This project is named RAVINALA This is to resolve the problem given to us during the DevFest competition which is "Numeric face to pollution"
This is a web application that:
Encourage people to preserve the environment and
Share information about the environnement status and it's evolution
Organise events to help each other to deal with the pollution
We've used three technologies to develop this project, they all have their own speciality:
ReactJs for the frontend development(with material-ui for better user interface). It offers a better view and experience for the user... It makes the interface a lot more beautiful and desirable yet easy to use.
Symfony6 for the backend development. This PHP framework will guarantee the security of the application... Not only does it provide a lot more useful tools(messaging, authentication, services, translations,...) but it is also easy to use.
Figma for the conception of the graphical interface. With Figma, we've developped a macket for our application before even designing and integrating it... This step is necessary for us to ease and fasten the development of the interface and designing a very ssatisfying interface.
This web application is available on github, inside the repository of our team You can clone it by running the command:
git clone
If you haven't either set up your reactJs environment or your Symfony environnement, you can check out the documentation:
For ReactJs: you just need to install node
For Symfony: and you also need composer
There are also some important dependencies sush as: php, mysql
After setting up the environment, go to the DevFest directory which you've recently created by cloning our webapp. Then run the following command:
npm install --force
composer install
It will install the node_modules directory and the vendor directory which contain all dependency tools of the web application.
After a successful installation, you can now run the application by running the following command:
npm run watch && symfony serve -d
Then, open your favorite browser and navigate to the link!
- Add a payment system for donation
- Build a chat app for each organisation
Our team is called UNTITLED, we develop web applications, desktop and mobile applications. We are 5 IT Students:
- RAZAFIMAMY Antonino Iraky Ny Avo
- VONIARIMALALA Fiaro Miangaly
- ANDRIANIAINA Fanomezantsoa Nomena
- RAKOTONDRANAIVO Gilbert Joyaux Wendi Anderson