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updates from dev branch [condBlocks]
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cherry-picking a bunch of commits from dev branch to [mostly] sync up
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czuba committed Mar 10, 2021
1 parent 30aff58 commit c441a4b
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Showing 3 changed files with 240 additions and 81 deletions.
222 changes: 174 additions & 48 deletions @condMatrix/condMatrix.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% ****************************************************************
% Core Methods:
% [nextCond]
% Apply upcoming condition parameters for the nextTrial
% - if Params Class is in use, this will: (default behavior circa 2020, but will change at some point)
% 1) activate hierarchy levels from [p.static.pldaps.baseParamsLevels]
% 2) [optional] create a new block level ( iff ~isempty(cm.blocks) ) with block-specific params, & add that level to the baseParamsLevels
% - NOTE: prior blocks should [ideally] also be 'pruned' from hierarchy
% 3) create a new trial level, which will accumulate any updates to parameters/data for the upcoming trial
% - a unique condition will be applied to each matrixModule instance, using set of module names defined in [p.trial.pldaps.modNames.matrixModule]
% - order of conditions based on [cm.order], which is setup/replenished for each pass following [cm.randMode]
% - condition index is assigned w/in each matrixModule as [p.trial.(mN).condIndex], where [mN] is the fieldname of each unique matrix module
% - See [modularDemo.pmBase.m] for example of how to use .condIndex and .baseIndex to send unique strobed values for each condition presented
% [putBack]
% Supply feedback at end of trial to report which conditions were successfully presented
% - condIndices of any matrixModules that were not [fully] shown (&& were not flagged as padding for last trial in a pass)
% will be appended to the end of the current .order cueue of conditions.
% - See [modularDemo.pmBase.m] for usage
% see also: glDraw.pmBase
% 2018-xx-xx TBC Wrote it.
% 2019-08-30 TBC Commenting and [some] cleanup
% 2020-12-08 TBC Added [basic] block capibilities & ever more commenting/explanation

properties (Access = public)
properties (Access = public)
% --- Standard setup ---
conditions % cell of matrixModule fields that define each condition

i % index # of current position in .condMatrix.order
iPass % index # of current pass
nPasses % [inf] end experiment after nPasses through condition matrix
order % set of condition indices for the current pass
condReps % counter of fully presented condition indices
passSeed %[sum(100*clock)] base for random seed: rng(.passSeed + .iPass, 'twister')
randMode % [0] flag for randomization through condition matrix [.condMatrix.conds] (see: condMatrix.updateOrder method)

randMode % [0] flag for randomization through condition matrix [.condMatrix.conds] (see: condMatrix.updateOrder method)
baseIndex % [1000] base index value used to distinguish condition index strobed words, and as matrixModule onset strobe(?)

modNames % module names struct
maxFrames % max number of frames per trial

% --- Block setup ---
blocks % cell of parameters to update after [n] full passes through condition matrix
% Blocks are only updated at start of new Pass
% Unlike matrixModules, blocks{} can modify ANY pldaps [p.trial] subfield or pldaps module
% - e.g. changes to [p.trial.display.viewdist] or toggling broader 'modes' of your stimulus modules
% - ...even matrixModules, but condition matrix parameters will take precident
iBlock % index # of current block
% TODO: allow randomization of block order
blockModulo % modulus of block update increments: triggered when ~mod(iPass-1, blockModulo);


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properties (Access = private, Transient = true)
% basic internals
% basic internal counters/parameters [hidden]
gotFeedback % record whether or not we got feedback from previous trial
% - TRUE if proper usage of p.condMatrix.putBack(p); occurred during [.trialCleanUpandSave] pldaps state
% - see modularDemo.pmBase.m for example
nModules % Number of matrix modules in use
padded % keep track of conditions added to pad complete trial at tend of pass

nBlocks % number of unique blocks
blockParamsLevel % index to Params Class level containing current block parameters

