FSE 2023 Leveraging Hardware Probes and Optimizations for Accelerating Fuzz Testing of Heterogeneous Applications
This is the repo for the HFuzz. We build a cross-devices fuzz testing tool that works on devcloud with DPC++.
Since we run the experiment on devcloud, pls register an account here. It is totally free.
Once you've signed up, you should get an immidate screen response with your new user ID and instructions on how to set up your account. You will also receive a follow up email from Intel Devcloud which can take 1 hr giving you a record of your user ID and your user ID key for login. This is an example of the resulting email which will be sent to you:
Welcome "user name",
We are excited that you chose Intel® FPGA Cloud. Free access. No downloads. No installations. No maintenance.
Your account should already be activated. Below are your credentials for your reference.
Unique Access URL: https://devcloud.intel.com/fpga/?uuid=cd1d...
User ID: u12345
UUID Key: cd1d...
Access to Intel® FPGA DevCloud typically expires after 120 days. However, longer access times are granted based on user request. To extend this access, please email [email protected] and give the extension time needed to complete your project.
Getting started with FPGA Cloud:
1. Access detailed instructions for environment setup: https://github.com/intel/FPGA-Devcloud/tree/master/main/Devcloud_Access_Instructions#devcloud-access-instructions
2. If you have technical questions or recommendations, please post them to our FPGA forum: https://forums.intel.com/s/topic/0TO0P000000MWKFWA4/application-acceleration-with-fpgas
3. If you have unresolved issues, email [email protected] and give us a detailed description of your problem.
It's all about you and your code. We look forward to the innovations you'll create.
- Your friendly Intel DevCloud Team
Pls follow the steps on devcloud readme.md file until you can succesfully login the oneapi nodes
Download the repo on your devcloud account while on login-2 mode and cd into hfuzz folder:
user@iMac:~$ ssh devcloud
u12345@login-2:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/UCLA-SEAL/HFuzz.gi
u12345@login-2:~$ cd HFuzz/HFuzz-prototype; make
Try to run hello world example in HFuzz with:
./fuzz good-seeds/ good-outputs/ 10 hello
Login in one of the oneapi nodes here and go to vector-add folder:
qsub -I -l nodes=arria10:ppn=2
cd ~/HFuzz/vector-add
Under src folder, there are two versions of vector-add. Pls first try vector-add-buffers.cpp first. Complie the initial version with dpc++ compiler and run the emulation version:
dpcpp -fintelfpga src/vector-add-buffers.cpp -o vector-add-buffers.fpga_emu -DFPGA_EMULATOR=1
You should be able to see the success notification at end:
Vector add successfully completed on device.
Since the hfuzz we used is a downgraded version, there is no fpga specific feedback for test generation. To enable fuzzing, we should modify the vector-add with a few lines of code. I already prepared a modified version as vector-add-heterofuzz.cpp:
dpcpp -fintelfpga vector-add/src/vector-add-heterofuzz.cpp -o vector-add-heterofuzz.fpga_emu -DFPGA_EMULATOR=1
./vector-add-heterofuzz.fpga_emu your_test_file
Run Hfuzz for vector-add:
../HFuzz/HFuzz-prototype/fuzz your_input_file_folder your_good_outputs_folder 10 vector-add-heterofuzz.fpga_emu
Thanks to DPC++, we can compile the same kernel code to different hardware devices. For GPU, login a GPU node first and compile with GPU
qsub -I -l nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2
dpcpp -std=c++17 -g -o vector-add-buffers-heterofuzz.gpu src/vector-add-buffers-heterofuzz.cpp
You can follow the same step to invoke fuzzing
../HFuzz/HFuzz-prototype/fuzz your_input_file_folder your_good_outputs_folder 10 vector-add-buffers-heterofuzz.gpu
Login in to DPC node first
qsub -I -l nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2
Run hfuzz for vector-add:
Run hfuzz for matrix-mul:
First, you need to write a shell script for the target application. The examples are shown in shell_file_for_differential_testing folders. Also, you need to rewrite the applications. The output for gpu execution should be written in gpu.txt, and the output for fpag simulation should be written in fpga_simulation.txt
The gpu version and fpga simulation version should have the following name:
u93631@login-2:~$ ls
your_app_name-fpga.sh your_app_name-gpu.sh
Then copy and paste the hfuzz.cpp in the root folder to HFuzz/prototype folder and remake the HFuzz.
You can start differential testing by:
../HFuzz/prototype/fuzz your_input_file_folder your_good_outputs_folder 10 your_app_name