background image of .metal-box class to add the pink hue instead of doing that through javascript.
- Maybe try functional programming, if I can wrap my head around it.