% derived/redundant values
ptr % PTB window pointer
pWidth % pixel width of display
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% If .condMatrix already exists as a struct (i.e. .condMatrix.conditions created during experiment setup),
% extract the values from it before overwriting it with this condMatrix object.
if ~isempty(fieldnames(p.condMatrix))
% Conditions
if isfield(p.condMatrix, 'conditions')
% ???? How does this need to be structured?
% A cell of matrixModule fields defining each condition
% - conditions limited to fields w/in matrixModule iterations
% - e.g. pldapsModule('modName',sn, 'name','modularDemo.pmMatrixGabs', 'matrixModule',true, 'order',10);
cm.conditions = p.condMatrix.conditions;
% Blocks
if isfield(p.condMatrix, 'blocks')
% -- A cell of fields, like p.conditions
% -- ...specific enough that a creation method would be best?
cm.conditions = p.condMatrix.conditions;
% % list fieldnames set by conditions matrix
% cm.condFields = fieldnames(cm.conditions);
% fprintf(2, '\n\t!!!\tp.condMatrix manually initialized...this is might not be good.\n')
cm.blocks = p.condMatrix.blocks;
cm.nBlocks = numel(cm.blocks);
cm.blocks = [];
cm.nBlocks = 0;


% Parse inputs & setup default parameters
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pp.addParameter('randMode', 0);
pp.addParameter('baseIndex', 1000);
pp.addParameter('iBlock', 0);
pp.addParameter('blockModulo', 1);

% Do the parsing
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cm.padded = false(1, nModules);

% Apply conditions to targetModule(s) serially
% % if cm.gotFeedback % use smart updating
for i = 1:nModules
% ensure we don't exceed available indices
[ii, isNewPass] = getNextCond; % nested function selects next cond, also manage .order & .iPass

for i = 1:nModules
% ensure we don't exceed available indices
ii = getNextCond; % nested function
if i==1
% Initialize new trial with only the appropriate 'Params Levels' active
% - TODO: replace this params class usage with a 'freshTrial' struct
if ~strcmpi(class(p.trial), 'params') % == isa() & ignore case
error('condMatrix:nextCond',['!!!\t[p.trial] must be a pointer to the Params Class object in [p.defaultParameters] for this version to work\n',...
'\t( would be expected at start of a new trial w/in']);

% Apply fields of condition [ii] to matrix module [i]
fn = fieldnames(cm.conditions{ii});
% cycle through each condition field
for k = 1:numel(fn)
p.trial.(targetModule{i}).(fn{k}) = cm.conditions{ii}.(fn{k});
% unlock the defaultParameters
lockState = p.trial.setLock(false);

if ~isempty(cm.blocks)
% Update block params (if present)
if isNewPass
% increment block counter & update parameters
p = cm.nextBlock(p);
% -----------------------%
p.trial.setLevels( [p.static.pldaps.baseParamsLevels, cm.blockParamsLevel] );

% Update display object from p.trial struct
% - .viewdist is a speciall case parameter that triggers external updates/dependencies
p.static.display.viewdist = p.trial.display.viewdist;
% block already exists, activate it & baseParams
p.trial.setLevels( [p.static.pldaps.baseParamsLevels, cm.blockParamsLevel] );

% Only activate baseParamsLevels (No blocks defined in condMatrix)
p.trial.setLevels( p.static.pldaps.baseParamsLevels );
p.trial.(targetModule{i}).condIndex = ii;

% create the new params level for this trial (but don't make it active yet)
p.trial.addLevels( {struct}, {sprintf('Trial%dParameters', p.trial.pldaps.iTrial)}, false);

% Append new trial level to currently active levels
% - this will result in either [base + trial] or [base + block + trial] levels active
p.trial.setLevels( [p.trial.getActiveLevels, length(p.trial.getAllLevels)] );

% NOTE: will take care of recording the list of active 'Levels' on every trial w/in [{}.pldaps.activeLevels]

% return 'lock' state of defaultParameters to inital state
if lockState
% Good to go! (...barrrf)

% Apply fields of condition [ii] to matrix module [i]
fn = fieldnames(cm.conditions{ii});
% cycle through each condition field
for k = 1:numel(fn)
p.trial.(targetModule{i}).(fn{k}) = cm.conditions{ii}.(fn{k});
% % else
% % % proceed with assumption that all conditions assigned to previous trial were presented faithfully
% % % - This is just a fallback condition, recommended to always provide proper feedback to condMatrix upon trial completion
% % % with proper usage of p.condMatrix.putBack(p); during [.trialCleanUpandSave] pldaps state
% % % See: modularDemo.pmBase.m
% %
% %
% % end
p.trial.(targetModule{i}).condIndex = ii;

updateInfoFig(cm, p);
% reset feedback flag
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% ----------------------
% % Nested Function % %
% getNextCond
function nextCondI = getNextCond
if cm.i+1 <= numel(cm.order)
% queue next condition from order
cm.i = cm.i+1;
nextCondI = cm.order(cm.i);
% updateOrder, or pad if necessary
if i>1
% when available conditions are exceeded mid-trial assignment,
% pad with random sample of conditions, but don't alter [cm.order] or [cm.i]
nextCondI = randperm(numel(cm.conditions),1);
cm.padded(i) = true;
% ONLY advance to a new 'pass' when:
% - ALL conditions of proceeding pass (incl. "putbacks") have been presented
% - AND we are at the start of a new trial
cm.i = cm.i+1;
nextCondI = cm.order(cm.i);
function [nextCondI, isNewPass] = getNextCond
isNewPass = false;
if cm.i+1 <= numel(cm.order)
% queue next condition from order
cm.i = cm.i+1;
nextCondI = cm.order(cm.i);
% updateOrder, or pad if necessary
if i>1
% when available conditions are exceeded mid-trial assignment,
% pad with random sample of conditions, but don't alter [cm.order] or [cm.i]
nextCondI = randperm(numel(cm.conditions),1);
cm.padded(i) = true;
% ONLY advance to a new 'pass' when:
% - ALL conditions of proceeding pass (incl. "putbacks") have been presented
% - AND we are at the start of a new trial
cm.i = cm.i+1;
nextCondI = cm.order(cm.i);
isNewPass = true;
end %getNextCond
% ----------------------

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end %updateOrder

%% nextBlock: apply next block parameters
function p = nextBlock(cm, p)
% Get next block index & apply any block parameters provided
if ~mod(cm.iBlock, cm.blockModulo)
% ensure we don't exceed available block indices
ii = getBlockIndex; % nested function

% % % % Do this once we ditch Params Class:
% % % % merge values of this block into [p.trial] (recursive struct updating)
% % % p.trial = setstructfields(p.trial, cm.blocks{ii});

% funky Params class levels to apply block params to p.trial
% TODO: Excise this so we aren't leaning on hacky "params levels"
newBlockLevel = cm.blocks{ii};

% Create the new block level (but don't make it active yet)
p.defaultParameters.addLevels({newBlockLevel}, {sprintf('block%dParameters', ii)}, false);
% append this new level to the baseParamsLevels
cm.blockParamsLevel = length(p.defaultParameters.getAllLevels);

% increment after evaluating (annoyingly '0-based', but makes modulo indexing easier)
cm.iBlock = cm.iBlock+1;

% ----------------------
% % Nested Function % %
% getNextCond
function nextBlockI = getBlockIndex
% simple modulo since no block randomization yet
nextBlockI = mod( floor(cm.iBlock/cm.blockModulo), cm.nBlocks)+1;

% ...see getNextCond for random order code when ready
end %getNextBlock
% ----------------------

end %nextBlock

%% updateInfoFig
function updateInfoFig(cm, p)
% Update Info Fig (This is still SUPER rudimentary, but better than nothing. --TBC)
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